Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 83 - Why Do You Always Act Like My Wife!

The ministers went out in groups as they discussed political issues, each group consisted of allies of either the regional commander, the prime minister or those who are not on either side.

The regional commander is known for being a righteous minister who has always been loyal to the country and he never pursued power and wealth, however, the prime minister is the complete opposite of him. He has always wanted to grab the ultimate power in the court, he has always pursued wealth and ambition since he became the prime minister but the emperor and the regional commander are childhood friends, so the emperor favours the regional commander more than the emperor.​​

"The regional commander has really gone far this time; how dare he try to mislead the emperor," the minister of trade and salt supply said in order to curry favour with the prime minister who has been fuming with anger ever since the morning assembly ended. The slowly walked down the stairs outside the imperial court.

"The emperor has always listened to his suggestions in court rather than the prime minister's suggestions, if not for his majesty favour how can he be compared to the prime minister," the minister of foreign affairs said, the prime minister gently stroked his beards as he walked down the stairs, although he was unhappy with what had happened in the court, his mood had slightly gotten better after hearing that the regional commander is nothing compared to him.

Before the current emperor was enthroned, he held the supreme power in the court and the regional commander who was still in his mid-twenties had that time never dared to talk back when he spoke in the court, he took control of the emperor and the imperial seal so all the ministers feared him but after the emperor passed away from his illness, the current emperor who is the late emperor's brother took the throne but he refused to submit to the prime minister, he took back all the power the prime minister had during the late emperor's reign.

"Say no more, you should be siding the country and not taking sides," the prime minister said, then he left them behind and walked away alone. They knew that he didn't mean what he said but they just pretended to suck him to him.

The regional commander and his assistant stood at the entrance of the palace, they were discussing military matters but they didn't know that the prime minister was already approaching them.

"Regional commander" the prime minister called out, then the regional commander and his assistant turned back to see who it was, their faces quickly turned dark when they saw the prime minister coming towards them.

"Prime minister!" they both chorused with a slight bow

"There is no need for such formality between me and you, after all, you are very close to the emperor," the prime minister said with a fake smile on his face, they knew that even though he was acting nice towards them, he is actually planning something very malicious in his heart.

"Prime minister, you are my senior so of course there is need for formalities such a greeting," the regional commander said then they both raised their heads.

"I am very glad to see you working hard for the good of the country, if not for the wise advice you have been giving the emperor, the country might not be as peaceful as it is, you are really working hard," the prime minister said

"I am afraid that you are giving me more praise then I deserve, the emperor is wise, I am only helping him handle trivial matters," the regional commander said

"you are being too humble, you deserve more praise, after all, his majesty has always listened to your opinions in court while disregarding the opinion of other ministers," the prime minister said, the regional commander was not surprised by his statement, he knew that their conversation was definitely going to land in this direction but he couldn't wait to brush off the prime minister, if he had a choice, he would have washed his hands off political matters but he cared a lot about the people so he couldn't let people like the prime minister control the emperor.

"If you are talking about this morning assembly then I implore you not to be displeased, your suggestion makes sense but it wouldn't hurt to give the Mongolians another chance so that we can preserve the lives of our citizens, I hope you understand his majesty's intentions," the regional commander said. The prime mister folded his hands at his back then he sideways in order to make himself look imposing.

"oh, oh Is the regional commander implying that I am blind to his majesty's intentions or that this lord is petty that I would keep grudges just because of what happened in court," the prime minister said.

This senile old man just keeps rambling….

The assistant commander thought!

He wanted to snap back at the prime minister but he was not in the position to.

"How can this lowly commander think such a thing, I am only saying that his majesty thinks highly of your opinions since you have been serving this country for over sixty years with loyalty and hard work," the regional commander said, then he pinched the assistant commander's hand and winked at him, the assistant commander looked at him in confusion then he realized what he meant.

"My lord, you seem to have forgotten that you have a meeting with the emperor," the assistant commander said

"ooh, I must excuse myself now, I fear that I cannot keep his majesty waiting any longer," the regional commander said, the prime minister turned to look at him, he wasn't sure if he was lying or not but it sounded like he was trying to intimidate him by mentioning the emperor.

