Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 322 - Accident!

After some turns, he finally blocked his motorcycle with his car then he got off the car.

"Get out of my way!" Yu Han yelled, taking off his black helmet, Han Chen held his arm to stop him.

"Please calm down, Yu Yan wouldn't want you causing a scene at the hospital," 

"You are exactly the same, if not, why would you stay still knowing he did such a thing to her, If I don't kill him today, I am not Huo Yu Han," he tried to resist but surprisingly Han Chen's grip is too strong.

"Hitting him is not enough, I will make him crumble completely so please trust me on this,"

Anyone might be deluded thinking he is going to forget that night and move on happily with Yu Yan, he can forgive anything but not hurting Yu Yan, his plan has been going on for a while now and it will soon be finalised.

Only after then will he beat up Chen Kai while he is at his lowest.


"Why don't I make it a surprise, for now, let's go back," he persuaded, from the look in his eyes, Yu Han could tell that the surprise must be a grand one but he still needs to vent the anger inside of him.

He smirked when an idea suddenly popped into his head.

Han Chen might not be as handsome and tall as he is but there is very little difference between them, his strength, boldness and confidence surpasses that of any guy he has ever seen around Yu Yan, he can't help approving of him.

"Alright but on one condition,"

"Name it,"

"Let's box, from your fighting skills, I can tell you are not lacking, if you perform well then I will let you date my sister in peace," 

Han Chen smirked proudly at the suggestion, it seems to him that fighting is all it takes to win him over and that is something he is not lacking.

He messaged Yu Yan, lying to her that she can return to the hospital and go home alone later since he would be having drinks with her brother.

After work, she returned to her apartment with all her muscles sore, after she returned to the hospital, everyone kept looking at her strangely and even murmuring so she had to prove to them that it is not what they think by showing them a family picture.

The last thing she wants now is to have another scandal going around the hospital.

She also had to deal with Mrs Chen who invited her to her office over a peaceful cup of tea to once again warn her to take her hands off the liver transplant case but she refused again, because of her, the issue has now already spread around the hospital.

If any legal outlet hears of it then it will cause a serious problem for the hospital so they have no choice but to push it back.

She called Li Jing before going to bed.

"Hello, Aunt," he answered with his voice coated with excitement and worry.

"Hello, is mum and dad there?"

"No, I heard they are angry at you for dating someone, is it the handsome guy we met in front of the apartment?" he couldn't contain his curiosity especially since their grandparents forbade them from mentioning her name.

"Hm, I am coming over tomorrow so you should prepare to open the door for me once I call you, okay?"

"Ha...I don't think that is a good idea, they even told the security guard not to let you in, what if-"

"Don't worry about that, just make sure you wait for my call," she cut the call then sighed.

Her parents might be mad at her but they are probably waiting for her to come to them first and not doing so would be unfilial, especially since hurting them is the same as hurting her so she decided to not drag the issue any longer but see them tomorrow.

With that in mind, she fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Han Chen and Yu Han boxed for a while, although none won, he could tell that Han Chen was taking a step back for him, they had a few drinks after that then they parted ways, he returned to his mansion with a plan to visit her parent tomorrow in order to gain their approval to put Yu Yan at ease.

-- - - - -

The next afternoon, she wore baggy cream wool turtled necked top and a long silk skirt of the same colour with white sneakers and a black channel handbag, she let her hair down into a wavy style, she has never actually cared about her looks in front of her parents but today, she really wants to look good.

She was about to leave in her car when she got a message from her godmother.

'Your parents and Han Chen already told me what happened, I invited them out for lunch so you and Han Chen should go instead of me, try to persuade them'

She couldn't understand why her godmother is not going to speak for her as she would normally do but she knows it must have something to do with Han Chen.

She was about to enter her car when she received another text from Han Chen saying he is not coming to the hospital because he has work at the company so she shouldn't worry about him.

She sighed in relief since she wanted to do this herself, she entered her car then drove out of the parking lot.

She followed the address she got from her godmother along with the text and in no time, she arrived at the restaurant.

She parked her car across the road cos the restaurant is located in a luxurious complex so there are many roads connected to it, she could see her parents seated through the glass wall, she saw her dad checking his wristwatch.

She sighed again, she really missed his affectionate attitude towards her.

She had just taken a step forward to cross the road when she saw Han Chen alighting his car opposite the road, she raised her brows realising he lied so he could see her parents alone but he also saw her, her parents who were seated beside the glass wall looked down only to find both of them across each other, they immediately frowned.

She started taking slow steps to cross the road as her mind is filled with what might ensue once they meet her parents, not realising that a car is speeding towards her, Han Chen and her parents widened their eyes while they shouted her name as they sprung up from their seat.

"Yu Yan!" he screamed as he ran towards her, she snapped back to her senses when he suddenly grabbed her arm then pushed her away from the road while the car ran him over, her breath hung at her throat when she saw his body somersaulting in the air then land on the ground after rolling on the car's bonnet.

People gathered around them, her parents were shocked at what they just witnessed.

"Han Chen...." she muttered.

"Han Chen!" she screamed as she ran towards him, she cupped his face as blood seeped out of the side of his head, she raised his body into her arms.

"Yu Yan..." he muttered weakly before shutting his eyes, tears streamed out of her face as she pulled him closer while crying uncontrollably, her parents had just arrived at the scene when they saw her hands and clothed stained with blood.

Both gasped.

In no time, an ambulance arrived then carried him to the hospital where they work, the doctors immediately wheeled him into the operating room without further ado, considering that his condition is not one where they can wait.

The news quickly travelled around the hospital in no time that Han Chen was in an accident, Jia Yu and the others quickly rushed to the operating theatre where they saw Yu Yan kneeling on the ground with her bloody hands quivering and tears strolling down her cheeks.

Her parents were also standing beside her.

"What happened?" Jia Yu asked with panic on her face.

"I...I...I hurt him again, he is dying because of me," she answered before breaking down into another loud cry, Jia Yu pulled her into her embrace to comfort her while her guilt-filled parents watched her with tears in their eyes.

Just then, one of the surgeons came out of the operation room, they quickly rushed up to him.

"How is he?"

The surgeon shook his head.

"The patient had a surgical operation on his brain not too long ago and now he has already sustained another head injury causing tissue fluid to build up in his brain, he has lost too much blood but his blood type is a rare one so if we can't find a blood donor with a compatible blood type, I am afraid...."

"Rh-negative," she muttered.

"What are we going do?" Yu Yan questioned, sobbing aloud.

They all racked their brains for a while in an attempt to think of someone, Yu Yan finally remembered the boy he gave blood to during an emergency.

"Han Li,"

"The patient,"

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