Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 39 - Treat Me In My House 2

He heard a knock on the door and then his face shone in excitement, he hurriedly stood up from the chair despite the pain he was feeling and then he rushed toward the door, he quickly opened the door and said "Yu Yan you are here", but his smile faded slowly as he looked at the person standing in front of the door with disappointment written on his face.

"I am here to deliver your pizza" the deliveryman said as he stood in front of the door, from Han Chen's look he knew that he must have been disappointed when he saw him after he opened the door, he handed the pizza over to Han Chen and then left the house.

"I didn't order pizza so why did he have a delivery for me, it must the work of one of those two" Han Chen said as he slumped back on the chair, he dumped the pizza on the luxurious table in the middle of the parlour. He would have appreciated their effort to order pizza for him since he was hungry but right then all he could think of is Yu Yan. His phone suddenly started ringing and then he answered the call,

"who is this" Han Chen asked with a weak voice

"This is Roy, you have never picked anyone's call without checking who is calling, is anything wrong," Roy asked in an anxious tone, Han Chen sighed and then replied, "I am alright, why did you call".

"I just wanted to ask you if you have received the pizza I ordered for you," Roy said, Han Chen smiled and replied "if someone heard you right now they will think that you are my girlfriend or my mother, I have received it, thanks," Han Chen said.

"alright, has that feisty girl arrived at your house yet"

"she is feisty but she has a name Yu Yan, she is yet to arrive but she told me she is coming," Han Chen said and then he let out a slight groan as he applied pressure to his shoulder, Roy panicked over the phone and asked with his concern evident in his voice, "is the pain getting worse".

"No, I just applied pressure on my shoulder"

"Han Chen, we have been best buddies for many years now and I know everything about you, you are denying the fact that you have loved that girl since she was in high school but I know that you are lying, if you really like her then you should go for it," Roy said.

Han Chen licked his lips and then sighed, "I knew that there is no way I could lie to you, I knew that she was my sister's friend so I planned to meet her after I complete my military training but because of my hand surgery I couldn't and after I had recovered my sister had already gone abroad so there was no way I could find her" Han Chen said.

"now that you have seen her again, what is stopping you from telling her how you feel about her," Roy said, he knew that Han Chen was someone who has always been daring and bold in every situation but now he was acting like a coward when it comes to the girl he loves.

"I don't think we can be together anymore, she already has a boyfriend, even though he is abroad right now, she still loves him," Han Chen said in a dejected tone.

"you have never ben the kind of person who gives up so until she gets married to him, you shouldn't give up, if you have spent more than five years loving one girl then you should stick to her," Roy said.

When Han Chen hurt his hand during the military training and he couldn't become a military surgeon anymore, he still wouldn't give up on becoming a soldier then he decided to operate on his hand without informing his family even though the risl of losing his hand function during the operation was very high but he still survived. He still maintained his dream of becoming a military surgeon and that was why he waited for many years to be examined again and then be given his license.

"If she will be happy with him, then I am willing to let her go but if he hurts her then I will take that chance to be with her" Han Chen replied.

"If you think so then it is alright but don't make yourself regret not going after her in the future," Roy said and then he ended the call.

He laid his head on the headrest, the image of the first time he met Yu Yan flashed in his mind, her long hair scattered on her face was so artistic that he couldn't take his eyes off her.

He remembered how beautiful she looked that day in her school uniform, she had her earpiece in her ears and then she stood up from the waiting chair in the bus station but she was pushed away by a pickpocket who was trying to run, she turned around agilely to prevent herself from falling and just then Han Chen bus just passed by the station, he stared as her as the bus passed by but that moment was something that he could never forget.

Just as the image flashed away from his head, he heard a knock on the door, the excitement took over him again, his face became full of smiles, he hurried towards the door and he didn't even bother to check the monitor to check who it was, he just opened the door and once again he was disappointed to see that it was someone else at the door.

"I am here to deliver this letter to Mr Han Chen," the young guy standing in front of the door said, even though he smiled at Han Chen he was surprised that Han Chen didn't bother to reciprocate the smile but instead he looked at him with an unpleasant expression, he quickly handed the letter to Han Chen and then left hurriedly.

He shut the door and then he went back into the parlour but just as he was about to sit, he heard another knock on the door, this time he decided to not hope for anything, he walked back to the door and then checked the monitor to see who was at the door. He saw Yu Yan standing outside looking impatient, he was so ecstatic to see her but he decided not to show it, he opened the door and then she entered into the house. He shut behind her and then followed behind her as she walked into the parlor.

