Meng Duoduo was silent again. He didn't speak for a moment. He seemed to be seriously considering his suggestion.

Yun Feiyang gently hugged her and coaxed her and said, "good boy, listen to me this time. If you go back to the palace like this, I will be worried to death and worry about it day and night."

Meng Duoduo tooted his mouth and said, "you don't have to worry so much."

"But I want to miss you." Yun Feiyang couldn't help holding her hand, and his lips raised a charming smile: "blossoming, you have grown in my heart and can't be pulled out anymore."

Meng Duoduo cheered up, pushed him away, kept a certain distance from him, and then said positively, "Yun Feiyang, thank you. However, I still decided to go back by myself. Because it's unfair for that girl to let anyone go back to the palace instead of me."

"Blossoming, didn't you say it well just now? Why did you change your mind again?" the natural and unrestrained smile on Yun Feiyang's face disappeared, and his heart became heavy and depressed again.

"Just now I didn't promise to let others go back instead of me." Meng Duoduo smiled faintly and said very sincerely: "Yun Feiyang, I know you are good for me. I'm afraid I will be wronged when I return to the palace. However, I think I should bear my own responsibility. Princess, she is aimed at me. I don't want others to bear the hardships I should have experienced instead of me."

"Blossoming, don't be capricious, this can't be capricious." Yun Feiyang's beautiful handsome eyebrow has wrinkled into a majestic Himalaya, and he still wants to say it.

"This is not willful." Meng Duoduo quickly interrupted him: "you don't have to persuade me. I will certainly accept your kindness, but I won't change my mind."

Yunfeiyang bit his teeth and solemnly reminded her: "Miss, changing face is not fun, and returning to the palace is not fun."

"Oh, you can rest assured." Meng Duoduo smiled and said naughtily, "I'm not afraid. I'll take care of myself. I'm not an idiot. The princess wants to bully me. Cut! It's not that simple."

Yunfeiyang had to be convinced of her stubbornness and had nothing to do with her.

Looking at the girl's lively, charming and sunny face, his eyes gradually changed from initial worry and pity to heartfelt appreciation: "baby, you're great. You're so strong and lovely, kind and brave and lovely. I feel more and more that it's my greatest luck to know you in this life."

"Er, you'd better call me Duoduo." hearing his undisguised admiration, Meng Duoduo was both angry and funny. She pursed her lips and said with a little embarrassment: "in fact, you are not as hateful as I thought at first."

"Really?" Yun Feiyang turned tenderly in his heart and deliberately asked slowly, "blossoming, do you mean that your view of me has changed?"

"Well." Meng Duoduo nodded with a red face and said with a smile, "at first, I didn't particularly hate you. It's you who don't work hard and destroy your image."

"Hehe, I'm trying to recover the mistake that offended you last time?" Yun Feiyang smiled with a good temper and asked with concern: "aren't you hungry?"

When he said this, Meng Duoduo immediately felt hungry. He couldn't help making a face and said frankly, "I'm really hungry, tired and hungry."

"Let's go and have dinner with me. You know, Youlong Pavilion is not only famous for concealed weapons and poisons, but also the invited cook is first-class." Yun Feiyang's face opened a smile like a spring breeze and walked out of the house holding the girl's hand.

Three days passed quickly.

In these three days, yunfeiyang appeared on time every day, accompanied and took care of Meng Duoduo meticulously, and took her to every corner of Yulong valley.

The relationship between the two people is much more relaxed than before. In Meng Duoduo's heart, the impression of cloud flying has changed a lot.

However, when it comes to emotional topics, she will rudely interrupt Yun Feiyang and even ignore him angrily.

Young cabinet leader Yun, who has always been popular in front of girls, finally met his appointed nemesis. He can only sigh in his heart: wait, maybe he and she need more time

After dinner on the third night, Yun Feiyang took Meng Duoduo for a walk outside according to the usual practice. After returning to the room, their mood was a little complicated.

"Duo Duo, you have a good rest. I'll come back with you tomorrow." Yun Feiyang didn't want to mention the matter of giving her Yi Rong back to the palace. He pretended to explain casually and was about to leave in a hurry.

"The clouds are flying." Meng Duoduo stopped him and said in a low voice and seriously, "tonight, just help me change my face."

Yun Feiyang lowered his eyes and looked at her deeply. He asked in a hoarse voice, "have you really decided to go back to the palace by yourself?"

"Yes." Meng Duoduo nodded without hesitation and said very firmly: "otherwise, I will never be at ease."

"Blossoming, you really make me move." Yun Feiyang affectionately hugged her and said, "come with me. I have some things here. If you go back to the palace, you can take them with you. In this way, I can be a little relieved."

Follow the cloud flying through the garden path of Youlong Pavilion and come to a tall house.

Meng Duoduo knew that this was the big house she stayed in when she was caught by the people of Youlong Pavilion as Liu Yangfeng for the first time.

He took the girl into the wide and empty house. The cloud flew straight to the left of the wall with large screen windows. He knocked on the wall three times, and the invisible door moved away slowly and automatically.

Stepping into the door, Meng Duoduo smelled the strange smell of Chinese herbal medicine and all kinds of flowers.

At this time, she noticed that there was a big cabinet in the room, which took up a whole wall.

She asked curiously, "what do you want for me? I remember last time I was here, you showed me a portrait of Liu Yangfeng."

"You'll see." Yun Feiyang smiled calmly, took out the key and opened the cabinet door.

Meng Duoduo looked at the past with interest and immediately brightened his eyes. He felt dazzled.

The original cabinet was filled with all kinds of small bottles and cans. And those bottles and cans are filled with rare drugs with various names and different effects.

Wow, Meng Duoduo blinked and exclaimed excitedly, "you are almost equivalent to a large national medicine mall there."

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