Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 63 - Huo Mei!

"We can't be sure for now, we can only hope that they are not dead or seriously hurt," the sect leader said, although Huo Ying could now be saved, he was still worried about the three of them that are still outside the sect.

"Sect leader, the vitality sect must have seen the golden eagle, the herbs we took from them are very rare herbs so they must now suspect that we are the ones that infiltrated into their sect," the second elder said​​

"Since they have seen the golden eagle, they must be speculating that some of us have left the mountain, their curiosity will definitely make them want to find who it is," the sect leader wife said

"First elder, instruct some of the elite disciples to descend the mountain and find out their whereabouts, if they are injured they will be at a disadvantage now that the vitality sect will be on their trail," the sect leader said

"Okay, sect leader," the first elder said then he left the room.

"The disciples have relented in their training due to the young mistress illness, and many other affairs of the sect have been disrupted, second and third elder, I will entrust the both of you with the task of making sure the disciples begin their duties and training" the sect elder commanded

"Okay, sect leader" the both of them chorused, then they left the room.

The sect leader sighed, then he turned back to look at Huo Ying, he smiled as he watched her mother seating beside her and holding her hand, he was finally relieved that Huo Ying's life could be saved. He returned to her bedside and sat beside her, smiling. Although her eyes were not opened, she could still hear what they were saying. Tears dropped from her eyes and landed on her pillow, as her mother caressed her hand before she died, she at least wanted to see her sister but now that she had another chance to live, the joy cannot be described, then she lost her consciousness.

"A' Ying, you are no longer on the verge of death, one day you will see your sister and we will all be together once again," her mother said as tears of joy trickled down her cheeks.

"Why are you still crying, she is going to be okay now," the sect leader said. Then she wiped away her tears with her sleeve and smiled as she watched Huo Ying in her bed.

A few minutes later, Huo Lian entered the room with a bowl of tonic and the herbs in their fresh form.

"Why haven't you made the tonic yet?" the sect leader asked, when he saw her enter with the herbs still in their normal form, he was scared that there is another thing they need to save Huo Ying that they don't have yet.

"Sect leader, the only person I know that can use these herbs apart from the disciples of the vitality sect is my sister, I need to wake her up or else we won't be able to treat the young mistress in time" Huo Lian replied.

"I was deeply worried about Huo Ying that I forgot about Huo Mei, is she okay," the sect leader asked.

"She was exhausted from channelling her internal force to Huo Ying and…and" Huo Lian stuttered, the sect leader and his wife glanced at each other, they were wondering why she was hesitating.

"And what?" the sect leader wife asked.

"She blamed herself for not performing her duty which leads to the young mistress life being in danger so she…she" Huo Lian said

"She what? what is so difficult for you to say" the sect leader asked, he was already getting impatient.

"She used her healing blood," Huo Lian said

"What?" the both of them shouted, they knew what the healing blood meant to Huo Mei and that is why they didn't want her to use it until the last moment, the reason why their mother was hunted by the Vitality sect was that they wanted to kill her and drain her blood so that they can use it to heal the sect leader at that time who was sick with a deadly disease, the healing blood can only be found in one person from the vitality sect in each generation, if the person that has it cultivates the blood, it can be used to prolong a person's life if a patient condition is deadly but if it isn't very deadly, it can heal the patient but the disadvantage of using the blood is that it will deduct the number of years that the person will live for from your life is the person was fated to die. That means that if Huo Ying was fated to die, each year that Huo Ying lives for will be deducted from Huo Mei lifespan.

They had already forgotten why they didn't have such an important herb in the sect storage room but they didn't expect that she would actually use her healing blood for Huo Ying, She is the only one that inherited the healing blood from her mother, that means that if people find out, her life will be in danger since they will want her blood. Huo Mei healing blood has never been cultivated so she has to drain lots of blood from her body just to sustain Huo Ying for three days, if she later dies because of Huo Ying, Huo Ying will never be able to contain the guilt.

"Why didn't you stop her? Huo Ying could still survive for three days, she could have waited until the last moment" the sect leader wife said

"She lied, if her blood isn't flowing, she couldn't have survived for three days, she was planning to use her blood," Huo Lian said.

"It is my fault, I shouldn't have blamed her for neglecting her duty, she couldn't have known that this day would come," the sect leader said.

"Even if you didn't blame her sect leader, she would have done the same" Huo Lian said, she knew the kind of person Huo Mei was, she always wants to account for all her actions.

"Then I will leave you to attend to her, you mustn't tell anyone about this, not even Huo Ying, do you understand?" the sect leader said.

