Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 42 - The Training 2

She looked at him affectionately, she could feel how angry he was when she told him that his mother died because she was a guardian and she made him a guardian too.

"Bingchen, I love you like my own child but I won't let you fight for something if it doesn't belong to you, I made you a managerial guardian which puts you in a higher position than all the disciples and the guardians and I can let you become the most powerful person in this sect after my daughter and that is because that his her rightful place" she said, Bingchen quenched his anger and then his face softened, he was almost in tears but he restrained himself leaving his eyes a little bit teary.​​

"I know that you care about me and you have been watching me from the side lines, I also know that you made me a managerial guardian in order to give me power but I also have my own ambitions. I will not compete with Huo Ying for the position of the sect leader but I still want to be someone powerful" Bingchen said she smiled as she watched his anger so away, this part of him resembled his mother, although she was ambitious she never took something that was never hers to take or compete for.

"Bingchen I will make you a powerful person even more powerful than your mother was, then you Huo Ying and the guardians will be acknowledged all around the world because all of you are like my children, that I promise you but it is not a sure thing that Huo Ying will become the sect leader" she said, Huo Bingchen looked at her quizzically with one of his eyebrows raised higher than the other.

"why did you say so, do you have another person in mind" Bingchen asked.

She smiled again and replied "you all seemed to have forgotten that Huo Lan is also the young mistress of the flame sect"

"but she is still in the wind sect and they might not return her to the flame sect in order to retaliate against our sect" Bingchen said

"Huo Loan power cannot be underestimated, her power is even stronger than the sect leader of the wind sect, unless they find a way to deplete her power they will never be able to hold her captive there when she is ready to leave there" she said with confidence in her voice.

"then why hasn't she left the wind sect" Bingchen asked

"before Huo Lan left I tried to train her to control he flame power but it didn't work, she was too powerful for me to handle but the reason why her power couldn't hurt me is because her flame power came from me not her father, she hasn't left there because she wants to protect the flame sect" she replied

"I don't understand"

"if Huo Lan leaves the wind sect forcefully then the world would turn against the flame sect and she is also scared of her power, she doesn't want it to hurt people just because she cannot control her power, that is why she is still in the wind sect"

"I know that she is powerful but not that powerful, but I still think that even if Huo Lan comes back, Huo Ying is still the best candidate for the future sect leader" he said.

"you all think that Huo Ying wants to become the sect leader but that is not what she wants, the reason why she gets angry and kills whenever she hears someone slandering Huo Loan is because she regards Huo Loan as someone who is very important in her heart and she misses her very much, she has always made sure that the disciples train because she wants them to become very powerful in case she has to forcefully bring Huo Loan back from the wind sect and she plans to make Huo Loan the sect leader"

"I had always thought that she was just acting on impulse and she wanted to be the next sect leader, I didn't know that she had such intentions, if Huo Loan becomes the sect leader then everyone will fear the power of the flame sect" Bingchen said

"But one thing I am sure of is that Huo Loan will also be reluctant to become the next sect leader, she would also want her sister to lead the sect, when that happens then I will have to make them compete for it" she said

"if they both want the other to become the sect leader then they won't want to compete for it"

She smiled and said "when that time comes, the sect leader and I won't make them aware that they are fighting for the position of the sect leader". "that is indeed a brilliant idea but why are you trusting me with all this information" Bingchen said with doubts in his eyes.

"because I know that although you are ambitious you care deeply about the sect and you are willing to do anything to protect the sect, I also know that you are worried about your grandfather so you want to fulfil his wishes but I promise you that I will make sure that your grandfather compromises to keep him safe after all he is the father of my late best friend. I won't hurt him unless he hurts my family" she said, then she moved closer to him and held his hands, Bingchen has never felt motherly love but the first time he felt it was when he cried on his ten years old birthday then she hugged him and now he felt it again, the warmth he felt when she held his hand was so good that it brought him to tears.

"thank you, I will make sure to protect the sect and everyone in the sect just like my mother" he said, she wiped the tears on his face with her handkerchief and said "I know you will but make sure you don't die protecting anyone", then she walked away. He watched her until she walked out of the garden then he sat on the chair in the middle of the garden, he brought out a jade pendant from his cloth. He held it tightly and said "mother I will make sure to protect the sect you died for".


Huo Ying and the guardians walked into the weapon workshop, then she walked around as she examined the work of the workers in the workshop and the blacksmiths.

"Huo Qiang, you are the one in charge of the weapon workshop but now that Bingchen has been made the managerial guardian make sure you cooperate with him, he takes his job really seriously so make sure that he understands everything in the weaponry when he comes to inspect the workshop" Huo Ying said.

