Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 347 - Blackmail!

The news of the Chen's and Song's calling off their marriage travelled around the country like wildfire, both companies starting losing business cooperations and deals but thanks to Xiaomeng convincing her father to sell the shares he bought in order to help Chen Kai after he lost a subsidiary, their company was able to survive.

Every business news kept displaying the plunging stock of Chen Corporation, instead of cooping herself somewhere, she started doing as she pleased and ignoring the gossips going on around her, even after some people spread the pictures of her smiling with Li Chen they couldn't believe it but after seeing her smiling brightly every day, they realised just how toxic her relationship with Chen Kai was and the fact that he is not the dreamboat they thought he was.

It was really ironic to the friends, how one wedding was being called off and two taking place.

Yu Yan was walking down the passage while making a phone call with Han Chen after completing her rounds, everyone she passed by could see the power of love in her.

"Han Chen, I will call you back," she said then ended the call as soon as she saw Xiaomeng walking towards her, after they heard what happened to her everyone was saying she deserved it even though they felt bad for her but she noticed Li Chen didn't say anything and he looked a bit angry so she asked him the reason and he reluctantly told her everything Xiaomeng said that night because he thought even if everyone thinks she deserves it, Yu Yan shouldn't but made her promise not to mention it to anyone else or Xiaomeng, only then did she remember that there was once a time when she was nice to her.

"Xiaomeng," she called, she didn't notice her until she called her name, she stopped to let Yu Yan meet her.

"Are you free at the moment?" she asked.

She squinted her eyes at Yu Yan.

"Are you finally ready to gloat?" she said that even though she knows Yu Yan would rather ignore her than gloat about her misfortune.

"No, I just want to have a talk with you if that is fine,"

A few minutes later, they were now seated in Yu Yan's office since she is the only one using the office, Yu Yan got coffee from the vending machine for the both of them.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"Firstly, I want you to know I don't pity you,"


"I  thank you for breaking up me and Chen Kai but you let your obsession get in the way of not only your happiness but my happiness," she responded in a chastising tone, at the moment she couldn't tell whether she is trying to pour salt on her wound or preach to her.

"What are you even talking about," 

"I hate peoples who think it is okay to do things for people behind their back and expect to be thanked after, you made the wrong decision when you could have just solved everything by an explanation right from the beginning and you were stupid to think you could ever change a person,"

She was confused, her words are so vague that she can't tell if she overheard her and Chen Kai's conversation or it is just some random guesses cos she has never told anyone the reason behind all she did.

At least that is what she thinks.

"I don't have time for your nonsense,"  she binned the coffee cup and stood up to leave.

"You can come back," she said before she could leave.

Xiaomeng stopped at the door.

"They are still your friends, I mean we are all your friends," 

"I don't care about something trivial as friendship," she responded then left.

Yu Yan sighed after she left.


Later that night.

She was just returning home after a long stressful shift of making rounds and assisting professors in their surgeries, she massaged her neck as she walked towards a contemporary house where only she lives while on a call with Li Chen.

She just realised after many conversations with him that he is still the same person he was back in those days, he didn't once mention any of the things happening to her including what he saw but he still managed to make her feel better about herself.

She was giggling because of a joke he made as she entered her lounge and dropped her bag on the couch, she switched to an earbud and continued talking with him as she took off her coat and shirt, leaving only her camisole and pants on.

"Alright, I will see you tomorrow," she ended the call then took off her earbud.

"You seem really happy though," she heard a familiar voice behind her, she quickly picked up her shirt and wore it back but he pushed her to the couch and pinned her to it.

She gasped in fear, closing her eyes.

"W-what are you doing here?" she asked, taking a peek at him.

"What do you think? I see you haven't gotten over me yet since your passcode is still my birthday date," Chen Kai responded with a seductive smile on his lips, staring right into her eyes, even if she claims to no longer love him he can never believe it.

"I forgot about that, I will change it so please take your leave," her heart was beating so fast having him in close proximity, she can't even tell if it is fear or something else but she really wished it is just fear.

"I don't think you want me to leave...your eyes are telling me to stay but don't worry, this time I won't hurt you," he lifted her chin and took her lips into his gently, she wasn't really shocked cos she knew it was going to come to this and she was scared she won't be able to resist him.

She tried pushing him but he held her hand and stroked her hair while kissing her, to her, this is the gentlest he has ever been so she gave in, kissing him back passionately...

{I am going to regret this,}

* * * * *

She woke up in her bed, undressed, she glanced at her side to find that he is no longer there. She sighed deeply and buried her face in her palm in total regret.

The reflection in the mirror in front of her made her feel even more disgusted by what she has done, by herself, if only she didn't give in then she wouldn't be feeling so guilty.

She sprung up from her bed and changed into her bathrobe to wash the filthiness off her body, she took her bath then descended the stairs minutes later to see if he is still there so she can set things straight if he thinks she is going to change her mind about the wedding.

"You are here," he said with a wide smile on his lips, she furrowed her brows seeing the English breakfast in the dining.

"Let me make one thing clear to you, I am not changing my mind and never repeat what you did last night, we are off," she clarified as soon as she got downstairs with a resolute gaze in her eyes but what followed was a light chuckle from him.

"I didn't do anything last night, we did something and I am not expecting you to change your mind, I just need you to convince your father to reinvest in our company so I can solve this crisis," he said, folding his arms leisurely.


"You made trouble for me, my father almost killed me and I couldn't get any company or bank to help me so I figured that you might want to help,"

She scoffed at his temerity, does he think she is a fool or what?

"Do you think I will help just because we slept together? in your dreams," she responded.

He clicked his tongue as he came closer to her.

"I beg to differ," he remarked then brought his phone out of his pocket and played a video for her, her eyes went round at what she is seeing and her knees became weak, she couldn't believe he would succumb to such a low method.

"Y-you recorded us?" she couldn't believe her eyes.

"Yes, so you had better find a nice way to convince your dad, I made you breakfast by the way," he flashed her an evil smile then turned around to leave.

"Jerk! Bast**d!" she yelled at the top of her lungs but he kept on leaving, as soon as the door closed, she dropped to the ground with a look of despair on her face, she doesn't need to ask what he is going to use the video of them sleeping together to do, he can just remove his face and release it as a s*x tape to blackmail her.

"No, no..." she felt disgusted by him and herself, she hated herself for what she did or he wouldn't have succeeded.

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