Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 70 - Are You Feeling Guilty!

"Don't you think it is time for you to settle down, you should use this time to find someone you love and get married, father and mother have always wanted you to leave your job as a soldier and become a surgeon, that is what you are best at, I have never seen someone as good as you when it comes to performing surgeries, why do you insist on being a soldier?" Jia Yu said, after Han Chen completed his high school studies, he applied for a military medical university even though his aunt and his uncle were strongly against it, he had a fortune for himself but he refused to manage his fortune, he handed all of his parent companies to his uncle and then he became a soldier, the only people that she has ever associated her brother with her his fellow soldiers and his family, he has never brought any girl home or associated himself with any woman.

"Naughty girl, I am just two years older than you what makes you think that you can talk to me about getting married, any way you got what you wished for, we can hang out frequently now when you are free," Han Chen said​​


"I am going, bye," Han Chen said then he left the café, leaving Jia Yu behind, she watched his back as he left the café with mixed feelings, she had always loved him and felt pity for him ever since his parents died, since then he had always been someone who never cared about having fun and being around people, the first time she saw him having real fun after the death of his parent was the day she took him out with her friends, she didn't want to tell her parent about his arrival before but now that he has been suspended, she wouldn't keep it a secret from them anymore.

Yu Yan sat in the hospital garden where the patients are normally taken for a walk, she sat down on a long bench and watched as people walked the old and young patients around the garden, this is one of the scenes that she has seen countless times since she began working in the hospital. She sipped her drink silently as she looked around the garden, then she saw a tree of cherry blossom in far away from where she was sitting, she has always loved cherry blossoms ever since she was little, she loved their feminine and delicate appearance and it always appeals to her every time she sees it.

She stood up and walked to where the tree was rooted, she stood in front of the tree and touched its petals gently, she smiled in appreciation of the beauty she saw in the petals. Then she heard her phone ringing, she searched for her phone in her pocket then she found it in her back pocket.

"Hello," she said after picking up the call

"Do you know who is speaking?" the caller said

"I don't know, who is this?" Yu Yan replied

"I just knew that you didn't check who was calling before you picked the call, you need to get rid of this habit of yours," An Ke said

"Alright, can you stop nagging and get straight to the point An Ke" Yu Yan replied, she already knew that the caller is An Ke judging from the way the person was nagging right after she picked up the call.

"You need to be back in thirty minutes, the meeting for the total artificial heart surgery is starting soon," An Ke said

"I thought the meeting is supposed to be held tomorrow?" Yu Yan asked

"I don't know what happened, I only told you what I know, make sure you are not late," An Ke said

"Alright, thanks" Yu Yan replied, then An Ke ended the call, she sighed as she returned the phone to her back pocket.

"Today is not the best day for me," Yu Yan said, then she turned around to return to the office but she was shocked when she saw someone standing at her back and she didn't notice it all the time that she was standing there, she mistakenly spilt her drink on his cloth then she screamed. The other people in the garden turned to look at her but she just smiled at them awkwardly then they looked away when they saw that she wasn't hurt.

"What are you doing here?" Yu Yan asked, she certainly wasn't expecting Han Chen to be standing right in front of her at that moment and the worst thing was that she didn't even hear a sound when he arrived there.

"Is there a rule that says that this garden is for staffs alone?" Han Chen replied

"No but you could have a sound or at least let me know that you were here, are you a ghost, how can you just stand behind someone without making a sound," Yu Yan said, then she placed her hand on her chest to calm herself down. Han Chen smiled at her when he saw how frightened she was by his sudden appearance.

"I don't think you were frightened because I was standing at your back without letting you know," Han Chen said, then he placed both of his hands in his coat pocket. Yu Yan removed her hand from her chest then she looked at him quizzically.

"If not, what other reason is there?" Yu Yan asked

"I think you are feeling guilty for your action toward me" Han Chen replied. Then Yu Yan suddenly remembered that she tried to avoid him because of what she did to him in the emergency department, but she didn't want to act like she remembered what she did to him.