"I will make sure everything is ready before he comes in but do, we need to hide anything from him after all he cannot be fully trusted" Huo Qiang said.

"even though he is ambitious the Bingchen I know is an asshole but he won't do anything to hurt the sect" Huo Ying said then she walked into the weapon designer's workshop.

"young mistress I agree with you" Huo Mei said, Huo Ying picked up a drawing on a table then she examined it.

"is this the new weapon blueprint" Huo Ying asked, the designer who was with the drawing stood up and said "young mistress, this indeed the blueprint for the new weapon".

"This weapon was designed by me but I gave it to them to modify it before it is produced and it is very powerful with a very high shooting range and it is also used as a secret weapon" Huo Qiang said, she dropped the drawing on the table then she walked out of the weaponry.

"before we make our presence known in the Jianghu world, we have to be very prepared, so the weapons that should be designed now should be weapons that the world has never seen and we need secret weapons in case of any danger, produce them in large quantities" Huo Ying said to Huo Qiang as they walked out of the weaponry.

"we have never been known to use secret weapons but if we suddenly start using them now others won't know that our disciples all have secret weapons, it will really help to protect our disciples" Huo Mei said.

"who else should know about this apart from us" Huo Qiang asked

"except for the three of you no one should know not even the sect leader or Huo Bingchen and you should design them with only one trusted weapon designer" Huo Ying said

"but I think we should still tell the sect leader and your mother, you said that you trusted Huo Bingchen but why did you say that we shouldn't tell him" Huo Lian said

"I want it to be a surprise to them and as for Huo Bingchen, something tells me that he will soon become my mother's right hand man, even though it is not very obvious, the both of them are very close and she told me that she is going to bring him back to the right way so if you tell him and he tells my mother there will no longer be any surprise" Huo Ying said.

"okay then" Huo Qiang said, then he left them and he went back into the weaponry.

Huo Ying went to the grassland with Huo Lian and Huo Mei, she saw some of the beginners running around the grassland with Huo Li, she watched as they were panting and sweating profusely. Some of them even stopped to beg Huo Li to cut them some slack but she didn't mind them.

"I though they were training with Huo Bingchen just now" Huo Mei said.

"the ones we saw before were more than this, this means that they are the ones who failed to meet his requirement. When I saw them at the training ground, they looked really unfit so he must be trying to increase their endurance" Huo Yin said.

" that is true but they are so unlucky that he actually asked Huo Li to train them, anyone might accept their plea for mercy but not Huo Li, just like my mother she is ruthless when it comes to training, her cute and small look is her advantage since it makes others relax their guards when they are with her" Huo Ying said, they moved away from the entrance of the grassland then they walked around the grassland but far away from were the disciples were running.

"she is after all the only disciple that has been able to withstand you mother's training" Huo Mei said, Huo Ying smiled and said "but you cried when my mother first told you to practice with Huo Li when we were six years old, I don't think I can ever forget that day, it was so funny".

"young mistress, do you really have to mock me" Huo Mei said then she knit her eyebrows together.

"young mistress knows that you always react this way that is why she keeps doing that" Huo Lian said. Huo Li saw them in the grassland then she left the disciples to meet Huo Ying, as soon as she left them, they all slumped to the ground as they tried to catch their breath, they were all thankful for Huo Ying appearance even though it wasn't timely.

"young mistress" Huo Li said with her head bowed, she raised her head and then she smiled at Huo Mei. Huo Ying looked at Huo Mei to see what her expression was when Huo Li smiled at her but Huo Mei looked away.

"Huo Li you seem really busy with these disciples" Huo Ying said

"it is all because of that brat Huo Bingchen" Huo Li said as she cupped her hands into a fist, the three of them looked at her fist them they realized that Huo Bingchen must have done something to make her angry.

"did he do something to make you angry" Huo Ying asked

"he keeps calling me Xiao Li, then I almost beat him up but master intervened" Huo Li said.

"he must have learned his lesson now" Huo Ying said then she looked at the disciples who were now relaxing on the grass, "your students are already slacking, you should continue their training" she said, Huo Li looked back to see what they were doing then she returned to where the disciples sat, immediately they saw her coming they quickly stood up and started running.

"it seems like my mother has already talked with Bingchen, I just hope he listens to her but his grandfather still remains a problem, as long as he is still determined to make Huo Bingchen the next sect leader nothing will change, I have to secure my sister's position before she comes back now" she said to herself.

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