Four handsome young men and women gathered around the table, chatting and laughing while eating. This meal was also very happy and comfortable.

Yunfeiyang seemed very busy. After eating, he went out of Tianxiang building. He waved goodbye to them and left first.

Xuanyuanmo asked the two girls, "where else do you want to play?"

Mu Xiaomi habitually goes to see Meng Duoduo, which means that she goes wherever she says.

Meng Duoduo was obsessed with Liu Yangfeng's invitation in the evening, so she didn't want to go shopping any more. She said, "I've been shopping all morning. I'm tired. Why don't we go back to the palace early. What do you say, Xiaomi?"

"OK." Mu Xiaomi nodded and echoed, "I feel a little tired, too."

"You two, at the beginning, desperately quarreled to come out. After a long time, xuanyuanmo said he was tired." xuanyuanmo shook his head helplessly and said with a smile: "I want to accompany you more today, but you have to go back yourself. There's no way to take you."

Meng Duoduo smiled and said happily, "thank the prince for taking the time to go shopping with us. Xiaomi and I are very grateful. But now I really want to go back."

Seeing her resolute attitude, xuanyuanmo stopped talking and returned to the palace with a smile.

When she returned to the Yonghe hall and rested in bed, Meng Duoduo was always restless. She always remembered the scene when she saw Liu Yangfeng today.

She did not expect that, in addition to having a twin sister in modern times, she would really meet a person who looked so similar to her in this distant ancient times.

Moreover, Liu Yangfeng seemed to know her and called her name Meng Duoduo from the beginning.

What's going on? It seems that Liu Yangfeng has something else to say to her.

He said that in the evening, he waited for her and told her everything. What on earth is he going to tell her?

Meng Duoduo's heart was both confused and curious. She was in no mood for anything. She just looked forward to the coming of night. She left the palace early to see Liu Yangfeng.

After dinner, xuanyuanmo went to the study.

Meng Duoduo came to Xiaomi's room and said to her, "I'm going out of the palace tonight. For the time being, I don't want the prince to know. If the prince asks, you say I have something to go out and I'll be back later."

Mu Xiaomi opened his eyes in surprise and repeatedly asked, "where are you going? Why are you going? It's so late. Aren't you afraid to go out of the palace?"

"What am I afraid of? I'm brave." Meng Duoduo smiled carelessly and comforted her: "Xiaomi, don't worry, I'll be back soon."

"But what are you going to do? Why don't I go with you?" Mu Xiaomi still couldn't understand.

Yes, there are almost no secrets between their two sisters. Meng Duoduo's behavior at this time is obviously a little strange, so she is particularly strange.

Meng Duoduo thought for a moment, approached her and said mysteriously, "guess who I saw today?"

"Isn't it the Shaoge master Yun Feiyang of Youlong pavilion?" Mu Xiaomi felt more and more incredible and said with a toot: "are you going out to see him now?"

Although the cloud flying is indeed a monster that turns all sentient beings upside down, it won't be like this just after seeing each other several times.

Even now it's so late that I have to rush to his appointment.

"Dizzy, I'm not going to see the clouds flying." Meng Duoduo rolled her eyes silently and told her excitedly: "I told you what as like as two peas, I saw him today. He really looked just like me. Oh, when I saw him, he really scared me. He asked me out at night to say something to me. I'm definitely going. My intuition told me that this matter must be related to me."

"Listen to you, I'm also curious about Liu Yangfeng. Blossoming, why don't I go with you or be a company with you." Mu Xiaomi said enthusiastically.

"No, just stay in the palace, so that the prince can help cover up when he asks. If the prince sees that neither of us is here, he may think something has happened. Maybe he will hurry out of the palace to look for it. So, Xiaomi, don't go, just wait until I come back." Meng Duoduo has thought of acting alone, because she has a hunch that Liu Yangfeng must not want her to go with another person.

"Well, you go and go back quickly. You must be careful." Mu Xiaomi thought that what she said was reasonable, so he stopped insisting and just said with instructions.

"Well, Xiaomi, don't worry. I'll come back as soon as I see him." Meng Duoduo nodded.

In the palace on weekdays, Meng Duoduo seldom goes out at night.

At this time, when she walked along the shady path leading to the palace gate, the cool wind was blowing, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, which really made her feel relaxed and happy.

Although she was in a hurry to see Liu Yangfeng, Meng Duoduo felt very comfortable in this pleasant and quiet situation, so she hurried while appreciating the scenery around her.

In this way, she looked around and walked forward. The girl was careless and bumped into a man face-to-face.

"Ouch." Meng Duoduo cried subconsciously. He was just about to say "sorry", but he didn't want to look up. The person standing in front of her was Mu Xichen.

When he saw clearly that the person he accidentally bumped into was Mu Xichen, Meng Duoduo's heart jumped suddenly and was flustered for no reason. She couldn't say anything, so she had to stand there at a loss.

"Duo Duo, why are you? Where are you going?" Mu Xichen asked in surprise, not expecting to meet her here.

"Third brother, i... I have something to go out of the palace, so..." Meng Duoduo rubbed his hair and replied hesitantly.

"So late, are you going out of the palace?" Mu Xichen was more and more surprised. His handsome eyebrow was slightly twisted into a knot: "where's the prince? He won't go with you?"

"I don't want the prince to know. In fact, it's not a big deal. I'll be back soon after I go." Meng Duoduo said casually.

Mu Xichen stared at her thoughtfully. On the girl's beautiful and fresh face, there was a deliberate expression at the moment. It seemed that there was something he didn't want to let him know.

This discovery made Mu Xichen's heart uneasy.

Duo Duo grew up in their family when she was young. Except for some people in Mu mansion and imperial palace, she should not know other people at all.

At this moment, she was in a hurry to leave the palace. What was she doing?

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