"I understand, Sect leader" Huo Lian replied, then the sect leader left the room with his wife.

Huo Lian dropped the tray on the table, then she carried Huo Mei from the other side of the bed and sat her down on the edge of the bed, she poured the tonic into her mouth and tilted her neck backwards. Then she channelled her internal force to Huo Mei to revitalize her body, Huo Mei opened her eyes after thirty minutes, immediately she woke up, her eyes went straight to Huo Ying who was still lying on the bed, she stood up from the bed and quickly knelt down at the bedside.

"Young mistress, I am sorry for being incompetent, I have caused you to die," Huo Mei said as she cried while holding Huo Ying's hand, she didn't even notice Huo Lian who was trying to wake her up, Huo Lian was shocked by her behaviour but based on Huo Mei personality, but wasn't unexpected.

"She isn't dead," Huo Lian said as she moved closer to Huo Mei, Huo Mei was almost scared when she heard her voice but she was feeling too sad and guilty to be scared.

"I didn't know you were here, when did you come in," Huo Mei said, then she wiped the tears on her face.

"I was just behind you now, I was the one who woke you up but you were so concerned about the young mistress to even notice me," Huo Lian said.

"Oh, I am sorry but what do you mean, there is no way she isn't dead yet unless they have brought the herbs, don't make such joke at this time," Huo Mei said, then she turned her face back to Huo Ying, then she felt her pulse, she noticed that her pulse is already very weak unless if they had all joined forces to stop her from losing her consciousness, she wouldn't be alive.

"She really isn't dead, that means that I can try using my blood, it might work again," Huo Mei said, she was about to make a cut on her hand with the sword by the side of the table when Huo Lian pushed it away from her hand.

"Why did you do that?" Huo Mei asked in an angry tone

"Do you not want your life anymore, you have already sustained her life until this moment, for every second that she lives, it will be deducted from your life?" Huo Lian said, she was already angry that Huo Mei doesn't even care for her as much as she cares for Huo Ying and she didn't even consider how she felt before sacrificing her life for Huo Ying.

"You…, I don't have the time to waste with you" Huo Mie said, she didn't want to think of what Huo Lian said, she just wanted to save Huo Ying at that moment.

"Stop, you don't need to do that anymore" Huo Lian shouted, then she pointed at the tray on the table, Huo Mei stood up and then moved closer to the table, her eyes widened when she saw the herbs inside the tray, then she turned back to look at Huo Lian.

"How come the herb is here? they couldn't have gone and returned within three days" Huo Mei said.

"They are not back yet, the summoned the golden eagle and asked him to bring it back, I don't have time to tell you the whole story, you need to treat her now," Huo Lian said, then Huo Mei put the herbs in her hand, she moved to the bedside and stood in front of Huo Ying.

She lifted the herbs up with her hand and put her spiritual power inside the herbs, then the herbs started floating in the air by itself, then she widened her palms with the herbs floating in the middle of her palms, she slowly waved one hand over the herbs and then she brought her hand then and slowly raised them up, as she raised her palms, the herbs also raised with her hands, then she cupped her hands into a fist.

"Open her mouth," Huo Mei said to Huo Lian, Huo Lian did as she said then Huo Mei squeezed her fist tighter than it was before, drops of blue liquid started dropping into Huo Ying mouth, after she drained all the liquid from the herbs, she put them back inside the tray.

"Are you done?" Huo Lian asked

"that is all, you really should pay more attention to improving your medical skills, what if I am not around one day," Huo Mei said, then she realized that she shouldn't have said that, that would make them remember that her lifespan is already shortened.

"You do know that one day you wouldn't be here anymore, I thought the only person you cared about is the young mistress, I am also loyal to her but you never treat me like your sister, you always prioritize her over me," Huo Lian said, Huo Mei didn't know what to say, she just looked at her affectionately while thinking of how to change her twin sister view of her. It is true that since they were small, Huo Mei has been closer to Huo Ying than her own twin but deep in her heart she loved her sister more than she loved Huo Ying and she would be willing to do the same for her or even worse if anything happens to her.

"Huo Lian…."

"Don't say anything, I will not do anything to prepare for when you are gone, you never listened to me when I told you not to use your blood so I won't listen to anything you say from now on" Huo Lian said, then she left the room angrily, she was indeed overjoyed that Huo Ying life has been saved but she didn't like it when her sister prioritizes Huo Ying over her, she is a very jealous person and they all know that.

Huo Ying hasn't fully regained her consciousness at that time but she could hear what they were saying, when she heard Huo Lian mention Huo Mei's blood, she was hoping that Huo Mei didn't use her blood for her.

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