"Childe, I heard when I went down the mountain today that the world had changed outside. The emperor died, the empress followed the emperor with hatred, the third prince died, and the state of Chen became the state of Ning." Han Qi said sadly and angrily, raised his hand and pointed to Mu Xiaomi: "It is her brother, muxichen, the former king of Jinling in the state of Chen, who caused all these disasters. Now he has ascended the throne as emperor, the country name has been changed, and your former crown princess has become his queen."

With a "pa", the porcelain bowl held by Mu Xiaomi fell to the ground again, and his face lost all its blood.

Xuanyuanmo smashed his fist on the table in front of him. The wooden table was shocked by his tyrannical power and broke into two parts, and the ground was in a mess.

"Young master, I said earlier that you can't leave the palace. At that time, you insisted on leaving. Now, the rivers and mountains of the state of Chen have been usurped, and the emperor and empress have been killed." Han Qi was filled with righteous indignation, and his eyes were red with blood: "young master, what do we do now? We must avenge the emperor and Empress and recapture the rivers and mountains belonging to Xuanyuan's family."

He has followed xuanyuanmo since he was a child and has always been a close follower of xuanyuanmo. He is wholeheartedly loyal to the Xuanyuan Dynasty. Now it is said that other people's hands have fallen on the rivers and mountains of the state of Chen. Why doesn't he get angry and angry?

Xuanyuanmo's face was as cold as frost, condensing the breath of shocking storm, but he didn't speak for the time being.

He knew that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the news brought back by Han Qi.

The common people would never dare to spread rumors about such a major event as the change of dynasty if it was not true. In the face of this unexpected great news, he was concentrating and quietly thinking about what to do?

When he came out with Mu Xiaomi, the government was stable and the world was peaceful.

He never thought that he would change his master and his parents would die in just a few months after he lived a quiet life in this beautiful valley.

Just because he didn't expect it.

Mu Xichen, his former right-hand man and his close friend, betrayed himself cruelly and did something like killing a king and usurping the throne

"Young master, please say a word." seeing xuanyuanmo's silence for a long time, Han Qi was anxious and showed his attitude with enthusiasm: "as long as you speak, I Han Qi is willing to risk my life to sneak back to the palace and kill the disordered minister and thief Mu Xichen myself."

Mu Xiaomi's face became more pale and shouted nervously: "silence..."

Xuanyuanmo, who has always cared for her, didn't pay attention to her at this moment, but looked at Han Qi and said coldly: "Can you kill him? Not to mention his own martial arts, you can't handle it. He is still the son of the new dynasty. There are many experts around him and there are many guards in the imperial palace. If you go ahead and kill him, you can only die yourself. Maybe he is waiting for someone like you to die."

"What do you say, young master? Can we just watch the Xuanyuan family's territory and be taken away by the thief minister surnamed mu? Young master, you are the crown prince of the state of Chen, and you can't give up the territory just because of a woman." Han Qi was anxious and angry, and glanced angrily at Mu Xiaomi, who was standing aside with a blue and white face: "I said that beauty is a disaster! If it weren't for this woman, you wouldn't leave the palace. How can he get what he wants so easily!"

"Han Qi! How did I warn you that day!" xuanyuanmo yelled and stopped him, and said sternly: "Since Mu Xichen has the ability to seize the world, he must have been well prepared in all aspects. It's my decision to take Miss Mu out, which has nothing to do with anyone else. Even if Miss Mu is mu Xichen's own sister, I don't allow you to blame her like this."

"Childe, if you scold me today, I'll also say that she came out with you, and her brother usurped the throne in the imperial palace. How could it happen so coincidentally? It's hard to guarantee that there is no conspiracy in it. Maybe all this is a beauty trick arranged by Mu Xichen long ago!" Han Qi could not help but said recklessly.

"Shut up!" xuanyuanmo was furious, his veins jumped violently on his forehead, and he was chilly all over. "Han Qi, you go out! I don't want to hear such meaningless remarks again."

Han Qi was full of indignation, but he no longer dared to speak too much. He walked out angrily and reluctantly.

Xuanyuanmo clenched his fists tightly, his joints were clear and white, and his black eyes were burning with anger, which could almost destroy everything: "national hatred and family hatred! How can I give up? Mu Xichen, I will let him pay his blood debt with blood!"

Mu Xiaomi's tears rolled in his eyes and eagerly grabbed his clothes: "Mo, it's not like this... My third brother is not a bad man. Don't kill him."

Looking down at the frightened girl, Xuanyuan's silent eyebrows were cold and gloomy, and his voice was heavy: "Xiaomi, I want to be quiet alone. You go back and have a rest first."

At this moment, xuanyuanmo was confused. The hatred of subjugation and the pain of bereavement made him angry and heartbreaking.

He has neglected to comfort Mu Xiaomi, who is fragile and delicate, and even didn't hold her in his arms as he used to.

"Mo......" Mu Xiaomi hugged him reluctantly, and tears fell down.

She loved xuanyuanmo at this time. She couldn't figure out how her brother had done such a rebellious thing? She was more worried that henceforth, xuanyuanmo and his brother would become irreconcilable enemies

"Xiaomi, be obedient. Go back first and I'll tell you tomorrow." xuanyuanmo just patted her gently.

Mu Xiaomi's tears softened his heart, but also made his heart more chaotic.

At this moment, he was really not in the mood to say more to Mu Xiaomi. He needs to think and plan. What should he do next?

Looking at xuanyuanmo who became awe inspiring and strange for a moment, Mu Xiaomi's heart was full of sadness.

She felt so frightened and helpless, but xuanyuanmo didn't give her the comfort she wanted. It also seems that she doesn't need her company.

With unspeakable loss and sadness, Mu Xiaomi silently returned to his room.

She couldn't bear it any more. She lay down on the table and cried loudly: "third brother, third brother, why did you do this? For blossoming? But have you ever thought about it? If you did this, what should I do in the future? You have completely broken silent's heart. What should I do? What should I do?"

Mu Xiaomi murmured to himself while crying. For a time, his heart was like a knife and he couldn't cry.

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