Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 56 - The Infiltration 3

"you are actually good at using your brain," Bingchen said then he smiled at her, she wasn't aware that he was actually smiling even though they were in a difficult position.

"you…." She couldn't help but shut her mouth when she saw him smiling, she felt the same tinkle she felt in her heart some minutes ago, then she hurriedly turned her face away from his face before he noticed that her face was already going red. She struggled to extend her hand to the vine that held Bingchen hand, even though the vine was holding her tight, she forced herself to extend her hand then she conjured flames in her hands then she burned the vines that were holding Bingchen hand, the vines fell from his hands, then he burned the vines binding her too. Just as they had finished burning all the vines, they heard footsteps coming from the sect entrance, they immediately packed all the pieces of vines and returned to the place where they were hiding before.​​

Three young men came out of the sect, then they arrived at the place where they were tied before, they looked around then they all wore a confused expression on their faces.

"The elder said that the binding vines had captured someone but there is no one here," one of them said

"There is no way of releasing yourself from the vines since it would have tied you down before you even have time to react so where did they go," another one said.

"There is no vine on the floor, that means that no one was here, let's not waste our time here, we need to leave this place and report to the elder," the third person said then they all left. The both of them abandoned the vines then they left the trees they were hiding behind, Huo Qiang passed a black piece of cloth to her, she collected it then she stared at him in confusion.

"if our faces are seen, it will bring trouble to us in the future," Bingchen said, then they both covered their faces with the cloth leaving only their eyes exposed.

They climbed into the sect from the side of the building, after they got in, they sneaked into the storage room, other people wouldn't have been able to find the storage room in time but when Huo Mei and Huo Lian mother came to the flame sect she handed the blueprint of the vitality sect structure and their defensive techniques in order to thank them for saving her. The reason why the vitality sect had so many traps in their sect is that they are least skilled sect in martial art so it is very easy for them to be defeated if they are attacked, they knocked out about thirty guards that were guarding the storage then they entered into the storage.

"Do you know what the herbs look like" Huo Li asked when they entered the storage,

"Of course, I do, do you think I will come here without even knowing what it looks like" Huo Bingchen said.

"then you better hurry and find it, the guards we knocked out will soon be found," Huo Li said, then Huo Bingchen looked around the storage room for the herbs, then he saw a box with the inscription 'rare herbs' written on it, just as he was about to open the box, they heard the sound of people approaching they storage.

"you have to hurry up," Huo Li said, they realized that they won't be able to leave the sect without a fight but they needed to get it done as soon as possible, Bingchen tried to open the box, then he realized that it was locked.

The disciples outside had already seen the disciples who were knocked out in front of the storage, so some of them went to inform the elders while the others entered the storage to find the intruder.

"They are already here, I will go and fend them off," Huo Li said, but before she left, Bingchen stopped her.

"give me your hairpin," Bingchen said looking at the tiny pin that held her hair in place.

"what do you need my hairpin for," Huo Li said

"I need to open this box, it is locked" Bingchen replied, she had very long hair and no one had ever seen her hair down before, she had always felt that her hair was even taller than her, it made her look smaller than she is whenever she let it down because of the thickness and its length.

"do you expect me to fight with my hair down?" she asked, she didn't want to let her hair down but she felt that he was going to insist so she just removed it reluctantly then she gave it to him, he just saw that the hair was almost reaching her knee but he couldn't see her face clearly since it was still dark. He couldn't believe his eyes, he had never seen a girl with such long hair, her hair was normally up to her waist so he just thought that he was not seeing clearly, then she ran out of the storage leaving him to struggle with the box. Most of the disciples were already asleep since it was midnight, so the only ones that were awake had already alerted them then they all gathered outside the storage while the others looked in other places in case it was just a diversion. They were already ready to barge into the storage and attack the intruder, but they were stupefied when they saw a girl with a little figure and short height coming out of the storage, she had a mask on her face but her eyes looked very innocent and her long hair cascaded on her back while some strands were scattered on her face because of the wind, they immediately let down their guard at the innocent figure in front of them, they admired her but at the same time they thought she could not be up to fifteen years old judging from her look.

