Romance Of Flame And Ice

Chapter 91 - Traffic! 1

"Actually, I am not sure but I think it was in university with my current boyfriend," Yu Yan said

"How can you not know that is that even possible are you lying to us," Li Na said​​

"I lost part of my memory so I can't remember but from what I can remember it should have been when I was in university," Yu Yan said

"Aaah! You lost your memory" Li Na said

"When did that happen?" Li Jing asked

"When I was in high school but I can't even remember how it happened," Yu Yan said then the both of them gave her a pitiful look, they couldn't believe that such a thing had happened to their beloved Aunt.

"So, when are your mum and dad coming back? Or didn't they come with you" Yu Yan asked

"Mum said that she has some business to take care of so she didn't come with us, after dropping us, Dad went to grand father's workplace," Li Na said

"That's great, it has been long since I saw my brother but it is such a pity that your mum didn't come with you, I was hoping I would see her," Yu Yan said

"Mum and Dad have been busy with managing their company that they don't even have time for us, Li Jing complained to mum yesterday so they brought us here," Li Na said

"Is that true?" Yu Yan asked facing Li Jing

"Yes, they were really being annoying, they didn't even have five minutes to spare us in a day, if not for Li Na who is good at cooking, the both of us would have starved," Li Jing said

"That is good, you did the right thing by voicing out but why didn't your mum hire a housekeeper for you since she was busy," Yu Yan asked

"Mum says that even if we are rich, we should hire a housekeeper or else we would become spoilt and lazy," Li Na said

"That is right, I like your mum's way of training you if only they were giving both of you the attention you deserve then her parenting would have been perfect" Yu Yan said

"Aunt! Don't you think that we should be sending our teenage years enjoying ourselves, she makes me cook and do all the house chores despite h" Li Na complained, Yu Yan chuckled when she saw how pissed she was.

"What do you mean by doing all the house chores, you are talking like all I do is laze around the house," Li Jing said

"Whatever! The only good thing is that she always us to go out whenever we want but our curfew time is seven-thirty" Li Na said

"That is if we are done with our school work and house chores," Li Jing said, Yu Yan couldn't help but laugh at how strict their mum is with them, her brothers were exactly the same way with her. Due to the large age difference between them, they always bossed her around and they chased away any boy that tries to get close to her, she had concluded that the reason why she never dated in high school is because of her bothers. Her parents allowed her to do whatever she wanted because she is a girl and the last born but her brothers were always restricting her freedom, the only advantage she found in having two older brothers was that they spoilt her at times, they always gave her whatever she wanted but they were just too overprotective.

Her first brother and his wife were dating since when they were in high school, so their relationship was very sweet at that time, his wife always helped her get away from her overprotective brother when they were in high school and that was why she liked her brother's wife so much when she was in high school, her older brother had already finished his university and the both of them built their company as soon as they graduated from university.

Her first brother could be considered as a wealthy man in his early forties, he had several branches of his company in china, so he was the one who paid for her tuition until she finished university. She also wouldn't have been accepted in Beijing Hospital if not for her brother's influence and her skill.

"You guys are still luckier than I was when I was in high school, my brothers chased away every guy that came close to me, they were just too overprotective and strict," Yu Yan said

"He did say that, he told the stories of how many guys flocked around you when you were in high school, he even told us about one of his friends that were pursuing you," Li Jing said

"Did he tell you how he beat up his own friend for pursuing me? it was a very bizarre sight, since then every guy who heard of it never came close to me because they were scared of my brother" Yu Yan said

"This fool also did the same thing," Li Na said then she glared at Li Jing who quickly cowered his head.

"What did he do?" Yu Yan asked with curiosity written on her face.

"There is this handsome playboy in my school who confessed to me publicly in school, I was planning to beat him up myself but before I could even say anything, my brother had already pounced on him and beaten him up but he also got injured and he got suspended," Li Na said

"that is unexpected of you, you got your fathers temperament," Yu Yan said, then she raised her head to look at the clock in front of her.

"I have to rest, call me when your dad is back, the both of you can use any room you want" Yu Yan said then she stood up from the sofa.

"Don't go yet?" Li Na said

"I have to rest, I still have to go to work tomorrow and I might not be back in the night," Yu Yan said

"Alright then" Li Na replied then Yu Yan retreated to her room.

Meanwhile, on their way to the company, they met terrible traffic on the way, they have been in the traffic for two hours and thirty minutes and they were already getting frustrated.

"What the hell is going here, we have been stuck in this bloody traffic for more than an hour," Roy said in frustration then he slammed his fist on the dashboard in front of him. The both of them slightly jerked then they looked at him, they knew that it wouldn't be long before he would explode, Roy is not one to be patient so this kind of situation is something he hates and dreads.

