Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 8 - The Other World

In the battle of ever night, the whole world was shaken and non was unaffected by the battle between the flame sect and the three righteous sects. The wind sect, the thunder sect, the talisman sect and other minor sects joined hands to fight against the flame sect sixteen years ago, the four-sect suffered huge casualties as a result of the war. The flame sect was alienated from the other sect because of their cultivation, they were the most powerful sect which made them a threat to the world, they began to accuse them of using demonic cultivation which requires the blood of children due to the numerous missing children cases at that time.

No one knew who was responsible for the kidnapping of the missing children so the righteous sects saw it as a chance to get rid of the flame sect, the former clan leader of the flame sect died seventeen years ago and was replaced by his only son whose name is Huo Jing, he became the clan leader after the death of his father.​​

One year later, his wife gave birth to twin girls, the both of them were powerful right from the time they were born when they came out of their mother womb, they had a fire in the hand.

One of them had brown eyes, long black hair and rosy lips, while the other girl had red eyes, her hair was extremely long and red, her lips had a deep red colour. It was normal for new-born babies in flame sect to have fire in their hand, but the twin with the red eyes had a fire on not only her hands but all over her body, it was extremely hot that it burnt the hand of the midwife who assisted their mother in giving birth. The people from flame sect could withstand any fire regardless of how hot it was but the fire from the twin body was unbearable, when the news spread out of the sect, everyone was curious about the twins.

One month after their birth they were given names, the one with the normal eyes was named Huo Ying while the one with the red eyes was named Huo Lan. Except for their mother, no one could withstand the hotness of Huo Lan fire, so she was the only one who was allowed to take care of her, her hands were covered with a malleable metal glove.

The other clans took advantage of the death of the former sect leader and the inexperience of the Huo Jing in being a sect leader to declare war on the flame sect. They weren't expecting the war and they were also celebrating the birth of the twins.

After the war on flame sect was declared, the sect leader knew that they were afraid of the power of the flame sect and also Huo Lan, her powers were far above any that had been seen, even her father couldn't stand her fire.

At that time, the government were not allowed to interfere in the affairs of Jianghu, the royal family governed the country, the Tang empire was governed by the emperor and the ministers, but the sect controlled four counties, Suzhou, Lanzhou, Henan Fu and Guangzhou were governed by the sects.

The flame sect represented Suzhou while the wind, thunder and talisman sect represented the other counties respectively. Five months after the twins' birth, the war began. Since the flame sect was caught unawares, they suffered the most causality.

However, they killed many people from each sect, the casualties they caused in all the sect together were more than what they suffered. Huo Jing considered the lives of the people in his sect and decided to settle for a truce with the other sects.

The other sects were not satisfied with the truce, they wanted to take the twins from the flame sect in order to strengthen their power. However, Huo Jing refused to hand over his daughters to the other sects, they threatened to annihilate the whole of the flame sect, then he agreed to give them only one of the twins not because he was afraid of them but because he didn't want to see more of his disciples die as a result of the enmity of the other sects.

The righteous sect demanded Huo Lan who was the most powerful of the twins. Huo Jing realised that their purpose was to use Huo Lan for their own benefits, but he knew that unlike the other sects, the martial art of the flame sect couldn't be absorbed or learned by anyone who doesn't belong to the flame sect and they only knew that she was powerful than everyone in the flame sect but they didn't know that anyone who came in contact with her except for her mother will be burned, he finally decided to give Huo Lan to them.

The following day after the concession of the flame sect, the wind sect which was the head of the other three sects sent twenty disciples to retrieve Huo Lan, to avoid her flames burning them The sect leader of the flame sect wrapped her in clothing's and hood that was made of soft metal without warning the disciples of her power, he also instructed that they shouldn't try to enter the carriage or bring her out of the carriage she was kept in.

On their way back, they were curious to see the strange twin of the flame sect who was five-month-old at that time, they brought her out of the carriage lifted the hood and the clothing and immediately fire came out of her eyes and hand, the carriage exploded.

Nineteen of the disciples were burnt to death, the only one who survived ran to the wind sect with a burnt face, the disciples from the flame sect who had been secretly following them carried her back to the flame sect. They covered her body back with the hood and clothing in order to avoid being burnt.

The news of what had happened to the disciples spread around the four counties, a meeting was held to determine what should be done to Huo Lan, the royal family ordered that she should be killed because she was seen as a dangerous monster that shouldn't exist.

The flame sect leader begged the Emperor to keep her alive, the emperor agreed but he commanded that she should be raised by her mother until she reaches the age of five, on her fifth birthday she should be taken to the wind sect and kept there until her powers can be controlled, on the eighteenth birthday she should be tested, but if she couldn't pass the test then she would have to remain in the flame sect. Although Sect leader Huo wasn't happy with the order, he still thought that they at least had a chance to save her so he agreed to the order. . . . . . .

Three years later

The flame sect had already recovered all that they had lost from the war, before the war they used to have one thousand disciples, after the war they had only three hundred disciples.

The flame sect leader recruited eight hundred disciples after the war and they were trained in the sect. Out of this eight hundred four hundred were from the flames sect but they had never been trained while the other four hundred were not from the sect, those who did not belong to the flame sect could not practise the flame skill but they could practice the whip skill which was the other skill of the flame sect that doesn't require one to be from the flame sect.

Huo Ying was trained by her father to practice the flame skill while her mother taught her the whip skill at the age of three, her flame skill had already reached level ten from the moment she was born, although she was not as powerful as Huo Lan she was also an extraordinary child, Huo Lan was trained by her mother.

Even though her flame skill didn't need much training, her mother tried to teach her how to control her flame skill, she was also taught how to use the whip skill but she wasn't as good as Huo Ying when it comes to using the whip skill. She was taught the whip skill so that she won't have to use the flame skill when she has learnt to control it, but all her mother's effort in teaching her failed, she still couldn't control her flame power.

Anyone who wanted to see Huo Lan apart from her mother was only allowed to speak to her with her body and hands covered in clothing's made of soft metals, she was not allowed to touch anyone except her mother and they could only see her from the gate separating her room from outside. The two sisters loved each other very much, when they reached the age of four, they understood that they had to leave each other soon.

. . . . .

On their fifth birthday, Huo Lan was taken to the Wind sect, she was locked in the sect underground cell. No one was allowed to go in except for the sect elders and she wasn't allowed to go out, she was allowed to cultivate her skill in order to control it but the wind sect leader was uneasy while she stayed at the underground cell so she was moved to the Wind sect seclusion mountain and was locked there with her another child who followed her to the wind sect as her guardian, she continued cultivating to control her flame skill and also practice her whip skill but she was also tortured by the wind sect.

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