Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 377 - The End

I feel I am underwater, drowning in a sea and surrounded by marine creatures. My hands and legs hang upward while my eyes are fixed on the shining sun above the water.

There is no more pain or the feeling of being betrayed. Somehow there is solace in death, I didn't think there will be such peace while my soul is leaving my mortal body.

I have loved and experienced what it feels like to be loved but that same love is an arrow that has pierced through my chest. In that last minutes, I got to see the face of the one who gave me hope, the hope of freedom.

That is enough to give me all the peace I ever yearned for even in the afterlife.

There is someone else with me, inside me. The one I have seen in my dreams was my solace in bondage. When she smiles in front of the one she loves, it brings me pain and happiness. Envy filled my heart with each moment of happiness she has but I am sorry she has to leave everything behind because of me. If only we weren't connected, she would have been able to live the life she wanted with the man she loves unlike me. Our love was ill-fated from the beginning. 


Ten years later.

"Han Yu," Jia Yu calls as she frustratingly runs around the garden, she later gives up and squats in total surrender. She should have known playing with the kids will be this stressful but she didn't realise Han Yu and Rong Yu would go to this extent to frustrate her.

"Alright, I give up. The both of you should come out now," she shouts in hope that they hear her from wherever they are hiding. The two mischievous kids tiptoe behind her only to grab her by the neck until she falls flat on the ground.

"Han Yu, Rong Yu!" she yells in anger. Both laugh their ass out seeing the pissed out look on her face, they glance at each other before wriggling their tongues and bulging their eyes at her then they start running. She quickly stood up from the ground to chase them, she chases them around the large compound but to no avail until she heard both stop at the sight of their father and uncle.

"Dad!" they screamed as they wrapped their arms around their fathers' legs. Both men glanced at Jia Yu who is still struggling to catch her breath from afar before she starts walking towards them. 

"How is mom?"

"How is aunt?" both asked at the same time with excitement on their face. Han Chen dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out his phone to show them a picture of Yu Yan, though she is still in a vegetative state all these years with no signs of improvement they have found solace in the hope that she will wake up one day.

"Aunt is still so beautiful unlike my mom," Rong Yu remarks. Everyone except for Jia Yu burst into a peal of laughter, she grabs Rong Yu by the shoulder and squats in front of her. "Are you saying your mom is not beautiful?" she becomes jealous.

Rong Yu shakes her head, "Of course not, I am only saying I want to be like aunt when I grow up,". "So you don't want to look like your mom?" she insists knowing how silly she is to be jealous of someone who is in a vegetative state. 

"Mom, if I end up looking like you then no one will marry me," she sarcastically answers, throwing them into another round of laughter with Jia Yu joining in this time. "Don't worry, I will marry you," they all stop at Han Yu's response. "Han Yu, you can't say things like that in front of everyone," Rong Yu shyly replied then she runs off and he follows after her.

The adults watch them in amazement. "Since when?" Han Chen asked both Ji Chen and Jia Yu but they fold their arms on their chest and fixed their eyes on him. "Seems like it is your son proposing to our daughter, shouldn't you know?"


"Aarrgh!"  at the sound of the scream, they all turn to the direction the kids disappeared with an alarmed look on their faces. "Rong Yu is at it again," they quickly run to see what injury Han Yu has sustained. Everyone thought Han Yu will be the one to inherit his mother's feistiness but it turned out to be Rong Yu and her own son is the one suffering from it with the constant beating he receives from her. Just like the fool in love his father was, he is the same as he always lets her do whatever she wants without complaining to anyone. 

And indeed, she has beaten him again but since they are happy then it doesn't matter. 

The end.


I was going to create another chapter for this but it wouldn't let me upload less than one thousand words and I didn't want to just ramble on so here we are.

Firstly, I must say I am really grateful to God and all of you that stuck with this novel to the end. I can't say it was the most interesting read but this is actually my first work and there were many reasons the novel didn't do as I expected, my expectations for these novels and your support went down as soon as I began to realise these faults.

1. I didn't update regularly and I feel this greatly affected my novel to the point that even the number of views was very poor for a novel that has been around for over a year. I have many excuses to give in terms of my education and so many things that I was juggling with but I feel like I should have had a stockpile and kept to schedule since I decided to get a contract for this.

2. The writing was very poor and there are a lot of grammatical mistakes, I must say this is something that irked me very much to the point where I started feeling sorry that my readers choose to read such a poorly written novel that even I wouldn't have read. I felt the need to edit from the beginning so much but considering that I didn't even have the time to update regularly, editing would be a dream. It really demotivated me and almost made me decide to just drop the novel because I just didn't like that I am the writer of something that is so poorly written but as I said before, this is my first written work and I just felt like I shouldn't despise my small beginning and I should just grit my teeth and finish especially since I got some nice comments that raised my motivation.

3. I didn't plan before I started writing, I started writing this novel on a whim as soon as I got the idea because I was so excited and I was impressed that I could come up with such a good idea since I have never seen any novel here that talks about a parallel universe (personally). You might think it is not that impressive but if you read from my brain then you will understand just how much injustice my writing skills and my lack of planning did to such a good idea and plot. The lack of planning also resulted in a lot of plotholes that made me really frustrated because I forget things a lot and planning would have made things so much better.

I can't think of anything else but if you can then you should let me know so I can make improvements on my upcoming novels. Yes, I will be publishing two other novels soon...well not really soon since it will depend on when my kind editor finishes editing the first short one which I will hopefully be publishing before February (fingers crossed) and the second one will be published when the WSA contest starts. Please don't think these novels are going to be like ROFAI, I am really passionate about writing and I can't describe just how sorry, pathetic, angry and frustrated this novel made me feel but at the same time it helped in improving my writing. I have also sought out much advice and tried really hard to improve myself. 

I am currently stockpiling the first one (spoiler: it is a high school/mystery novel) so you don't have to worry about not updating regularly. I know just how important updating a novel regularly is to the success of a novel. So please come back when I release my novels next year cos they really need you to be successful unlike this.

To those of you who voted with your powerstones, commented, and spent even a dime on this novel. I am very grateful to you, your supports were a great contribution to the completion of this novel and though I can't describe it to you in words, I just want you to know you are a great part of this success and you will also be to the success of my coming works. Those who just read, I want you to know you also contributed because looking at the number of reads daily and seeing that it went up mattered a lot. So A BIG THANK YOU to everyone.

The rant is long and I am happy you made it through. I look forward to seeing you guys when I release the next ones and though you have no need for this novel in your library I ask that you please leave it so you can receive a notification when I start publishing the next one as there is a lot to expect from it.



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