Taohuaseyi Qiuju only feels that after the initial severe pain, she seems to have been completely opened, and the feeling of being full inside makes her feel extremely full and happy.

Lin Huan gently twitched on Qiuju's body. With the deepening of the movement, Qiuju's slender waist began to twist like a snake, and her mouth also moaned like a dream: "so comfortable, so comfortable, brother Huan, deeper."

The girl must be a vigorous creature in the future. I'm afraid it's hard to deal with her. Lin Huan thinks so, and suddenly goes deep, which makes Qiuju feel a deeper pleasure.

Then Lin Huan started the blissful technique. He slowly infused the Qi of yin and Yang in his body into Qiuju's body along the giant stick. Then he took out the essence secreted by Qiuju like an index, and then quenched it with his own Yang Qi. As time went on, Lin Huan felt that his body was gradually filled with Yin and Yang. So with the full up of yin and yang to reconcile Qi, repair Qiuju damaged tissue.

Qiuju only felt the incomparable beauty and magic, but did not expect Huan brother with this method, not only can let himself get boundless happiness, but also can help himself heal, Qiuju intoxicated to enjoy, at the same time, the sound of groan also more cheerful.

But Lin Huan felt that his yin-yang harmony Qi had begun to swim slowly with Qiuju's tendons and veins. After a circle, he returned to his elixir field, and so on. Not for a moment, Qiuju already felt comfortable and relaxed. It seemed that she had been seriously injured.

Lin Huan touched Qiuju's pistil, which was very moist with gurgling water. He only felt that his giant stick was still stout to open the mouth, pumping and sending, and the pistil of Qiuju began to shrink gradually. Lin Huan raised his hand and put it in front of him. He saw a piece of red blood on his finger. Lin Huan knew that it was the Yuanhong of Qiuju.

This woman is also broken by herself, so she is my Lin Huan's woman. Lin Huan said secretly in his heart that the lower stamens of Qiuju had become narrower and tighter, and his boundless tentacles were sucking his giant stick, which made it very enjoyable. Lin Huan can't help but long out, and then deeply into.

With this action, Qiuju actually raised her buttocks high, and her hands also held Lin Huan tightly. With the whole body shaking violently, Qiuju gave out a heartrending cry.

Lin Huan's giant stick was also stimulated, and he even wanted to shoot it. But Lin Huan knew that he must not shoot out at this time, or he would not be able to cure the rest of the people in time, so he used the blissful skill to press down his violent impulse.

Lin Huan slowly pulled out from the hole under Qiuju. Qiuju felt that it was empty and longed for: "no, don't pull out."

Lin Huan said with a slight smile: "Qiuju, brother Huan still needs to save Dongzhu?"

"That's right, you big girl, big greedy cat." Chunmei said with a smile.

Qiuju knew that Chunmei was still by her side. She could not help blushing and wanted to find a way to get in. Chunmei laughed: "Qiuju, why didn't you be ashamed just now?"

Qiuju's face became more red for a moment. She said angrily, "I don't know what you were doing with brother Huan just now

Spring plum smell speech, immediately think of Lin Huan make her scene, suddenly blush, cry: "you necrosis."

For a moment, Qiuju and Chunmei laugh together. They just feel that they have never been so relaxed and happy as they are today. I can't help but look at Lin Huan. Lin Huan is rubbing the pistil of winter bamboo leg root with the stick.

Two people who had just experienced the joy of fish and water suddenly felt that an electric current hit their whole body, and water seemed to flow out from under their legs. Lin Huan's huge stick rubbed the flower hole of Dongzhu continuously, and the flower hole of Dongzhu also flowed wet water with the rubbing. Two people can't help thinking, is that big thing, let oneself very comfortable?

At this time, only listen to the winter bamboo with Lin Huan's touch and rub, issued a soft groan. They giggled. Chunmei's face flushed and said, "this girl is usually the most shy. I don't know what will happen when she wakes up?"

"Yes, yes." Qiuju also said with a smile: "last time brother Huan touched her, we all recovered, but her face turned red for a few days. And as soon as we mentioned it, her face turned red

"You still say, you don't know where Huan touched her last time?" Chunmei is smiling.

"I don't know. I only know that brother Huan touched us here." Qiuju pointed to her chest and said with a red face.

"Cluck, brother Huan not only touched Dongzhu here, but also touched her here." Chunmei touched Qiuju's jade rabbit, then touched her buttocks and legs.

Qiuju was touched all over by Chunmei, and her face turned red. "No wonder this girl blushed when she mentioned that."

"Ha ha, this seemingly shy girl, can't figure out how colorful she is in her bones?" Chunmei chuckles.

After a discussion, they couldn't help looking at Lin Huan and Dongzhu. See winter bamboo smile very sweet, face red, beautiful as peach blossom. And Lin Huan in the leg root of the Peach Blossom Land constantly rub, constantly rub, with the depth of the rub, the hole also slightly opened.

Lin Huan stroked Qiuju's flat abdomen, then held her round buttocks and forced her to enter the third point. And the severe pain caused by these three points made Dongzhu wake up with a scream.

Dongzhu only felt that his lower body was split, but he raised his eyes to see a man riding on him. He didn't care who he was, so he cried out: "sex wolf, help, help."

But Dongzhu left with the cry, and wanted to raise his hand to push Lin Huan, but he couldn't lift it up. He didn't even have the strength to struggle. He couldn't help getting more nervous and flustered. His tears were streaming down, "help me."

Qiuju and Chunmei can't help but look at Dongzhu in surprise. They close their eyes, frown deeply, and cry for help in pain. They think why does this girl value her chastity so much?

Lin Huan didn't care to explain, and he didn't care about Dongzhu's pain. He thought that if he didn't save her, he would be helpless. She didn't want to. I saved her and had to leave it to her. Can not help but once again a force, suddenly poked to the deepest depths.

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