"I am so glad that you are here" Han Chen said, she sat down on the broad leather chair in the parlour and then dropped her bag on the chair while he sat beside her.

"why would you be happy that I am here?" Yu Yan said and then looked at him suspiciously.

"of course I am, I have been feeling pain for quite some time now and I could barely gather my strength to open the door for you," Han Chen said, he held the both ends of his shirt and then pulled it up but she suddenly screamed then he stopped.

"Why are you shouting" Han Chen asked with his brows raised unequally.

"Why are you pulling of your cloth when you are sitting right beside me" Yu Yan queried.

"How are you going to treat my wound then if I don't remove my cloth?" Han Chen questioned with a teasing smile on his lips, he pulled off his cloth and then turned his back to face her, she gasped at the wound at his back.

"How did you get this injured" Yu Yan asked, she looked as if she was about to cry. Han Chen could feel the pity she felt for him from her voice.

"you don't have to pity me, I just had a small accident don't bother about it just help me treat it please" Han Chen said, a little smile formed on his lips when he realized that she was worried about him.

"where is your medical box" Yu Yan asked

"check the first cupboard in the kitchen," Han Chen said with his hand pointing towards the direction of the kitchen, she walked into the kitchen and got the medical box. She returned to the seat and then applied methylated spirit on the wounds caused by the whips to prevent it from bleeding and then she applied iodine on it and did some other procedures after she completed the treatment for him, she bandaged the wound. Han Chen wore his shirt and then turned to face her.

"Thanks," He said smiling

"you are welcome but I don't think an accident would have caused such injuries," Yu Yan said doubtfully.

"It really was just an accident but are you worried about me right now?" Han Chen said and then gave her a mischievous smile, she looked at him awkwardly as she blinked her eyes and then replied "what reason do I have to be worried about you, I don't think we are that close to being worried about each other", he looked into her eyes to see if she really meant what she said but just then the both of them heard a rumbling sound.

"Is that coming from your stomach?" Han Chen said with one of his eyebrows raised.

"I think it's coming from your stomach, not mine" Yu Yan snapped back

"It seems like our stomach's rumbled at the same time" Han Chen said.

"I know I am being shameless but I didn't eat before coming here so do you have anything that I can eat right now" Yu Yan said as she rubbed her stomach, Han Chen smiled as he watched her rubbing her stomach.

"Since we are both hungry and this pizza is the only food I have in my house right now, I will share," Han Chen responded as he pulled the pizza closer to them on the table. Yu Yan nodded in agreement, then they dug into it.

"But why does your house look so deserted and dusty" Yu Yan said as she looked around the house, she admired the beauty of the well decorated parlor. The house is a mansion but because of the dust, the glamour of the house had already been covered, she felt that it was abnormal for anyone to be living in a house his large alone.

"I live alone in this mansion but I am hardly at home so the house became this when I got home, I wanted to clean when I got home but the pain didn't let me do so" Han Chen said.

"where is your cleaning equipment," Yu Yan said and she stood up to look around

"Are you planning on cleaning the whole house alone?" Han Chen said with his wide widened in astonishment.

"Of course not, does your mansion seem like a place only one person can clean, I will just do what I can, I can stand anything but I can't stand it when I see a place dusty, it freaks me out," Yu Yan said, she walked into the kitchen and then she found a hoover and some other cleaning tools, Han Chen watched her in surprise, he didn't know that she would actually want to clean his mansion which is something that he himself can't do and he wouldn't try to do.

She brought them out of the kitchen and then she cleaned the part of the mansion on the floor she was in including the bedrooms when she entered into one of the bedrooms, she saw a portrait hanging on the wall. She brought it down from the wall and looked closely at it.

"The person in the middle is Han Chen, then this must be his brother and his parents," Yu Yan said, she hanged the portrait back carefully but she felt like there was something amiss, the house seemed like a mansion meant for a family and not just one person but why does the house feel cold without any warmth, she felt like asking him but she didn't want to invade his privacy so she doesn't dig out anything sad and pitiful.

After cleaning the house, she returned to the parlor and looked around but she couldn't find Han Chen, she went closer to the sofa they had been sitting on and then she found him lying on the chair asleep. She bent down beside him and stared at his face, she felt like she had seen his face before but she just couldn't remember where he had seen him and he didn't seem like he knew her before they recently met either. She noticed that he was about to wake up then she quickly moved away from him.

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