Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 343 - Calling Off The Wedding!

"What did you just say?" his aunt asked while the other stared at them in shock except for Ji Chen and Jia Yu.

"I said we are getting married next month, I already started the preparation this week," Han Chen answered but earned a round of silence from them as they exchanged glances in disbelief before they turned to Yu Yan, even if that his intention there is no way Yu Yan should support it.

"I was the one who decided it," she said 

"Do you two know what you are saying at all, you are officially announcing your position during the anniversary and you Yu Yan, you have many preparations to make on your side," his uncle said in hopes of changing their mind.

"You know how long we prepared your brothers wedding so why are you suddenly...?" her mother was speechless, as a child, they had in their late age, they already had big expectations for her big day.

"You guys don't have to worry about this, we are going to make it, after his announcement I am going to take a leave from work to join the preparation so this is all going to work out," she assured.

"We are also getting married next month, on the same day as Yu Yan," Jia Yu announced out of nowhere, Ji Chen was taken aback though not completely not knowing she is really going with the plan.

Her mother rubbed her forehead in stress.

"The both of you are not pregnant or something right?" Mrs Huo asked just to make sure

"Of course not!" the four of them chorused.

"I really can't be bothered with you guys, no matter what we say you will still go ahead with it so just tell us if you need any help," her aunt said, knowing what Yu Yan and Jia Yu are like, they will never change and since they have the guys wrapped around their little finger, it is already a sealed deal.

After lunch, they all started leaving, the twins were just about to leave with their grandparents but they wanted to bid her goodbye first.

"Aunt, you are really cool, I can't believe you are getting married in one month," Li Jing remarked with clear admiration for her, she chuckled lightly at how they both consider everything she does cool.

"It is all good but I was going to marry him, handsome uncle, are you really not going to leave my aunt for me," she fluttered her lashes to tempt him, Han Chen glanced at Yu Yan then at Li Na not knowing what to say.

"Are you really going to snatch your aunt's fiancé, if Yu Yan allows it then-"

She hit his back before he could complete his sentence, the three of them giggled, he placed his hand on Li Na's shoulder then dragged her away from them while Yu Yan and Li Jing watched them in curiosity.

"What do you think of my little brother?" he whispered to her.


"Han Li, don't you think he is just as handsome as I am?" 

She thought about it for a while before she understood what he is trying to say, she pushed him away and glared at him with her eyes widened.

"Handsome uncle!" she yelled then quickly ran out, everyone wondered what he told her that made her react in such a way but he was grinning ear to ear in satisfaction after teasing her.


"I have taken care of the media covering the wedding, all that is left is for you both to tie the knot," Mrs Chen said in delight then held the stem of the champagne flute to raise a toast.


They raised their glasses except for Xiaomeng so they glanced at her expecting her to follow but she sat still in her white A-line dress and a blazer on her shoulder, her makeup was totally different from her normal style, vermillion lipstick and bold brows.

She stood up from her seat then smiled faintly with her eyes fixed on Chen Kai who has a desperate pleading gaze in his eyes.

"Xiaomeng, you should take your seat," he pressured with an underlying threat in his voice then pulled her back to her seat while he gripped her wrist tight to threaten her further despite knowing he is inflicting pain on her.

"I have decided to call off the wedding," she declared.

"What!" Mrs Chen and Mrs Song exclaimed.

She raised her hand for them to see him tightly gripping her wrist, he quickly let go of it but the red mark around her wrist was still present, her mother gasped.

She didn't want to tear up but tears still pooled in her eyes.

"There is no use in marrying a man who only sees me as a tool for his own success yet doesn't treat me well," she glared at him then stood up from her seat and grabbed her purse before storming out of the dining room, he quickly followed after her.

"Stop right there!" he yelled not minding if their parents hear, after all, she has already let the cat out of the bag.

She stopped.

"Why? did you think I wouldn't dare to do as I have said, you didn't call the dinner but when I did you made no effort to stop me because you already concluded that I would never do anything to hurt you, now how is that for a proof?" she broke into a peal of hysterical laughter, strangely she feels so lighthearted the moment she left the dining.

"You will go back in there and take back everything you just said and I promise to treat you better, I will erase every trace of Yu Yan from my life and it will be just us two,"

Her laughter ceased.


She sent a slap across his face.



She slapped his other cheek.

"What exactly do you take me for, I admit I was jealous of her at one point but the main reason I separated you was that I knew you are an animal unlike what she thinks you are and you will end up hurting her one day and when she leaves you, you will begin to obsess over her so I decided we are a better match since I know you better and I foolishly thought I could fix you,"

He raised his hand against her face but she slammed his hand down with her purse then hit his face hard with her diamond embedded purse, making a cut on his face.

"Jerk," she scoffed then walked off.

He was going to yell in anger but he covered his mouth with his balled fist in an attempt to calm himself down and think clearly, her parents are still in there and he has to pacify them before his father kills him.

He scurried back to them.

"Aunt, uncle, I promise it is not as she said, I don't know why she is suddenly making up lies, we-"

"Shut your mouth," her mother yelled as she emptied a whole decanter of red wine on him and threw it to the ground.

"You had the nerve to abuse her right in our presence, I will make sure you and your family pay for it," she placed her hand over her mouth in a burst of emotions, her husband held her shoulders.

"Mr Chen, you raised a very good son," he remarked threateningly before leading his wife out.

His mother held the stem of the flute tightly in fear of what is to come, she has adored Xiaomeng ever since they were little and she wanted him to get married to her not just because of her status but because she is like a daughter to her.

She was aware that he doesn't love her but considering their sibling-like relationship, she didn't expect him to treat her that way.

"Honey, please spare him," she dropped on her knees with her hands clasped, she couldn't imagine what he is going to do to her son since he is not his biological son anyways.

His lips quivered in anger, he grabbed the bottle of wine then threw it at Chen Kai.

"Butler, my golf stick!" he ordered.

"How dare you," he repeated as he stepped towards him, his hands were already shaky and his forehead sweaty, he dropped to his knees with his head bowed to the ground.

"Dad, please give me one last chance, I will fix this, please..."

The butler arrived with the golf stick and handed it to the chairman who immediately started fustigating him torrentially, Chen Kai screamed as he pleaded with his father to stop while his mother begged but to no avail.

Blood seeped out of the side of his head onto his white shirt but the chairman still didn't stop, she crawled over to him and held his leg.

"Please, please spare him, I really can't live without him," she pleaded in tears bit he pushed her away heartlessly.

"Then die, if you hadn't brought this filthy bast**d into my home, I wouldn't have such a day," 

He landed the last hit on his head which made him drop unconscious.

His mother tapped his face to wake him up.

"Butler," she screamed.

The butler arrived again and was petrified to see Chen Kai lying unconscious on the ground with his blood-stained face and shirt.

"Ambulance, call the ambulance,"

"You will do no such thing, this filthy human does not deserve to live and these two must not leave this house without my permission unless you want to face my wrath," he dropped the golf stick on the ground then exited the dining, leaving her to call his name incessantly.

The butler pities them but his hands are tied.

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