Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 87 - Making My Rounds!

"What part of I am busy don't you understand, I am discussing with the juniors and you are interfering, what do you think you are doing?" Alan Chen said with his eyes glaring at her, she was stunned by his sudden outburst, no one has ever spoken to her like that and she couldn't believe that she was doing this just because of Yu Yan.

"You…..." Yue Ling said with her hands clenched at the side, she bit her lower lips in anger but she wanted to do more than that, from where they were standing, the others in the canteen couldn't hear what they were saying but it was obvious that there is a conflict between them.​​

"Yu Yan, what was I saying again?" Alan Chen said with a smile on his face and his elbow resting on the table, Yu Yan looked up to see Yue Ling's expression, she couldn't imagine Chen Kai treating her like that, she would have beaten the hell out of anyone who dares to treat her that way as long as she won't suffer serious loss.

"Director, we are done eating o we would be taking our leave," Yu Yan said then she looked at the others signalling them to stand up, they all held their tray and stood up from the table and walked away, Alan Chen watched her back as she dropped the tray on the disposing counter and walked out of the canteen. Yue Ling was still standing in front of him, she could only hold in the anger she was feeling at that moment, she traced his gaze to Yu Yan who was just leaving the canteen.

"Alan Chen, why exactly do you like that girl," Yue Ling said as she took her seat in front of him, with a sad expression on her face, she wished that he would at least treat her better if she showed him how bitter she felt.

"Because she is interesting, she is someone that I must have no matter what," Alan Chen said with the corner of his mouth turned up.

"You don't even love then why don't you see my feelings for you, we are a better match than she is for you," Yue Ling said

"I know how you feel about me but isn't it clear to do that I do not appreciate your feelings at all if you want me to just use you as a fling then so be it but if you want to be serious with me then forget it, to me, Yu Yan is better than you, she makes me really desperate. No matter what she does to me, it just increases my urge to have her for myself" Alan Chen said with a lustful look on his face.

"One day I will prove to you that she is nothing compared to me and she is not worth your love or should I say your lust," Yue Ling said then she stood up from her seat and left the canteen almost I tears but she just held it in because of her pride.


"Whatever it was that happened back there, that was really bad," Meng Yao said as they walked into the hospital garden, they were all fascinated by the drama they had just watched in the canteen.

"I don't understand why she would love someone like that or how someone like that could become a surgeon, I can't help but think that she is too good for him," Ji Chen said

"He was intentionally infuriating her by giving all his attention to Yu Yan, Yu Yan you have to be careful of her, jealousy can make a woman the evillest person on earth," Li Chen said

"Don't you think I know that already from experience?" Yu Yan said then she fixed her eyes on Jia Yu, who looked at her with confusion on her face.

"What are you talking about, what experience?" An Ke said

"Back then, when Ji Chen still had a crush on me, I suffered the wrath of a jealous woman from Jia Yu, she was just too scary back then," Yu Yan said then she made a terrifying expression while they laughed at her gesture.

"What are you talking about, that was in the past, now he is mine and we are back to being friends, but I can seriously understand how she feels and her situation is even much worse, she is in love with a good for nothing who ignores her," Jia Yu said

"If he dares to harass my girl, I would definitely break his leg," Ji Chen said then he put his arm around Jia Yu shoulder who scrunched her face with a cute smile.

"Can you guys stop being lovey-dovey, you have been doing this since you came back?" Yu Yan said

"No, we can't," Jia Yu said

"I can't be bothered by you two right now, I have to do my rounds, by the way, Ji Chen, don't forget to check on the patient I talked to you about," Yu Yan said

"Okay," Ji Chen said then he made the okay sign with his fingers.

"I also have to check on my patients," An Ke said

"Me too," Li Chen said then the both of them followed after Yu Yan leaving only the couple and Meng Yao in the garden.

When they entered their office, they saw Xiaomeng sitting in the office but they just sat on their seat without speaking to her since she didn't even bother to look at them when they entered.

"Yu Yan took out the chart of her patients from her drawer then she wore her white coat and left the office, she took the elevator to the second floor where the recovery unit is located. After she arrived at the recovery unit.

She entered into the recovery room where her first patient is, she walked to her bedside and checked her drip to see it was almost finished.

She looked at the monitor then she recorded her vital signs, at that moment the patient works up then she tugged at the edge of her coat, she turned to look t the patient, then she smiles when she saw that the patient was awake.