"I thought you were just about to leave the palace," the prime minister said

"Oh, I forgot about my meeting with his majesty, if not for my subordinate and your conversation with me, I might have stood his majesty up," the regional commander said

"You may go, you shouldn't keep his majesty waiting," the prime minister said then he gave a dismissive wave his hand.

Both of them saluted him then they walked away, the prime minister watched them walk away as they entered into the palace, he had an evil and angry look on his face, it was obvious that the regional commander was being careful so that he wouldn't offend the prime minister and this made the prime minister feel more powerful.

"Even if his majesty favours him, he is still nothing without me, if I hadn't given an official post back then, how could he be here to fight against me," the prime minister said then he walked away with his chest puffed up and one of his arm hanging by his waist.

The regional commander stopped when they saw the prime minister leaving the palace, the both of them heaved a sigh of relieve then they came out of where they were hiding to deceive him.

"That sly old man, he just wouldn't rest until he is in full control of the power in court and I would never let him have his way," the regional commander said softly.

"But commander, why were you acting humble in front of him just now? although he has a higher position than you in court, practically you have more influence than he does" the assistant regional commander asked

"I just did that to make him feel like I was submitting to him and to make him feel like he has powered, this way it would be easier for me to oppose him," the regional commander said

"Ooh, I understand," the assistant commander said

"but…wait, why didn't you say something else, why did you have to mention the emperor," the regional commander said

"Well…well, I didn't know what to say"


The imperial consort palace.

"Attendant Xu, send a maid to summon the seventh prince," the imperial consort said

"Okay," the attendant said then she walked to the door but she stooped after she opened the door, she saw the seventh prince standing outside the door so she ushered him into the room.

"Your majesty, the seventh prince is here," she said with a broad smile on her face, the imperial consort who has been playing the zither raised er head in excitement, then she dropped the zither on the floor and hurried to meet the seventh prince as he walked into the room, she held his hand as soon as she saw him then she led him into her room.

"Mother, you don't have to stand up, I was coming to meet you anyway," Changlin said, he sat down beside her on the short and ide wooden chair with luxurious decorations on it.

"You, you are now starting to abandon your mother right, you have been back for a long time now but you didn't even visit me, I was about to send someone to summon you," the imperial consort said

"Mother, why do you always act like my wife, I was practising my martial art so I didn't have time to visit you, don't you have other women in the palace to play with," Changlin said

"So you choose martial art over your own mother when you are married, I wonder if you will ever remember me then" imperial consort sad then she removed her hand from his and turned her face away, he smiled at her childishness then he hugged her from behind with his arms wrapped around her neck.

"Don't worry about that, I won't be marrying anytime soon so you still have many years to spend with me?" Changlin said

"Your highness, you shouldn't say that, her majesty hopes that you can get married very soon" attendant Xu said

"Well that won't be happening any time soon," Changlin said

"What are you talking about, you have already attained the age of marriage, why don't you want to get married," he imperial consort said then she tapped his hand that was still tightly wrapped around her neck, he released his hand then she turned to face him.

"Mother, you didn't say anything about my fourth brother being single even though he is three years older than me, I just reached the age of marriage, how come you want me to get married so soon," Changlin said

"How can you compare yourself to your brother, he is more mature and responsible than you, if he was here, I would do the same thing to him, the both of you are really…." The imperial consort said

"Then I will get married when my brother gets married," Changlin said

"Do you even know when he plans to get married, he hasn't even returned to visit me even once, do you think he plans on getting married anytime soon?" the imperial consort said

"Your majesty, the fourth prince probably misses you as well, after all, you have been his mother ever since his biological mother died," attendant Xu said

"You can't be sure of that, if he missed me, he would have come to visit me or at least send me a birthday gift" the imperial consort said in a sulking manner.

"Mother, sometimes I wonder if am your real son or if he is, you definitely care about him than me," Changlin said then he folded his arms on his chest as a sign of his discontentment.

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