Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 72 - Pitiful Love!

"You should just take heart and move on" Roy said then he patted Shi Fen on his shoulder, Han Chen stood up from the sofa in the parlour then he went to the kitchen. Seconds later, he returned with three cans of beers, the two of them looked at him in confusion as he placed the cans on the table.

"Boss, are you sure you are alright?" Shi Fen asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Of course, I am, why did you ask?" Han Chen replied

"Han Chen, did you go out to buy these beers?" Roy asked

"Yes, I did" Han Chen replied, then he picked up a can of beer from the table and opened it.

"and you said you are alright" Shi Fen said

"What are you guys talking about, is this the first time you have seen me drinking beer" Han Chen said then he drank the beer.

"Shi Fen, go and start the car, we need to get him to the hospital" Roy said then Shi Fen stood up from his seat to do as Roy said but Han Chen pulled him back to his seat.

"I said I am fine, why are you making a fuss over the beers, do you have something against me drinking today?" Han Chen said

"But boss, you have never bought anything you needed for yourself, you don't even like going for grocery shopping, you said you hated the smell in the stores so I always buy whatever you need for you" Shi Fen said

"ooh, you are talking about that, I have already recovered from my that phobia, I can start buying my things myself" Han Chen said, then he smiled crookedly and sipped the beer.

"This is strange, I thought it was weird that someone hated the smell of stores and was afraid to go into any store, so you were pretending al along" Roy said, then Shi Fen shifted his gaze to Han Chen who had a guilty smile on his lips.

"I wasn't really pretending, I really hate the smell of the stores but I am not afraid of it" Han Chen said then he gulped down the remaining beer and dropped the can on the table.

"Boss, are you saying that you made me do your bidding all this years not because you had a phobia but because of the smell" Shi Fen said, he just couldn't believe how ridiculous his excuse was.

"I shouldn't have tried to entertain you" Han Chen said, then he picked up another can of beer from the table, he was about to open it but Shi Fen snatched it from him and opened it, then he gulped down a mouthful of the beer, the both of them watched him in disbelief as he gulped down the beer.

"He must be really angry with you" Roy said, then he picked up the last can of beer on the table and opened it.

"I am going to find myself something else to drink from the fridge" Shi Fen said, then he dropped the can of beer on the table and stood up from his seat.

"You are not even going to ask for my permission, you seem to have spent a long time here that you have forgotten whose house this is" Han Chen said.

"I think I at least deserve to do whatever I want in your house as a compensation for my suffering and since I no longer need you to root for me to date your sister, I will help myself" Shi Fen said then he walked away, the both of them watched him in disbelief of his sudden courage.

"Did you guys eat liver before coming here, when did he become so fierce and bold?" Han Chen asked

"I would also be angry at you if I was the poor boy, he lost his crush and you lied to him…no, to us, even I had to run your errands" Roy said, then he gulped down his beer.

"I am sorry for lying but I really hated the smell of those stores and as for my sister, I have no say or control over this one, I am sure that even if her parent object she will not break up with him, you need to trust me on this one, if you saw the difference between how she treated me and her boyfriend when we first met, you wont believe it" Han Chen said

"I have to admit, this is the first time she is not kidnapping you or following you around anytime she discovers that you are back" Roy said

"well she is kind of busy now unlike before since she has now completed her training and she is now a real surgeon" Han Chen said

"are you just going to sit around during your suspension?" Roy asked

"I am thinking of doing something but I am not sure of it yet" Han Chen replied

"What is that, you have never hesitated before doing anything before?" Roy asked.

"I want to…"



The both of them looked towards the direction of the kitchen in shock with their eyes widened.

"What just happened?" Roy said

"how am I supposed to know, we were just talking here, why don't you go and find out?" Han Chen said, Roy stood up from the sofa and rushed to the kitchen. He was stupefied at the sight of the filled-up refrigerator, he couldn't understand what had happened to Han Chen, ever since he came back from their last military operation in Syria, he has been acting strange and doing things that he doesn't do.

