Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 335 - You Can Only Fight!

"The punishment was decreed by me, the people are worried everyday that she will suddenly lose control and I have given your sect a chance years ago thus you should accept this, otherwise, not only your daughter will be executed but everyone from the flame sect," the emperor cautioned in an unfettered tone, he has cornered her and she knows it, the moment everyone witnesses her losing control and how much of a danger she is to them then naturally everyone would turn against the flame sect and want her dead.

Her nails formed crescent marks on her palm as she glared at the four of them then she slumped on her seat, deciding in her mind that she will definitely save her daughter no matter what it takes.

Huo Ying was still in shock from the sentence that she glanced at her sister then glanced at her mother and the three sect leaders smiling smugly as though they expect her sister to fail the test, her mother slumping back on her seat with an helpless look on her face was even more shocking for her, if her mother can't do anything about it then what can she do.

Then it came to her mind that they have forgotten what happens if her sister fails to pass the test.

"Seems like you have all forgotten that if my sister fails this test then she won't be the only one to die but you will all be burried with her," she said in a threatening tone, the people were thrown into another frenzy by her statement, they had all forgotten what happens if she becomes unstable which is exactly sect leader Lin's plan, if she kills so many people in public that that would enrage the entire nation, by then, the flame sect will not be able to get out of this trap.

Meanwhile, Huo Lan was nervous in the ring, she was worried that not only will she be executed should she fail but her family might try to save her which will implicate them, she and Huo Ying kept their eyes fixed on each other and she nodded to tell her not to worry about her.

The fourth prince on the other hand was very calm, he already has a plan in place but he is still a bit concerned about who she is to compete with...the sinner of the martial world.

"The test will begin!" Master Li Jie announced after sect leader Lin signalled him to ingore the fear of the people and continue, they all turned to the entrance of the arena.


Huo Yi Lang!!!


"Sect leader Lin, are you serious about this, it is already dangerous enough that the second young mistress of the flame sect is here but you are bringing in this monster?" the sect leader of the ancient sword sect lashed out as soon as he caught sight of him.

The people were beyond afraid this time, they were petrified, it seems as though they are trying to kill everyone present.

"Sect leader Ming, do you think anyone else is a match for the spiritual power of the second young mistress of the flame sect, Huo Yi Lang was captured by you then, I am sure you will be able to present any accident from happening," he responded.

"You-" the old man was speechless at the temerity of the four of them.

Huo Ying and the others gasped at the name of the monster, though they were not yet born when he was still a terror, they have heard stories about him.

"Mother, are you going to let this happen?!" Huo Ying yelled at her mother who sat still with her eyes widened at everything going on before her, if she had known they will release this monster to fight against her daughter then she would have already revolted to save her daughter at all cost.

A hysterical laughter broke out as soon as the monster entered the ring.

{Huo Yi Lang! this people are really trecheous, I have been looking for him for so long but it appears that the wind sect kept him, it must be father who kept him hidden but I will not let their plan suceed}

The fourth prince said in his mind.

"Are you saying that my daughter is not allowed to kill him, how is she supposed to survive if she doesn't kill him?" she calmly questioned.

"You don't have to worry, once the time is over, he will be restrained," Sect leader Lin responded with a reassuring smile on his face, she scoffed in response.

She doesn't need to say anymore, Huo Yi Lang was the one who killed the former sect leader and many of the disciples of the flame sect after the battle of evernight.

He is known as a old monster because he was once known as a prodigy who was once a disciple of the flame sect but he got too greedy and started a demonic cultivation which needed him to learn the skills of the four main sect and the azure demon sect which he successfully mastered.

He killed so many people in the name of the flame sect after after they were accussed of kidnapping children for blood sacrifices and used them for his demonic cultivation which caused his entire hair to turn white, everyone thought the flame sect were responsible for his actions which led them to starting the campaign against the flame sect regardless of whether or not there is evidence to prove they were responsible for the kidnapping.

{Even if she doesn't kill you Huo Yi Lang, I will kill you today}

She determined within herself.

He still continued laughing until he was now face to face with Huo Lan who is shaking out of fear, his bloodlust became heightened looking at her special features.

"So you are the little monster I have been wanting to meet," he tried to get closer to her but the chain around her limbs made him fly back with huge force, causing him to hit one of the pillars.

He gritted his teeth as he stood up.

"Sect leader Lin, how am I supposed to fight against the little monster if you don't let me get close to her?" he questioned with an evil smile on his upturned face, with just a flick of his finger, the chains around her limbs came off, after all, they have already done the job.

No matter how much she has trained, she will not be able to remain stable the moment she uses her powers.

Before master Li Jie could announce the commencement of the test, the old monster dashed towards her with his claw like finger nails aiming for her neck, her eyes widened as his fingers reflected in her eyes, just as his finger was about to slit her neck, Su Ci yelled "Dodge!".

She quickly bent backwards then staggered back in shock.

She didn't know she was actually going to have to fight someone if not she wouldn't have focused only on controling her power but the few times she sparred with Su Ci who is just as inexpereinced as she is just saved her.

"What a loser, she can't even dodge the first attack," Meng Hui snickered, earning a look of dissaproval from Bohai who couldn't be bothered to rebuke her, his entire being was praying that nothing happens to her.

She bit her lips in anger, seeing his concern for her clearly written on his face.

Like a beast, the old monster lunged towards her again with both hands clawing at her speedily, she sloppily dodged his attacks by a hair's breath, if it was a normal fight, the spectators would have been thrilled but this is a fight that determines their life or death.

Her broke into another peal of manical laughter, wrecking her nerves as he kept clawing at her.

"Little monster, I finally got the chance to fight after so many years ut if you don't retaliate then it won't be fun anymore," he taunted as he continued attack and cornering her like a rat.

"Please...I don't want to fight," she pleaded as tears trickled down her cheeks, she could feel it inside of her, her powers being stirred up and at the verge of an outburst, she doesn't have total control over it so she fears her powers might just come on even if it is not her will.

"There is no chance to beg, you can only fight,"

He decided to force her to use her powers, ever since he heard of how strong and special she is, he has always desired this chance, he did all those evil just to become the most powerful cultivator in the world but when he heard of how a newborn made his fame dissapear, he became enraged and swore to restore his glory the moment he leaves the underground prison where he was kept.

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