At this time, Su Ying could not bear the severe discomfort of her body and fainted.

"Doctor, what's the matter with her? You save her quickly!" Xiao Moxuan ordered immediately when he saw the doctor coming, looking worried.

The doctor went to the bed, only looked at Su Ying and said, "childe, madam, it looks like a miscarriage."

"Miscarriage?" Xiao Moxuan looked at the unconscious Su Ying in surprise. Su Ying's face looked paler than white paper at the moment, like a dying flower, lifeless.

When he felt a pain in his heart, he pressed down the complex sour feeling at the bottom of his heart and asked the doctor, "is there any way to remedy it? Do your best to cure her and keep... The child."

"Let me see," said the doctor. He sat down in the chair at the head of the bed, took Su Ying's right hand and took her pulse.

Xiao Moxuan stood nervously to one side. After a while, the doctor sighed, put down Su Ying's arm and said, "madam's physique is weak. After a long-distance turbulence, plus what's the shock, she moved the fetal Qi and lost too much blood. The child can't be saved."

Those bastards who deserve to die! But Su Ying was badly hurt!

Xiao Moxuan scolded angrily in his heart, clenched his hands into fists, and burst out angry flames in his eyes. But at the moment, he didn't care to think about anything else. He just wanted Su Ying to be safe as soon as possible.

"How about her? Will she be all right? You wake her up first." Xiao Moxuan said anxiously.

"Madam is in a coma due to physical deficiency after miscarriage. There is no other serious problem. She should wake up in a moment. I'll prescribe some drugs to clear the palace and stop bleeding. As long as she has good health and recuperation, she will recover slowly in the future," said the doctor.

"Oh, you can write out the prescription quickly, and I'll let someone fill it." Xiao Moxuan breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Su Ying was all right, the child's business... Let's talk about it later.

The doctor took out the paper and pen from the medicine box, wrote the prescription, handed it to Xiao Moxuan's hand, and asked: "Madam has just had a miscarriage, and should not be too active. She needs to stay in bed for rest for half a month, otherwise it is difficult for her body to recover completely."

"So she can't go by car?" asked Xiao Moxuan with a frown.

"That's natural. The main reason for madam's miscarriage may be the long journey. Madam's physique is weak. After miscarriage, we should pay special attention to rest, otherwise we will leave the root of the disease in the future, and it's difficult to get pregnant." the doctor said solemnly. After looking at Xiao Moxuan, he added emphatically: "Also, during this period of time, the childe should also pay attention to self-control. He can't have sex with his wife for at least a month."

Xiao Moxuan saw that the doctor regarded him and Su Ying as a pair. Naturally, his heart was unspeakably sad, but he just smiled bitterly: "I know."

When the bodyguard followed the doctor to catch some pairs of traditional Chinese medicine, Xiao Moxuan immediately ordered someone to take the medicine to the bottom of the Inn and fry it. He sat by Su Ying's bed and watched her.

Soon after the medicine was fried, Su Ying just woke up and didn't know where she was.

"Su Ying, you're awake." Xiao Moxuan saw Su Ying open her eyes and was surprised. He quickly helped her sit up: "drink the medicine first."

Then he picked up the bowl of Medicine on the small table beside the bed and handed it to Su Ying.

Su Ying took the medicine, looked down at the black traditional Chinese medicine and asked softly, "what medicine is this? What disease am I suffering from?"

"You drink the medicine first, and I'll tell you later." Xiao Moxuan was worried that Su Ying would cry again when she knew that the child was no longer sad, which affected her that she couldn't drink the medicine well, so she didn't tell her about abortion for the time being.

Su Ying took the medicine and took a sip at her mouth. She immediately frowned: "it's so bitter... Xuan, I don't want to drink."

"Su Ying, of course you should drink medicine when you are ill. Be obedient. Drink medicine first, and you will get better when you are ill." Xiao Moxuan patiently advised her.

Su Ying took another sip of the medicine, but put it down again. She looked at Xiao Moxuan helplessly: "... I can't drink it."

"Alas, I'll ask them to make you a bowl of brown sugar water." Xiao Moxuan sighed gently and turned and went out.

After a while, he came in with a bowl of brown sugar water, sat down at the head of the bed and said, "Su Ying, drink the medicine quickly, and then drink the sugar water, so you won't feel very bitter."

Su Ying endured the resistance from the bottom of her heart and poured the bowl of extremely bitter traditional Chinese medicine into her mouth, choking her tears.

"Come and drink water." Xiao Moxuan quickly scooped a large spoonful of sugar water with a spoon and fed it to Su Ying's mouth.

In this way, he patiently fed Su Ying spoon by spoon and drank the bowl of brown sugar water. Su Ying gradually felt much better.

Looking at Xiao Moxuan's handsome and tired face, Su Ying's heart tingled.

He is still so kind, considerate and loving to himself. This time, if it weren't for him, he would have been humiliated by villains. I'm afraid he can't even live anymore.

He saved her more than once, and now he takes care of her so carefully. But she can't return anything to him, but hurt him so badly and deeply

Unconsciously, tears wet her eyes again. Su Ying choked and said, "Xuan, I'm sorry..."

Xiao Moxuan didn't expect Su Ying to say sorry to him suddenly.

His eyes smothered slightly, put the two empty bowls on the table, and put a bitter smile on the corners of his mouth: "is it useful to say these three words now? You should know, that's not what I want to hear."

Su Ying was speechless. She looked down at her blood stained clothes and sighed: "I can't wear these clothes... How could I get so dirty?"

"I'll make do today. I've told Xiao Fei that I'll go to the town to buy you some clothes at dawn." Xiao Moxuan also sighed gently.

"But what's wrong with me? What did the doctor say?" Su Ying asked.

"Su Ying, the doctor said you had a miscarriage." Xiao Moxuan looked at her and said softly.

"Miscarriage? I was pregnant before? Now the child is gone?" Su Ying asked in a daze. The whole person was as stupid as a fool.

The news was too shocking and unacceptable for her.

She married Mencius Luo for three years and never got pregnant. Who knows, it happened to be such a coincidence. As soon as he left this time, she was pregnant with his child, but it happened to happen that she was hijacked by gangsters and bumped all the way on the horse.

Their first child, a rare one, was easily lost again.

For a time, Su Ying was very sad.

She doesn't know whether she will have a chance to conceive after this accidental abortion?

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