Even every night, looking at Su Ying's sleeping face, he had a feeling of hope that time would stop. In this way, always guard her. In this way, you can see her when you open your eyes every day

In the first few days, he occasionally thought of things in the capital and Meng Xiaoxiao.

Later, as his contact with Su Ying increased day by day, he didn't forget Su Ying. Su Ying was so weak and beautiful. Xiao Moxuan's heart became soft day by day. It seemed that all the tenderness in the past returned to his heart.

He has no energy to think about anything else and no energy to think about others. His whole body and mind hung on Su Ying alone.

Tomorrow, Su Ying will be sent back to the capital and her husband's house. All this also made Xiao Moxuan's heart sad and disappointed

"Xuan, thank you..." after a long time, Su Ying said these words again.

Xiao Moxuan stopped his confused thoughts, quietly looked at Su Ying's guilty eyes and breathed out a deep breath: "Su Ying, you know what I want to hear is not thank you or sorry. If you really want to thank me, tell me, why did you leave me? Why didn't you wait for me?"

"I......" Su Ying opened her mouth and said only one word, but her tears fell down like a broken pearl.

"Have you really never loved me?" Xiao Moxuan asked persistently without being softened by her tears this time.

This question is a huge thorn in Xiao Moxuan's heart over the past few years. He will never be reconciled until he knows the answer.

"No! I loved you! I really loved you at that time!" Su Ying said slightly excitedly, her chest slightly undulating.

This time, she answered simply and decisively.

"You said... You loved me at that time?" Xiao Moxuan's pupil contracted for a moment and changed several colors in an instant.

He can't believe it. How is it possible? Does she love him? Then why betray him? Marry someone else? Stabbed him in the heart.

"Yes..." Su Ying still only said two words, and more tears poured out of her eyes and fell on her face.

Looking at Su Ying's pale and bloodless cheek, Xiao Moxuan stretched out his fingers to gently wipe the messy tears on her face and asked again in a deep voice, "then why don't you wait for me? Why did you marry Mencius Luo?"

"Xuan, don't ask, don't ask! I have no way... I have no way!" Su Ying finally couldn't control. She held her face in her hands, and tears rushed out of her fingers.

"No way? Su Ying, what does this mean?" a cloud of doubt flashed over Xiao Moxuan's heart and suddenly sank heavily. This sentence, asked so slowly, almost spit out word by word.

Su Ying just covered her face and cried without saying a word.

And Xiao Moxuan's heart became more and more uneasy. With unspeakable anxiety, he stretched out his hand to take away Su Ying's hand covering her face. His voice lost its previous calm: "Su Ying, look at me and tell me what's going on? Is anyone forcing you?"

Su Ying still cried. Xiao Moxuan couldn't stand it anymore. He sat in bed and grabbed her trembling shoulder with both hands. He shook violently: "Su Ying, talk! Tell me the reason! Why did you love me and marry him?"

"Xuan... I only loved you, and I only wanted to marry you! But... That night, ziluo drank too much, and he forcibly occupied me! What can I do? I'm not clean, and I don't deserve you!" Su Ying told the truth and burst into tears.

Xiao Moxuan's mind roared, like thunder.

His cheeks turned from white to red, and from red to white. The veins on his forehead were exposed, and he looked particularly ferocious and terrible.

His eyes were so wide that he could almost burn everything. The anger ignited fiercely in his eyes and spread all over his body.

For a long time, he loosened Su Ying and stood by the window. The fist became tighter and tighter, and the last punch hit the hard copper window lattice. The bright red blood gurgled out along his right hand

Su Ying jumped out of bed crying, rushed over, hugged his injured arm, and said in a trembling voice, "Xuan, you're bleeding. Show me..."

Xiao Moxuan didn't seem to feel the pain of the wound on his hand. There was nothing more painful than the wound on his heart.

His eyes were filled with tears for a moment. Turning back, he held Su Ying tightly in his arms with his bloody right hand and said in a hoarse voice, "Su Ying, why are you so stupid? Why didn't you tell me at that time? I will love you as much as I am willing to marry you!"

"Xuan, I'm no longer a clean girl. How can I expect you to marry me? We can't go back to the past when I say it. If I say it, I'm no longer your pure Su Ying. I might as well bury it in my heart. Besides, I don't want you to kill ziluo." Su Ying leaned in his arms and soaked her face with tears.

"I'm sure to kill him! I'll kill him!" Xiao Moxuan's teeth clenched, his eyes spewed out a devouring flame, and his hands clenched into fists.

"No! Xuan, you can't kill him. I beg you, don't kill ziluo." Su Ying raised her head in panic and said with tears.

"Su Ying, he bullied you... You still speak for him?" Xiao Moxuan looked down at the uneasy woman in his arms and felt a severe pain in his heart: "if I let him go, what man would I call?"

"But now he is my husband, my God and my land. How can I watch him die?" Su Ying cried again, and her beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Moxuan sadly: "Xuan, promise me not to talk to Fu ziluo. I don't want to see either of you."

Xiao Moxuan did not speak, but his fists were still firmly held together. He could see that the joints were faint and white.

"Xuan, he is my husband, you know? If he has anything, I can't live!" Su Ying hugged Xiao Moxuan and burst into tears.

Xiao Moxuan's body shook uncontrollably. Two lines of men's hot tears that could not be easily bounced finally gushed out of their eyes and slowly slipped down his handsome face, drop by drop, dropping in Su Ying's dark hair.

He hugged Su Ying, his voice dry and heavy: "I promise you not to kill him."

"Xuan......" Su Ying cried out in surprise, but she didn't know what to say.

Such a patient and tough man cried in front of her for the first time. Her heart suddenly seemed to be scratched by the sharpest knife point, and she was bleeding with pain.

"You go to bed first, and you will be on your way tomorrow." for a long time, Xiao Moxuan gently pushed away the woman with pear flowers and rain in her arms.

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