Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 324 - I Want To Leave!

"Don't worry, my shift has ended, you should answer my question now, what has got you in a celebrative mood cos everyone in the hospital seems to be mourning," she sipped the wine gently, she might not be very fond of Han Chen but she also doesn't hate him so she is one of those who wish for his recovery.

She might have lost her good nature because of her love for Chen Kai but not completely.

She returned to his side then spun his chair to face her while she placed both hands on the armrests with her sad eyes looking into his eyes.

"Do I need to be in a celebrative mood to drink?" he responded with his brow raised.

"Of course not, I am just hoping you are not drinking over Han Chen's condition cos that would just be pure evil," she said, leaning closer to him, he turned up his lips in a smirk then he pulled her arms towards him bringing their faces just a breath away from each other.

"Since when did you start caring about him, based on my understanding of you, he should be your enemy." He asked with his eyes squinted, her asking that question bothers him for a reason he is not clear about. 

"Not everyone wishes death upon their enemy like you," she answered back

"And why don't I like the sound of that?" 

"I don't care what you wish for Han Chen but I just hope you are not getting strange ideas now that he is on his deathbed?"

His smirk broadened, he lifted her chin with one finger then gazed intensely into her eyes.

"My strange ideas are none of your business my dear..." he wrapped his arm around her neck with force.

"Your only business is to be a good fiancée to me so I can inherit the company as fast as possible." He completed but she scoffed at him

"So you can use me then return to Yu Yan, isn't that why you denied her in front of everyone in the first place," she might have looked smug to them on that night but she knew in her heart that she is only his stairway to getting the company.

He stared deeply into her eyes before he removed his hand from her chin to reach towards the table when he pressed a button, she raised her brows as she watched the blinds close.

"What are you-"

Before she could finish, he forced her head down to his lips with his hands tightly wrapped around her neck...way too tight.

He kissed her violently yet passionately not caring how she feels or if she wants it, she stood still at first then she started struggling to free herself from his grip as he is still seated, she forcefully pushed him away then she sent a resounding slap across his face with her eyes blaring with anger.

He pushed his cheeks out with his tongue then smirked with his face still turned away. 

"A**h*le," her chest felt heavy and she could feel she is about to cry, she turned away to leave but he stood up and pulled her to his seat.

Her eyes widened with her brows scrunched as she stared into his fury filled eyes.

He lifted his hand to touch her face but she moved her face away, his eyes darkened, he held her jaw tightly then turned her face to face him.

Her eyes started tearing up.

"Why are you also treating me like dirt? you wanted me before so why are you treating me like crap!," he queries with his voice raised causing her to tremble. 

"You have changed...too much," she answered in a shaky voice.

He chuckled lightly before his face darkened again.

"Change, I have always been like this and you know it so why pretend you didn't know the real me?" He questioned, he always wondered after she saw what his father did to him, why she still loves him despite knowing who he is behind the facade he puts on for others to see, especially Yu Yan. 

"I want to leave, let me go," she said in a tired voice with her eyes fixed on him towering above her.

But he smiled instead and caressed her face as his face drew closer to hers, he just doesn't believe that she can fall out of love with him or resist his kiss.

She held her breath until he started kissing her again, the tears she has been holding trickled down her cheeks, she thought she could fix him.

She couldn't take it anymore, what she wanted is a kiss filled with love and care not an empty kiss he is only giving to satisfy his ego.

She raised her hands to his chest then pushed him really hard, causing him to hit his head against the desk, she quickly took the chance to dash out of the office.

As soon as she got out, she bumped her head against someone's chest, she looked up to seeLi Chen standing in of her with brows raised which became relaxed as soon as he saw the tears on her face.

"Sorry, excuse me," she said as she walked away with her hand wiping her tears but he rushed after her after contemplating for a moment, she had just gotten into the elevator when he put his hands between the doors to stop them from closing then he entered to her surprise, she quickly turned her face away from him when he entered with his hands in his coat pocket.The elevator started going up.

"Why were you crying?" He asked in a mellow tone, she cleared her throat.

"Who said I was crying?" He turned to face her.

"Then why do you have tears on your face and looking away,"

She turned to face him in hopes that she still doesn't have tears on her face.

"We have been in the same office for months yet you all never speak to me, I wonder why you are suddenly speaking to me cos I am sure your group wouldn't like that," she said with an unbothered look on her face to mask her current emotions.


The elevator door opened and she quickly exited the elevator, he came out after she then watched her until her back disappeared from his sight then he sighed and turned to leave but he met Meng Yao standing behind him.

"How is she doing?" he asked her seeing the long look on her face, he had just gone upstairs to speak to one of the professors concerning one of his patients so he can return to Yu Yan after but seeing Xiaomeng, he got distracted.

Meng Yao nodded her head, following a sigh.

They both returned to the intensive care unit where Han Chen was admitted into one of the VIP rooms, they hadn't entered the door when they met everyone waiting outside with Yu Yan and Jia Yu inside the ward.

She still has her bloodstained clothes on but covered by the scrub, it is almost twelve yet they are all still there except for his Aunt who left to connect with specialist surgeons abroad who are well known and might be able to help him in case he really doesn't wake up tomorrow.

"Aunt, Uncle, you should go home now so you can return early tomorrow morning," Li Chen persuaded, her guilt-filled parents have been waiting outside the ward with their heart sunken.

"How can we leave when he is still lying there, it is all our fault, we didn't even know something terrible happened to her months ago, am I still qualified to be her mother," her mother responded in a remorseful tone while her husband wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

They already found out about Yu Yan falling down the stairs and Han Chen taking the impact for her.

"You must be very tired, what if you end up fainting or fatigued, you will give Yu Yan another reason to worry, why don't you stay in the hospital then," An Ke suggested, she felt stupid for letting them stay there all this while.

After much persuasion, they finally agreed to rest in the hospital knowing that they won't be able to sleep but they don't want to be a bother to Yu Yan.

He offered to take them to the resting room for their team but after dropping them in the room and arranging for their comfort, he decided to go to the parking lot where his car is so he can get a proper duvet and resting pillows from his boot where he normally keeps them for his own comfort but he was still trying to take them out of the boot when he caught sight of Xiaomeng entering her car in an extremely short sequin dress and really heavy makeup with large silver earrings.

He couldn't believe she is the one at first glance since she is not one to dress like that or look like that, he was about to go to her when she started her car and drove past him, he became really concerned, she was once one of them but because of Yu Yan they drew apart and this few days when he really hasn't been talking to her, he really didn't feel good about it.

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