"Certainly not now, Ning Feng. You let me think about it, give me some time, and I'll give you the answer after I think about it, OK?" Meng Xiaoxiao pondered for a while and said frankly.

"OK, Xiaoxiao, I'll wait for you." Ning Feng smiled gently and his eyes were full of love: "no matter when you give me the answer, I'll wait. Moreover, I'll always stay behind you. Whenever you think of me and look back, I'll always be there."

At this time, Ning Feng's heart was a little relaxed.

He was really afraid that Meng Xiaoxiao would turn him down without hesitation as before, which would plunge his just comforted heart into hell on earth.

Fortunately, Xiaoxiao didn't immediately refuse him. She said that giving her time to think about it proved that she had a little weight in her heart.

Then, he still has a chance. Maybe before long, Xiaoxiao will completely remember their unswerving feelings in the past and be willing to come back to him.

Seeing that Ning Feng said that she was so determined to wait for herself, Meng Xiaoxiao was a little uneasy. After all, she was not sure whether she could fall in love with Ning Feng in the future.

If she fell in love with him, of course, she would follow him without hesitation, wandering all over the world, not afraid of mountains and rivers. If she doesn't love, she can't force herself. She won't hurt her heart. The man she wants to stay with all her life must be the one who loves himself and himself.

"In fact, you don't have to be so... Well, there are so many good girls in the world, such as Princess Caiwei, which is very good." Meng Xiaoxiao paused, suddenly remembering the scene of Princess Caiwei and Ning Feng shopping together yesterday, he couldn't help saying.

"She is very good, but I only have you in my heart." Ning Feng didn't expect Meng Xiaoxiao to suddenly mention Princess Caiwei and said in a daze.

"You... Are also very good?" Meng Xiaoxiao asked softly.

"Xiaoxiao, don't be angry. She and I really don't matter." Ning Feng thought Meng Xiaoxiao was unhappy because Princess Caiwei was unhappy, so he quickly explained: "Yesterday, it was only because of the festival that the emperor ordered me to accompany her that I went out with her. But... I was completely absent-minded after I met you. I didn't hear what she told me several times later. I always thought about what you liked to eat, watch and play when I accompanied you around the street..."

"Hehe, since the emperor ordered you to go shopping with his baby daughter, I think the emperor probably likes you. He wants you to be his east bed son-in-law." Meng Xiaoxiao joked mischievously.

"Xiaoxiao, I only love you!" Ning Feng's expression was very serious. He didn't like Meng Xiaoxiao's words, which involved him with other girls.

Meng Xiaoxiao smiled noncommittally: "I'm going back. I really want to go back now, or it'll be too late."

"Will you come back tomorrow?" Ning Feng asked faintly, so reluctant to separate from his beloved girl.

"I... don't know." Meng Xiaoxiao wanted to refuse, but when he saw Ning Feng's eyes with pleading and hurting Chu, his words turned into such a sentence.

She found herself extremely indecisive today, not like Meng Xiaoxiao, who was firm and decisive before. She always felt that she couldn't bear to hurt Ning Feng. Why? Was she really attracted to him?

"At the end of tomorrow, I'll wait for you in front of the stone lion at No. 8 East Street. It's the same as before. Whether you come or not, I'll wait for you." Ning Feng said such a sentence, holding Meng Xiaoxiao's hand: "go, I'll take you back."

"Hey. You don't have to wait for me. I'll think about it. I won't come tomorrow. I have something else to do." Meng Xiaoxiao regained her mind at this time. Anyway, she is now a woman with a husband. It must be wrong to date Ning Feng like this. Therefore, there can't be another time.

"I said I would wait, and you don't care about me. It's your business whether you come or not, and it's my business not to wait." Ning Feng said stiffly in a very stiff tone.

"Well, you can wait. It's really none of my business!" Meng Xiaoxiao was a little unhappy when he saw that he didn't look good.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry..." Ning Feng clenched her hand and said earnestly, "forgive me. You can't say it. I'm in a bad mood because I want to see you so much."

Meng Xiaoxiao thought for a while and said positively, "Ning Feng, the emotional thing is about fate. I said I'd give you an answer and I'll give you an answer. Don't rush me too much. Let me calm down and think it over. Let's let everything go, okay?"

"When did I say something bad about what you said? Of course, everything depends on you." Ning Feng smiled gently.

They went out of the maple forest together and rode on lightning. Ning Feng sent Meng Xiaoxiao to the gate of King Jing's house, but saw the third prince Xiao Molan standing anxiously in front of the gate of the king's house.

Seeing Meng Xiaoxiao and Ning Feng coming back on the same white horse, Xiao Molan's face showed a surprised look.

Ning Feng and Xiao Molan naturally knew each other. He got off the horse first, helped Meng Xiaoxiao off the horse, and then walked over to say hello to Xiao Molan.

When he got on the horse and wanted to go, Ning Feng said to Meng Xiaoxiao who was still standing at the door, "Xiaoxiao, don't forget, No. 8 East Street, late tomorrow."

"Hey, Ning Feng..." Meng Xiaoxiao shouted and wanted to tell him that he didn't have to wait. He wouldn't go, but lightning had galloped away with Ning Feng.

"Xiao Lan, when did you come?" she turned her head and asked Xiao Molan.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Xiao Molan said, with a dull voice.

"Go, go first." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled indifferently and walked into the palace with Xiao Molan.

The guard at the gate only remembered that when the princess was going out yesterday, they stopped her from going out. They didn't know that the princess turned over the wall and went out later. At the moment, he suddenly saw Meng Xiaoxiao coming in from the outside. One or two couldn't believe it, stared round and looked at each other.

Meng Xiaoxiao didn't want to pay more attention to these guards and walked proudly into the door.

"Xiaoxiao, where have you been just now? How can you be with Ning Feng?" Xiao Molan asked when he was far away from the sight of the guards.

"I went out to play and came to a beautiful place." Meng Xiaoxiao said, looking at Xiao Molan and asked, "you said you'd come long ago. How long has it been?"

"It's almost one afternoon. I've come to give you something. A local official paid tribute to the palace for a kind of red snake fruit, which is very crisp and sweet. I thought you must like it, so I brought you some. Who knows, gardenia said you went out yesterday and didn't come back all night. Xiaoxiao, do you know how anxious I was when I heard you didn't come back all night? I rushed to the general's house again Go and see. I was relieved to know that you lived there last night. Your mother said you came to the palace again, and I hurried to come, but I still didn't see you. I was going to go out to find you again, but you came back with Ning Feng. "Xiao Moxuan said so much in one breath, and there was a little grievance in his expression.

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