"Calm down it would soon be over if you break my dashboard then…." Han Chen said then he suddenly stopped when he noticed that Roy was glaring at him.

"then I will pay for it…" Han Chen said then Roy looked away.

"I really shouldn't have agreed to come here, I hate sitting in one place for too long," Shi Fen said

"The both of you should please stop complaining, you said the same thing twenty minutes ago," Han Chen said

"Really, did I say that that" Shi Fen said but Han Chen didn't even reply him, even if he wasn't complaining, he was furious at whoever caused this traffic.

After twenty minutes of waiting, the car in front of them started moving, they had already lost hope of leaving that place so they weren't even aware that the car was moving.

"Boss, the traffic has stopped, start the car" Shi Fen shouted, Roy and Han Chen immediately raised their head, he pressed the start button then the car started moving. After they drove out of the traffic, Han Chen increased his speed again, he was determined not to ever experience such traffic again. The mistake he made was that he didn't make a detour when he entered the traffic because he thought it would soon end but things didn't go as he had thought.

"Thankfully we are out of that hell hole, Boss after all that we went through because of you, you must not go back on your promise," Shi fen said

"What promise?" Han Chen asked with a straight face, he remembered what he promised them but he just wanted to tease them, Roy immediately sat upright when he heard what he had said.

"You promised to let us choose from any of your cars," Shi Fen said

"When did I say such thing, those are my precious babies," Han Chen said then eh steered the wheel to make another turn.

"Don't joke around?" Roy said in a serious tone

"I am not joking, when did I tell you that," Han Chen said

"You are joking right, why would I even follow you here, if you didn't make such an offer" Roy said

"Didn't you say that you were just joking? so you followed me because of my promise" Han Chen said

"I…I was joking," Roy said

"I really can't be bothered with you two, I will keep my promise don't worry," Han Chen said then he made another turn and kept driving straight ahead. His face turned dark when he saw a long queue of cars ahead of him.

"Not again!" Han Chen shouted, then the other two raised their head to see what was going on, they were stupefied when they saw another traffic ahead of them.

"Han Chen, please turn back, we are not going to enter that traffic," Roy said

"I really don't understand how these civilians are so patient to stay inside traffic for more than thirty minutes if I have to experience this every day then I would rather stay at home," Shi Fen said.

Han Chen was about to turn the car around when he realized the road behind him was already closed by the cars that had just arrived behind him.

"I can't turn around anymore, we are stuck," Han Chen said, both of them turned back only to see that the other cars that had arrived after them had blocked the way.

"This is not happening, I can't endure this torment," Roy said

"Boss, are we really going to stay here like this, why don't we abandon the car and just go back home," Shi Fen said, he already had a look that signified that he was soon going to cry on his face.

"I can't do that, I just bought this car last year, how can I just let it go like that, what is I don't find it again," Han Chen said

"Then what are we going to do, I am definitely not staying here as this" Roy said

"Shi Fen follow me to the front, let me see what has caused the traffic," Han Chen said then he removed his seatbelt and opened the car door.

"Are you saying that I should remain alone in the car?" Roy asked

"Who else should stay in the car?" Han Chen said theoretically, then he came out of the car before Roy could even reply while Shi Fen followed behind him.

"But…." Roy said then he stopped when the left the car.

Both of them through the middle of the cars, after walking for a long time, they came to the front of the traffic, they gasped at the sight in front of them. A truck has run a car over and the car was suspended on the roadside barrier and was on the verge of falling into the river that is under the highway while the truck had tumbled and was on fire, the fire brigade was already there to put out the fire but they were still struggling with pulling the car back to the road and putting out the fire because even a slight push could make the car fall into the river underneath the highway.

Han Chen walked over to the people from the traffic accident but they quickly stopped him from moving closer, he pushed them away then he walked to one of them who seemed to be their head.

"What happened here?" Han Chen asked with authority resounding in his voice.

"Please go back, you are obstructing our work," the man said

"I am a soldier, tell me what happened here," Han Chen said

"Please go back," the man said and looked at him with a look that seemed like he didn't believe him, then someone from the fire brigade called him, he immediately left Han Chen and ran over.

"We have succeeded in putting out the fire," one of the fire brigades said

"Where is the driver?" the man asked

"They are trying to bring him out" he replied then a middle-aged man was pulled out of the truck and laid on a stretcher with blood all over his face and some part of his body burnt.

The paramedics immediately carried the man and applied first aid on his burns, the man was screaming in pain as they began the first aid treatment for him. Han Che's attention drifted to the car that was still suspended at the edge of the railway barrier, he looked into the window then he realized that there were a young girl and a woman inside the car, the woman seemed to be unconscious but the girl was still awake, her eyes were already closing.

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