The patient is a thirty years old woman who was diagnosed with celiac disease, she had already undergone gastric sleeve surgery one month ago but the patient was still unconscious one week after the surgery was performed and as usual, the surgeon who performed the surgery transferred the case to her to avoid taking the blame in case of any complication.

"You are awake!" Yu Yan said with happiness and relief echoing in her voice but the patients were too weak to reply, so she just shook her head in response, Yu Yan pulled out her pen torch from her pocket then she used her fingers to widen the woman's eyes while pointed the pen torch at the woman's eyes t check if she was okay or if it was just a temporary consciousness.

"You are alright," Yu Yan said

She checked the vital signs that were recorded by the nurse that she left in charge of the patient when she wasn't on duty, she noticed that there was a large difference which indicated that the patient condition has improved.

"Nurse Song!" Yu Yan called out then nurse Song came into the room.

"Surgeon Yu" nurse Song said

"This patient has just woken up from a coma, make you monitor this patient closely and check her vital signs daily, she can't speak now but the moment she is able to move her body well and speak make sure you report to me," Yu Yan said then she handed the patient's chart to nurse Song Yi who shook in her head in response.

She exited the room and entered into another room where two of her patients were lying down, one of the patients is a teenage girl who was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, she underwent a septal myectomy surgery two months ago and was transferred under Yu Yan's care. The teenage girl very much enjoyed Yu Yan's company so as soon as Yu Yan entered into the room, she had a very broad smile on her face.

"Doctor!" the girl called out

"Li Hua, how are you," Yu Yan said as she walked over to the girl's bedside then she sat on the bed close to Li Hua.

"Where have you been, I haven't seen you for some time now and I am very bored since I am staying alone in this room without any means of entertainment," Li Hua said with her face scrunched up as she complained to Yu Yan. Yu Yan smiled as she watched the girls face then she stroked her head.

"I wasn't in the hospital so I couldn't visit you, as long as I am not busy, I will visit you every day from now on" Yu Yan said, then the girl's expression changed, she became happy in an instant with smiles covering her face.


"Yes" Yu Yan replied

"Then let's do the pinkie promise," Li Hua said

"Alright," Yu Yan replied then she held out her pinkie finger and joined them with the girl's pinkie finger.

"Stamp!" Li Hua said as she pressed her thump against Yu Yan's thumb then they disconnected their fingers.

"You…do you want me to call your brother so he can visit you," Yu Yan said softly

"No! I don't want to see any of them" Li Hua said

"But he is your brother, don't you miss him," Yu Yan said

"If there cared about me, they would have visited me all this while without your reminder," Li Hua said with a sadness in her voice, Yu Yan looked at the girl in pity but she knew that Li Hua was right. She came from a very rich family and she only has one brother which makes her the last born, her brother and her father were always after the company while he mother only cared about high-class women gathering and other things that high-class women were interested in, they never gave her the attention she needed.

Even when she had an attack because of her condition, they weren't there to save her, if not for their maid that was in the house when she collapsed, she would have lost her life, they visited her throughout the first week when she first admitted but since then they didn't come to visit her again.

Every time Yu Yan called her parent and her brother, they always gave excuses for their inability to visit her.

"Alright, since you don't want me to call them then I won't but I brought another partner for you," Yu Yan said then she nodded her head in the direction of the boy she operated on that morning while the girl followed her gaze.

"What do you think?" Yu Yan asked with a mischievous smile on her face

"about what?" Li Hua asked

"I made them bring this boy here so that you can have someone to talk to when he wakes up, I specifically brought him here for you, shouldn't you be thankful," Yu Yan said

"But I didn't ask you for a companion, moreover he is still unconscious, how can I talk to someone who can't even hear what I am saying," Li Hua said

"He is going to wake up tomorrow, he is a footballer and he is tall and handsome, isn't that the kind of guy you described to me the last time," Yu Yan said

"Sister! Why are you making fun of me, I shouldn't have told you that" Li Hua said

"I am not making fun of you, I am serious, I brought him here for you," Yu Yan said

"Okay, when he wakes up, I will see if he is to my liking," Li Hua said

"Just make sure you don't disturb him," Yu Yan said, then she stood up from the bed and walked owner to the boy, she looked at the chart in her hand then she looked at his vital signs on the monitor and recorded it inside the chart.

"I am leaving," Yu Yan said then Li Hua waved her hands.

She entered into the other rooms where the patients that are in her care are staying then when she finished making her rounds, she left the recovery unit.

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