For a while, it seems that Lin Huan has eaten the most nutritious food and become very happy. But the baby was obviously not full, a very greedy look.

Lin Huan can't help holding up Liu Mengya's soft body, then turns her over and puts her on the sofa. For a moment, Liu Mengya's exquisite body and perfect arc made Lin Huan look more. And then gently lying on his body, the giant stick aimed at the pink is eager to spend the hole stabbed in.

Liu Mengya can't help crying out. Lin Huan caresses Liu Mengya's plump buttocks and goes deep into it. It seems that he tries his best to go deep into the deepest part of the flower cave.

Lin Huan only felt that there were wet and soft tentacles everywhere in the flower cave. With the entry of the giant stick, the tentacles dodged one after another. However, when the giant stick was pulled out, the tentacles began to suck. Let Lin Huan feel the direct inner satisfaction.

With the ups and downs of Lin Huan on Liu Mengya's body, Liu Mengya has reached a wave after wave. Lin Huan can't help holding Liu Mengya up and letting her lie down on the sofa like a kitten, while he squats behind Liu Mengya, and then stabs the stick straight into the mouth. In this way, Lin Huan only felt as if he had entered into a very deep depth, and the pleasure brought by this time was unprecedented.

Lin Huan bent his long legs and kept going in and out. Hands first stroked her slender waist, and then simply holding the round pink buttocks, pounding hard. For a moment, the continuous collision gave out a sound, and the intersection of the flower hole and the giant stick also came out the sound of chirp.

Rose and Liu Mengshu enjoy it all. At this time, they look at this beautiful picture with a smile and are intoxicated.

Lin Huan went in and out again. He heard Liu Mengya's groan and became more and more cheerful. At the same time, Lin Huan felt that the temperature in the flower cave seemed to have increased a little, which made Lin Huan feel very comfortable and warm for a moment. With the warm current flowing through, Lin Huan once again felt that Liu Mengya's flower acupoints were constantly locked.

When Lin Huan was struggling, he got all kinds of enjoyment. For a moment, the Dragon chanted and became more and more powerful. With Liu Mengya's heartrending groan, Lin Huan's whole body finally trembles, and the long hidden Qiongjiang Yuye erupts like a volcano that has been deposited for thousands of years.

Lin Huan only felt that the pleasure was like the tide all over his body and every inch of his skin. Lin Huan can't help crying, and then uses the blissful technique to instill the harmonious Qi of yin and Yang into Liu Mengya's body.

For a moment, the harmonious Qi of yin and Yang circulates with Liu Mengya's body until Lin Huan's body, and then from Lin Huan's body, it is input into Liu Mengya's body. At the same time, the Yin Qi and Yang Qi secreted by the two people constantly fuse and transform into yin-yang harmonious Qi, which moves with the previous yin-yang harmonious Qi.

After a while, they both felt relaxed and comfortable. In particular, the refining yuan baby in Lin Huan's Dantian, greedily and happily began to suck up. When the child showed a very satisfied smile, he finally went to sleep lazily, looking like he was full of food and drink.

When the harmony of yin and Yang turned for six to thirty-six weeks, Lin Huan was light and energetic, even more comfortable than sleeping. I can't help but pull out the giant stick from Liu Mengya's pink and tender flower acupoint. I feel thirsty, but Liu Mengshu has already handed over the water cup in time.

With a smile, Lin Huan raised his fingers and scraped Liu Mengshu's straight and steep nose with infinite love. Then he took a cup of water and drank it. Three women looked at Lin Huan that thirsty as if for a few days did not drink water, for a moment all giggled.

Like a flower, fluttering and shining. Such as willow wind, falling moon. Lin Huan looks in his eyes and beauty in his heart. At this time, all the three girls, like kittens, put themselves into Lin Huan's arms and felt Lin Huan's strong chest. For a moment, they all felt extremely happy.

Lin Huan held the three women's weak and boneless body tightly in his arms and looked up at a clock. It was already six o'clock in the morning. Lin Huan thought to herself that they must be worried about their own safety, so they waited for themselves all the time, but they didn't sleep all night. They began to love them more and more.

The third daughter was worried that Lin Huan didn't sleep, but she was moistened by the harmony of yin and Yang. She was not only energetic, but also radiant. For a moment, I was full of smiles and beautiful. I really admire others.

Lin Huan is intoxicated in infinite happiness, suddenly thought of what the crow said, can't help but say to Rose: "rose, what kind of mysterious organization is the seven kill alliance?"

Rose smell speech, can't help all over a shock, sat up, said in horror: "Huan brother, how can you ask about seven kill League?"

Lin Huan smiles, shakes his head and says, "nothing, just curious?"

However, rose was not so easy to fool. She focused on Lin Huan's eyes and said solemnly: "brother Huan, you have to hide from me. Did the seven kill alliance find you?"

Lin Huan had no choice but to point his head and say, "indeed, I was assassinated by the seven killing League last night."

"Ah." The three girls exclaimed in surprise at the same time.

Lin Huan couldn't help laughing. "You don't have to worry. With my brother's skill, it's not so easy for ordinary people to take my life."

However, rose looked very frightened and murmured, "they found it. I didn't expect that they found it so soon."

Lin Huan will worry about rose gently in his arms, comforting said: "rose, don't worry, Huan brother will be able to deal with it."

Rose looked at Lin Huan with suspicion. Because she was full of love and concern for Lin Huan, although she knew that Lin Huan's skills were few people could match, she could not help worrying and said: "brother Huan, the seven kill League is the organization that trains me and nightmare. It's just that this organization is huge, intertwined, all over the world. Because as long as it's the people targeted by the seven kill League, few people can escape. "

Lin Huan listened to what rose said and what Crow reported to him was exactly the same. She could not help nodding her head gently.

Rose's eyes were very focused, as if with a touch of worry, and said: "it is said that the person in charge of the seven killing League is Xuehong, who is cruel, moody, unpredictable and extremely dangerous. So provoking the seven kill League, or offending the blood red people, will not have a good end. Brother Huan, you took a big risk and separated me from the organization. I'm afraid they will never let you go again. "

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