"hey, little girl what are you doing here and how did you get in here" one of them shouted, there is no way an adult can get into the sect not to talk of a girl that is younger than fifteen, after hearing the disciple calling her a little girl, she pushed the hair that was scattered on her face behind her ears then she glared at the disciples and clutched her sword, seeing her glaring at them, they all laughed. For a young girl like her, her glare was really scary and she was even clutching her sword as if she was going to fight with them all alone.

"who are you glaring at, I am old enough to be your elder brother, how old are you?" the disciple said with a smirk on his lips, she clutched her sword even tighter this time, they had already violated two of her rules, she has always despised people calling her a little girl and undermining her abilities. The guy in front of her looked about twenty-two years old but the oldest disciple in the flame sect who is twenty-seven years old is still under her command as the head of the elite disciples, she was just thinking of how to deal with them, she couldn't use her flame skill so prevent them from finding out that she was from the flame sect, then an idea came into her head…..

"Why do you care about my age, are you going to fight me," she said to the disciple, then they all burst into another round of laughter, she looked so small but she seemed too confident.

"if you just tell this older brother what you are doing here and if you have any accomplice, I will let you go but you must also apologise," the disciples said, then she scoffed and said, "in your dreams". The disciples then came closer to her, this time he had a serious face and he was holding his sword but Huo Li didn't move an inch at all, they were surprised at her boldness, even though he was holding a sword, she still didn't budge.

"It seems like being gentle won't work on you," the disciples said then he poked her forehead.

He has already crossed my boundary, I was planning to be gentle before but now….

She thought, then she gave him an evil smile, when he saw her smiling, he raised his hand to slap her but…

She had already disappeared from his front, he couldn't bring himself to understand what happened, she was before him just now but she had already disappeared, the other disciples were stunned when they saw her move to his back at the speed of light, they all sucked in cold air in shock.

She tapped his back gently, then he turned back only to find her behind him.

"you…you…you were in front of me just now," he said, before he could say more, she had already vanished again, he suddenly felt like his clothes were loosening, before he could react, she had already stripped him off his clothes, the only things he was now wearing is a white short on his butt. The other disciples were shocked at the sight of his naked body, they had never seen anyone moved so fast, before they blinked their eyes twice, she had already stripped him of his cloth. He felt the cold air sweep past his body, he clutched his arms and curled his body when he realized that he only had his underpants on.

"you…you…you how did you…" he stuttered but the cold was too much for him to bear, he couldn't even open his mouth to speak anymore. She just stood two metres away from him with his clothes in her hand while laughing, if Huo Bingchen had already gotten the herbs, she wouldn't have bothered to deal with him but she wanted to distract them and punish him for belittling him.

"This young girl is so scary, it didn't even take up to one second to strip him naked" one of them said then they all shuddered in fear of her. She lowered her eyes to the lower part of the body, then when he noticed that she was staring at his lower body, he covered the middle of his leg. Then she scoffed and said "there is nothing to see so don't even bother covering it", then she threw his cloth away.

"Now the real show begins," she said then she moved closer to him, he was already frightened, from the way she looked at him, she seemed like she was about to do something bad.

The next thing he knew was that he was already in the air, but he wasn't stopping, he had already flown into the air and he seemed as if he was almost coming close to the moon, just then he saw her in front of him.

"eighteen thunderbolt kicks" she shouted, then she gave him a strike down kick in his abdomen.

All the disciples who had arrived at the scene were shocked at the height both of them had flown too in the air, the moment she strikes him down. It seemed like a star was falling, then the next minute they couldn't see them again, the only thing they could see was two stars moving from one place to another at an incredible speed. Within five seconds, she had already kicked him seventeen times in the air, then he was already falling but when he reached a not deadly height, she gave him the last thunderbolt strike down kick then he fell to the ground, when they saw his body coming down from the sky at the speed of light they all looked up in the sky then they gasped as his body thundered on the ground.

"Senior brother!!!" they chorused

Then she landed on the ground.

"that is for belittling me," she said then she smoothened her cloth and tightened her mask when she noticed that it was almost going to fall off.

"Little girl how dare you injure a disciple of our sect, draw your sword" one of them shouted, pointing his sword at Huo Li.

"Are you sure that you are her match, she just beat senior brother to the point that he can't even move any part of his body".

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