"What do you mean by that? other than vomiting on you which I have apologised for, I don't remember doing anything else" Yu Yan said

"I think you remember but you are just acting like you don't, you might not know but I am an expert when it comes to detecting lies," Han Chen said

"I don't think you are because I am telling you the truth and you think I am lying" Yu Yan replied

"I am very sure that you remember if not why did you leave when Jia Yu called you in the café just now," Han Chen said then he fixed his gaze on her eyes, her eyes met his then she lashed fluttered and she quickly looked away.

He is giving me that look again….

Yu Yan said in her mind!

"I didn't know that you were there, I saw Jia Yu sitting there and I had something to do so I quickly left the café" Yu Yan replied.

"if you had something to do then what are you doing here? you were just caressing the petals of this flowers just now" Han Chen said.

"I…I…Alright I remember shouting at you but do you need me to apologise for that, we could have just pretended as nothing happened and it will pass" Yu Yan said

"I am not demanding an apology, I just wanted to tell you that you don't need to apologise since I understand your situation at that moment," Han Chen said.

When did he become such a gentleman…?

"I don't think that is something you would say, you must be after something else right?" Yu Yan said.

"have you been lied to all your life, if I was in your position at that moment, I might have done the same, you were desperate to save the boy's life and you needed to focus so you don't need to avoid me," Han Chen said

"I believe you then but I am sorry, I have never really been that harsh to someone so I was feeling guilty for shouting at you despite your good intentions," Yu Yan said with an apologetic look on her face.

"Alright, since your guilt have been cleared you can go now, I think you have a meeting to attend," Han Chen said, then Yu Yan pulled his hand to look at his wristwatch, Han Chen was flabbergasted at her actions when she touched his hand that he widened his eyes in shock.

"I have only five minutes to attend the meeting, how did the time go so fast," Yu Yan said then she dropped his hands and raised her eyes, she was surprised when she saw that his cheeks had already turned red, she didn't notice it before so she felt that it was strange.

"Why are your cheeks red?" Yu Yan asked, then she noticed that his shirt was wet, then she realized that she must have spilt her drink on his shirt but she was wondering why she didn't say anything about it even though he was aware of it, he traced her gaze to his chest then he noticed that she must have realized that she spilt her drink on him.

"It is nothing, you should go now," Han Chen said

"Are you sure you don't need a change of cloth, I can ask Li Chen to give you a spare shirt?" Yu Yan said with worry written on her face.

"It is alright, you can go now," Han Chen said with a smile on his face to reassure her. Then she walked away when she had almost reached the entrance of the hospital, she turned back to look at him but he didn't see her then she entered the building.

Meanwhile, Xiaomeng who had been watching her speaking to Han Chen from afar smiled with contempt, she couldn't believe that Yu Yan was flirting with someone else when she had already stolen Chen Kai from her. She wanted to approach Han Chen to expose her but she decided to wait until she confirms what their relationship is then she will tell Chen Kai that he was being cheated on, she knows that without evidence of her betrayal, Chen Kai would never believe that Yu Yan was cheating on him, then she smiled in satisfaction of what would happen once Chen Kai finds out that Yu Yan had been cheating on him.

Yu Yan ran to the office, then she saw only Li Chen and An Ke inside the office, since they had already nominated her to join the surgery crew from the emergency department the others were not part of the crew, so they were not needed to attend the meeting unless they want to.

"Why are you just coming now, didn't I call you thirty mutes ago to tell you about the meeting," An Ke said

"Something came up" Yu Yan replied then she removed her hair band, brushed her hair and picked up another white then she left the office. When she arrived at the meeting room, she was happy to see that not everyone had arrived at the meeting.

She took her seat on the round meeting table then she opened the bottle of water in front of her and drank a little. Minutes later, all the other surgeons from each department that were required to attend the meeting had already arrived, including the chief surgeon who sat at the head of the table. One of the nurses present at the meeting started distributing some files to all the staffs that are present in the meeting.

"I am sure everyone already knows what the meeting is for but I will repeat myself, this meeting is to discuss the total artificial heart surgery that will be performed on our V.V.I.P patient, surgeon Wei will brief everyone about the condition of the patient," the chief director said then everyone shifted their gaze to surgeon Wei who is the director of the cardiology department.

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