Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 372 - Foolish Trust!

Note- In this chapter, I am going to be alternating between both worlds so it may seem confusing but I will use asterisks to separate both worlds when I transition.

She ran as fast as she could knowing they will soon find out everything was her doing the moment they find the ancestral tablets unharmed. She doesn't have a horse so it will be easier for them to catch up with her and she doesn't want to hurt them, thus she has to give it her all.

He wondered what ruckus she caused in her sect and why she is running away from her family, the family she always wanted to be with. He changed his mind with every step she took but that show of strength- the ball of flames, keeps his heart fixed on obtaining what belongs to her even if he has to become a monster, as long as people will worship him.


"Yu Yan, you have been here for too long, what if you catch a cold?" Jia Yu nagged for the nth time, she looked back at Ji Chen who is relaxing on the beach chair while sipping his tropical cocktail.

"Are you not going to say anything?" she glared daggers at him but he knowingly avoided her eyes and pretended not to hear her.

She sighed then turned back to Yu Yan who still has her earpiece plugged in her ears as she stares at the waves in the water rising and falling. They came to the beach on their last date before he went on his mission and she has been coming here every day since then..

She removed one of the earpieces.

"You should stop nagging, that jerk will soon return and he will stop me from coming out. Moreover, the wind is not even that strong or do you think I will endanger my child just for fun," she raised her brow at Jia Yu who immediately kept quiet.

Ji Chen already knows she is just being overprotective just like her brotherso he didn't say anything, it is clearly sunny and slightly windy yet Jia Yu keeps nagging her.


She soon got to the waterfall at the flowing mountain, she caught her breath then she started looking for him.

"Guardian!" she kept screaming hoping he comes soon before they find her, Bohai hid behind a tree as he watched her call out the same word. He became confused.

"Guardian?" he looked away then back at her, it seems like she is calling for a real person but she has been hidden in that cave for so long that she wouldn't have been able to make any acquaintance unless it is someone she got to know after she left the wind sect. If she is calling that guardian then it could be one of the guardians from the flame sect but why would she be looking for a guardian from the flame sect in the flowing mountains.

He waited around for a while to see if the person she is looking for will come out but she suddenly sat in a lotus position with her back turned to him.

Meanwhile at the flame sect, sect madam Huo became enraged the moment she found out that Huo Lan left the sect, presumably to go to Bohai. She ordered that Huo Lan be dragged back to the sect, she even went as far as calling her a monster in a moment of anger.

Huo Ying begged her to please be lenient on Huo Lan even though she is also angered by Huo Lan's recklessness, she promised to lead the guardians to bring back Huo Lan. They rode around the city on horses with high speed that everyone in the city was alarmed especially after the ball of flames that went up in the sky.

She once held the purple phoenix sword so she plans to use that to find her even though it will take some time as the purple phoenix sword only remembers the essence of those that touched it for a short period of time.

Back at the flowing mountain, he couldn't resist his curiosity so he walked to her front and squatted in front of her, her head kept moving frantically as if her mind is unsettled. If she can't see her guardian before she is found then she would have done all that in vain and the fear of what might happen to her once she is dragged back to the sect makes her scared.

She searched the realm for him but to no avail, she doesn't know how to connect to his mind, only he knows how to connect to her mind, hence she is helpless in this situation.

She shot her eyes open and let out a deep exhale but she was shocked to see Bohai in front of her, his eyes are widened as though he was also shocked by her sudden awakening.

"Bohai..." she muttered find disbelief, the one she came out to meet is her guardian but why is he in front of her?

She raised her scrunched brows in question.

{There is no way out now, I have to finish what I came here to do}

"I came to see you," he said to her in a reassuring tone.

To see her?

How did he know she was going to be here, is he by any chance the guardian, so it wasn't a coincidence that he caught her trying to leave the sect, he gave her a taste of freedom at her worst moment and even told her about the test.

"Are you the one?"

"Who are you talking about?" he needs to know, if she came out because of this guardian then there must be something important behind it, perhaps this person is connected to the incident that happened at the restaurant.

"Are you the guardian, the one in my subconscious mind, if not then why are you here?" the look on his face tells her he is not the one yet how can he not be the one. Only her and the guardian knows they were going to meet here today and no one else could have gotten into her subconscious mind.??

He still looks confused.

"You are not the one, then how did you know I was going to be here?" she is suspicious of him, perhaps because of the nonsense her sister has been telling him about him and Mo Yuhan has also been forcing her to believe with his frequent visits.

He figured if he doesn't tell her now then she might really suspect him.

"I came to see you because I missed you but it happened that I saw you coming out of the flame sect, who is this guardian you are looking for?"

She heaved a sigh of relief, not only does she want to see her guardian but she also missed him throughout her confinement in the ancestral room. She missed his beautiful face, smile and the fearless look in his eyes when he looks at her.

"I missed you too," she leaned towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug while he hesitantly placed his hands on her back.

She innocently believed he came for her, she has so much trust in the son of her sect's enemy that she wouldn't even question him further. Why didn't he stop her on the way but instead followed her all the way? she wouldn't even ask that.

"The blast at the flame sect, did you cause it?" he asked in a soft, caring tone.

She hummed in answer.

"My mother found out about our relationship so she confined me to the ancestral hall for months to make me change my mind about you,"

"And you didn't renounce me all this time,"

She stopped hugging him and looked into his eyes.

"No, I might have known you for a short time but I trust you. Huo Ying thinks you could have saved me during the test but you didn't because you wanted me to die but I know that is not the case. You are the first person to treat me kindly other than my family so how can you harm me," she genuinely sounds like she trusts him to the core.

Her innocence and trusts make his heart ache so much that he really doesn't want to hurt her but he has come this far with only one thing in his mind, backing out now is impossible.

He placed his hands on her cheeks.

"Huo Lan, you shouldn't trust people that easily,"

Instead of replying him, she hugged him again.

"I know that but I shouldn't distrust you either," she has momentarily forgotten about the guardian she came there to see, her entire mind has been usurped by the one in front of her.


The image of the same girl she has been seeing in her dreams, hugging someone flashed before her eyes.

She gasped, regaining her senses.

"What just happened?" she muttered to herself.

"Are you alright?" Ji Chen and Jia Yu chorused. She nodded reassuringly at them but she could feel her heart palpitating.

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