"I'll spare you this time. If I see you harassing her in the future, I'll cut off your hand."

"Brother, I don't dare any more. I don't dare any more." Chu Feng repeatedly begged for mercy, but he didn't know how many times he scolded Lin Huan.

Lin Huan is also lazy to talk nonsense with him. As soon as he lets go, Chu Feng falls to the ground. When Chu Feng saw the five clear and incomparable finger marks on his arm, he was shocked: no wonder the shadow said that Lin Huan was not easy to deal with. Today, it is true.

Chu Feng knew that Ming gun and Ming Dao were fighting with Lin Huan. He was definitely not his opponent. He immediately gritted his teeth, stood up and walked to the distance. But in the heart actually said maliciously: "Lin Huan, we wait and see."

Lin Xuewei is still frightened at this time. Seeing that Chu Feng has left, she rushes to Lin Huan's arms with a light cry. Lin Huan hugged Lin Xuewei tightly, patted her on the shoulder and said, "it's OK. He doesn't dare to bully you any more."

Lin Xuewei nodded, hate way: "never seen such shameless guy."

Lin Huan can't help asking, "I look at the boy, but he is infatuated with you, but who is he?"

"He is Chu Feng, the chairman of Chu group. With some money and arrogance, I look down on such a person most." Lin Xuewei said with a glance.

However, Lin Huan was shocked and said, "what do you say, younger sister? Who is he“

Lin Xuewei looked at Lin Huan and said, "he's Chu Feng, the chairman of Chu group. What's the matter, brother? What's the problem“

"Chu Feng, he should be Chu Feng." Lin Huan just felt the buzz in his mind.

He is Chu Feng, so he must know who I am and who Xiao Wei is. So what's his purpose of pestering Xiao Wei all the time?

Lin Huan suddenly feels that this Chu Fengyuan is not as simple as he imagined. He approaches Xiaowei and tries to do harm to Fuhua group. The ambition of a wolf is obvious.

Lin Xuewei looks at Lin Huan. When she hears Chu Feng's name, she is always in a state of surprise and meditation. She can't help feeling that something is wrong, so she asks, "brother, what happened?"

Lin Huan shook his head and said, "it's OK, little sister. You don't have to worry."

Lin Huan knows that this is not the time to tell the truth to Lin Xuewei, because once Lin Xuewei knows that Chu Feng is behind the collapse of Tianyi building, she will not let him go. In that case, it is very likely that her rash action will cause irreparable consequences.

"Since my brother doesn't want to say it, I won't ask." Bing Xuewei is as smart as Lin Xuewei. Of course, she knows that Lin Huan has something to hide from her.

Lin Huan said with a smile: "little sister, it's not that my brother deliberately kept it from you, but that it's not convenient to say something. When the time is right, I'll tell you all

Lin Xuewei nodded.

Lin Huan gently smile, smile as bright as the afterglow of the sunset, gently said: "little sister, go with my brother, my brother will accompany you tonight."

Lin Xuewei smell speech, suddenly face crimson, cleverly follow Lin Huan, get on the car and leave.

When Chu Feng came home, he couldn't help feeling angry and resentful for the humiliation he suffered today. In his anger, he smashed everything in the room, but he still felt that he didn't get rid of it. For a moment, he took a dagger and slashed it on his arm.

Blood flooded along the arm, red blood shocking. Chu Feng looked at the blood fiercely and said: "Lin Huan, sooner or later I will step on you fiercely."

However, at this time, Lin Xuewei's beautiful face appeared in front of him again, which made him intoxicated. But when I think of Lin Xuewei throwing the flowers out, Chu Feng can't help roaring again and slashing on his hand.

The blood flowed along his arm, but Chu Feng didn't feel headache, because the pain in his heart was far more than that.

"Hum." I don't know who is sneering.

"Who is it, who's sneaking there?" Chu Feng roared: "dare to laugh at me, don't you want to live?"

Just as he was talking, the shadow of black clothes and black face suddenly appeared in front of Chu Feng, making Chu Feng excited.

"Mr. shadow, why are you here?" Chu Feng asked in surprise.

"In fact, I've been staring at you today. I've seen all the scenes of you being teased by Lin Huan." Said the shadow coldly.

"Sooner or later, I will kill Lin Huan and put Lin Xuewei under me." Chu Feng's eyes were cold and angry.

"Little leader, I can tell you. You can hate them, but at any time, don't lose your sense. " The shadow said faintly as if it had nothing to do with it.

"How do you make me calm down? The woman I love despises me. My enemy is right in front of me, but I'm going to beg for mercy in a low voice. " Chu Feng felt that he was about to collapse. It was unbearable for him to suffer such a life-long humiliation.

"That's why you should keep calm." Said the shadow coldly.

"Do you know poisonous snakes? Viper is that you can beat it, trample it, but never give it a chance to breathe. Because once it has a chance to breathe, when it reverses and bites you, it can cause death

"Viper?" Chu Feng murmured.

"Yes, you should be like a vicious snake. Keep calm all the time. When you bite back one day, you must kill Lin Huan. " The shadow said fiercely.

"Yes, I'm going to be a poisonous snake, a poisonous snake that can kill people at any time." Chu Feng's eyes were cold and ferocious, with some ferocity.

"I've seen everything before and after today." The shadow lightly said: "from my careful observation, I can clearly know that Lin Huan really does not know your identity at present."

"So what?" Chu Feng was surprised.

"Of course." The shadow raised the cold light and looked forward coldly: "originally, I thought they would suspect you because of the Nangong plot. However, judging from the current situation, although they suspect that the murder is related to the Chu group, they have no idea of your real identity. "

"What do you want to say, Mr. shadow?" Chu Feng didn't understand.

The shadow pondered: "although they don't know now, they may not know later. But it's a good opportunity. "

"What chance?" Chu Feng continued to ask.

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