"Do you think he hired someone to do buy his groceries or he went to buy it himself" Shi Fen asked

���I don't think he went himself, he is an expert when it comes to cooking but he would never buy groceries himself" Roy said

"I think we should ask him, if he did buy these things himself then we should take him to the hospital" Shi Fen said, then the two of them returned to the parlour.

"What happened in the kitchen?" Han Chen asked as the both of them sat on the sofa opposite him.

"did you buy the groceries in the fridge?" Roy asked

"Yes, but I didn't go alone, come to think of it, I bought some snacks" Han Chen replied, then he stood up to go to the kitchen. He returned seconds later with a bag of chips in his hands.

"who did you go with?" Roy asked

"Do you really have to care about such details, you are almost acting like my aunt" Han Chen said, then he opened the chips and started eating it.

"If we don't who else will?" Roy replied

"fine, I went with Yu Yan" Han Chen said, then the both of them exchanged glances and then focussed their gaze on Han Chen.

"you mean that feisty girl?" Roy asked

"Who else?" Han Chen replied

"Boss I thought you said you didn't have feelings for her, why would you go grocery shopping with someone you don't like" Shi Fen said.

"Did you really believe what he said, the picture of that girl has been on his phone since I met him and that was ten years ago" Roy said

"you are saying that boss has been in love with that woman before he entered the military?" Shi Fen said

"that's right, don't you think he is so pitiful and the girl now has a boyfriend so he is even more pitiful than you are" Roy said then they both looked at Han Chen with a fake pitiful look.

"do you guys realize that I am sitting right in front of you?" Han Chen said

"Of course, we do" Roy replied

"firstly, I am not pitiful, I wouldn't have survived in the military without courage, I haven't tried to get her because I care about her happiness, if she is happy with that guy then so be it" Han Chen said, then he crunched the chips in his mouth.

"I don't think you mean it, I have always known you to be someone that is courageous even in dangerous situations but I never realized that you are this cowardly when it comes to women" Roy said


"I agree with him" Shi Fen added

"I also want to tell her how I feel, we have known each other since we were in high school, we were even dating then but no one knew about it but we had to separate because of an accident and she doesn't remember me anymore" Han Chen said

"are you saying that she lost her memories?" Shi Fen asked

"not all of them but only the ones from when we met" Han Chen said

"What a tragic love story, you are really pitiful boss" Shi Fen said

"can you stop with the pitiful stuff" Han Chen said

"but that doesn't stop you from pursuing her again, if she really gets married to her boyfriend someday, you will regret that you didn't pursue her when you had the chance" Roy said

"okay can you both stop talking about me, I already have my plans" Han Chen said

"What plans?" Shi Fen asked

"I am going to get closer to her" Han Chen replied with a broad smiled on his lips

"I know that smile, you seem confident so let's hear your plan" Roy said

"I am going to use this suspension as a chance to get involved with her life, I am going to start working in the hospital she is working at and I will rent an apartment close to hers if possible" Han Chen said

"getting closer to her is a good plan, but if you suddenly move close to her house, she is going to suspect that you are following her or you have an ulterior motive" Roy said

"He is right boss, she even saw your mansion, what need would you have to buy an apartment close to hers?" Shi Fen said

"Are you guys stupid, I can just say that my house is too big or me to live in it alone so I wanted to find an apartment that is closer to my workplace" Han Chen said

"that makes sense" Roy said

"of course, it does" Han Chen replied

"but I don't think she is the kind of girl that will fall in love with you because of your good looks, I am not sure about money though" Shi Fen said

"She is definitely not that kind of girl" Han Chen said, then he smiled again, his mind drifted back to when they were still in high school. The first time he spoke with her was unforgettable for him, he touched his lips as he reminisced that moment. The both of them watched him as he drowned in his fantasy.

"did you kiss her by any chance" Roy said

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