Now things have changed. Meng Duoduo doesn't have so much resentment when he thinks of cloud flying again.

She was originally a cheerful and open-minded girl. Things have been going on for so long, and she has gradually changed from big things to small things. She doesn't pay much attention to it.

On this day, Meng Duoduo and Mu Xiaomi sat in the small garden and chatted.

Chatting, they turned the topic to Mu Xichen.

Now, Meng Duoduo always likes to take the initiative to talk to Mu Xiaomi about their third brother. In fact, she is unconscious.

She didn't know that it was these unconscious words and deeds that just showed her deep and reluctant yearning and concern for mu Xichen in the bottom of her heart.

The two sisters were talking happily when they suddenly saw xuanyuanmo coming with a spring face.

The two girls were surprised, because xuanyuanmo was serious and deep most of the time, and rarely put his joys and sorrows on the surface. It was the first time for him to be so happy today.

Meng Duoduo asked curiously, "prince, what makes you so happy?"

"Naturally, there is good news." after looking at the two lovely girls with bright eyes and bright teeth, xuanyuanmo said with a smile: "crown princess, your third brother has come back and won a great victory. His father has awarded him king of Jinling."

"Really? The third brother is back!" Meng Duoduo and Mu Xiaomi said in unison, surprised and happy.

"Yes, he's in the emperor's Tianhe palace right now. The emperor and his mother are going to give a banquet for their soldiers who return to the dynasty. I specially came to invite you to the banquet." xuanyuanmo said.

Meng Duoduo's heart soared at once, and her beautiful Danfeng eyes glowed with intoxicating brilliance in an instant, making her whole person look unusually bright and vivid, with a different style and beauty.

She grabbed Mu Xiaomi's hand excitedly and said repeatedly, "the third brother is back, the third brother is back! Let's go to see him."

"Go with the prince. I'm just a palace maid. How can I go to the banquet in the palace?" Mu Xiaomi pursed his lips and gently took out his hand: "moreover, I don't want to go to the Queen's mother. If the third brother is free later, you'd better let the third brother come and talk to him here."

What she said was from her heart. She had an extreme fear of the empress since the empress ordered people to beat her heavily last time and she nearly died.

Since then, no matter what she did in the palace, she always carefully avoided the empress and tried not to make direct contact with her.

Meng Duoduo and xuanyuanmo can understand Xiaomi's mind and no longer force her. They left with Mu Xiaomi and went to Tianhe palace together.

Along the way, Meng Duoduo was full of ups and downs and thoughts.

After all, she and Mu Xichen haven't seen each other for a whole year. The original disputes and helplessness have already turned into endless Acacia at the bottom of my heart.

She almost didn't want to think about anything else. She just wanted to see him quickly. She even threw herself into his arms and poured out her thoughts and feelings to him in the past year.

Stepping into the Grand Hall of Tianhe palace, although it was full of kings, nobles and many victorious soldiers, Meng Duoduo recognized the figure that had appeared in her dream countless times at a glance.

Still so natural and unrestrained, still so handsome and extraordinary. Among all the soldiers in military uniforms, Mu Xichen's posture of Yushulinfeng is still the most eye-catching scenery.

"Third brother!" Meng Duoduo's eyes suddenly became hot. Ignoring many people in the hall, even the emperor and empress also sat on it and rushed over with great excitement.

Mu Xichen turned around and saw a beautiful girl full of joy and brilliance. There was a slight crack in his dark eyes, but he soon recovered as usual and couldn't see a ripple.

"Hello, princess." Yun smiled quietly. His expression was calm and calm, as if Meng Duoduo was an ordinary person he met every day.

This polite and sparse "Crown Princess" opened the distance between Meng Duoduo and him.

As if a thick wall suddenly ran across them, Meng Duoduo's enthusiasm was poured with cold water, and his mood fell sharply from the boiling point to the freezing point.

She didn't know that her eyes had long been red. She could only hear her dry and dumb voice, like a lump in her throat: "third brother, it's good that you're back."

At this time, Emperor xuanyuanlie, sitting on the Dragon chair in the main hall, made a speech in high spirits: "The king of Jinling and the crown princess are deeply in love with each other. Today, the king of Jinling led his master back to the court, made great contributions to our Dachen country, and reunited with the crown princess for a long time. It's really gratifying. After three days, the king of Jinling and Princess Lanxin will officially pay homage to each other and get married. Our Xuanyuan royal family will be even more happy. Come on, take your seats. Today I'm going to have a big wedding Forgive the world and toast with all the people. "

Meng Duoduo's brain "hummed" suddenly burst open. He just felt as if someone had beaten him in the head.

She couldn't hear a word except that the king of Jinling and Princess Lanxin would officially marry in the hall three days later.

Confused, she followed xuanyuanmo to a table and sat down. She found muxichen sitting opposite her and xuanyuanmo, and beside him sat Princess Lanxin dressed up.

Then there was a lively scene of drinking and preparation and the collision of cups and lamps.

Meng Duoduo saw that Princess Lanxin enthusiastically held this dish and that dish for mu Xichen from time to time, and smiled with sweet words.

Her heart was like knocking over a messy bottle of seasoning. She couldn't tell what it was like. Facing a large table full of delicious food, she had no appetite at all.

Now, what she wants most is a glass of strong wine. A cup of bitter and spicy liquor that can make her forget all her troubles.

Almost subconsciously, Meng Duoduo picked up the wine cup in front of him and drank the wine in it in one mouthful.

Then she filled a second glass of wine, looked up and poured it into her mouth again.

Seriously, at this moment, she can't tell whether the taste of sake is bitter or spicy? Or is it sweet or sour? Just want to keep drinking until the end of time

When she was ready to continue to drink the third cup, xuanyuanmo couldn't help saying that he took the glass from her hand and looked at her with stopped eyes: "this wine is not like the yellow rice wine you drank last time. It's a special strong Shaojiu for rewarding the soldiers of the three armed forces. You can't stand it if you drink too much."

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