With Su Ying, he will not be ambiguous with other women as before, because that will make su Ying sad. So, Qingqing and Meng Xiaoxiao, he won't leave any of them.

Qingqing, from Yixiang hospital, although she only talked to herself, because of her birth, if she was given more wealth to spend her life, she might accept it safely. With her talent and temperament, it is not difficult to find her happiness in the future. There is no problem with her way out.

Meng Xiaoxiao, however, has some difficulties. This strange and lovely girl can be said to be the most innocent victim in this matter.

She is the princess she married openly. If you want to get rid of her relationship, unless you give her a divorce. And this is really unfair to such an innocent girl.

Xiao Moxuan couldn't help but sigh deeply. For the first time, he felt guilty about Meng Xiaoxiao.

His only happiness was that he had not really asked for her.

Fortunately, because of her insistence, there was no real thing between them.

In this way, if he was separated from her, his guilt could be weakened a little.

After all, she doesn't love herself. Even, the person she may love is Ning Feng. Moreover, her character is always so optimistic, cheerful and popular. Even her simple cousin Mo LAN is moved for her.

Want to come, her side will not lack people who like her, care about her, and are willing to pay for her.

Leaving herself, perhaps, is also a relief for her

Finally, Xiao Moxuan comforted himself in this way to alleviate the strong uneasiness when he thought of Meng Xiaoxiao.

Xiao Moxuan slept soundly this night.

He hasn't had a good sleep for more than ten nights. He watches Su Ying every night and can only make up a little sleep during the day.

This night, his relationship with Su Ying made a breakthrough, although they didn't make the substantive step because Su Ying had just passed the production. But they did not happen, and it can be said that it was almost the same as what happened.

Is it possible to say that Su Ying is not his woman?

After more than ten days of fatigue and lack of sleep, Xiao Moxuan slept until dawn the next day.

When he opened his eyes, Su Ying had got up and finished washing. She was sitting in front of the dressing table in the room, combing her long black and beautiful hair.

Xiao Moxuan lay quietly in bed, enjoying the profile of Su Ying Juanxiu.

The birds chirped and sang outside the window. The golden sunshine poured in through the green screen window and sprinkled on her smooth and exquisite cheeks and black waterfall hair, as if she had covered Su Ying's whole body with a layer of luminous silk, making her look like a light and graceful fairy

What a beautiful morning, what a beautiful woman, what a happy moment

Xiao Moxuan's face could not help showing a warm smile from his heart.

This beautiful and moving scene was something he had been longing for but dared not expect.

When I wake up every morning, I can see my beloved woman sitting in front of the mirror, dressing up and waiting for me to get up. For him, it is really a kind of dream happiness.

He once thought that he could never get such happiness in his life. However, unexpectedly, he and Su Ying, after so many twists and turns and so many waves, came together again.

Su Ying, after leaving him for three years, returned to him. This is the joy he dared to imagine only in his dream.

Xiao Moxuan suddenly felt that God actually cared for him.

At least, now give Su Ying back to her.

Although he used to be so miserable and decadent, now everything is over. Darkness, dark clouds and haze all belong to the past. There are a lot of happy times waiting for them.

The lost happiness is hard won. He must cherish it, cherish it, and cherish it again!

She got up and got out of bed, walked behind Su Ying and gently hugged her soft shoulder: "Su Ying, have a good rest?"

"I sleep well, Xuan, shall we go right away?" Su Ying's expression was a little unnatural, consciously or unconsciously broke away from Xiao Moxuan's hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, go back to Beijing right away. Su Ying, wait first. I'll ask Xiao Fei to find a car. Your body has just recovered. It's better to go back by car." Xiao Moxuan smiled gently at Su Ying, turned and walked out.

While Su Ying sat in the room, wondering how to tell Xiao Moxuan? In fact, she doesn't intend to be with him from now on. In fact, she... Doesn't want to leave Mencius Luo.

After a while, Xiao Moxuan opened the door and came in. He saw Su Ying sitting there with a lot of worries.

He went over, pulled Su Ying up, hugged her in his arms and said gently, "Ying, don't worry, I have everything. I'll deal with those things. You don't have to come forward."

"Xuan, actually I..." Su Ying opened her mouth, but how do you think it's so difficult to say a gentle word sometimes?

"Today, I'll go back to Meng's house with you and talk to Mrs. Meng, and then you can come out first." Xiao Moxuan looked down at Su Ying and said solemnly: "Since we want to be together in the future, I don't want you to live in Meng's house again. I'll find you a suitable place and take care of you. When Meng ziluo comes back, I'll formally negotiate with him. After everything is settled, I'll marry you."

Su Ying looked at him and didn't speak. Her expression was panic.

"On my side, I will solve it all. Qingqing and Xiaoxiao, they......" speaking of this, Xiao Moxuan also felt a little sorry. He paused and still pretended to smile easily: "they have no problem, Xiaoxiao, they don't love me, and we haven't really been together."

"What are you going to tell Xiaoxiao?" Su Ying finally said a word when she heard the name Xiaoxiao.

"Just tell her directly." Xiao Moxuan thought, and Meng Xiaoxiao's sweet and lovely smile flashed before his eyes. The corners of his lips couldn't help but draw a light smile: "her girl is very different. I guess she will clap her hands when she hears me say she wants to let her go."

"Xuan... Don't do this." Su Ying said, and hung her eyelashes uneasily.

"Don't what?" Xiao Moxuan looked at her flustered face suspiciously.

"Don't say anything to Xiaoxiao or... Tell my mother what they say. I still want to live in Meng's house." Su Ying's voice is very low and her eyes don't dare to look at Xiao Moxuan.

"Suying, look at me." Xiao Moxuan frowned and looked very serious: "what did you just say? Do you want to live in the Meng family? You don't want to be the daughter-in-law of the Meng family. What are you doing there? You should know that now, I can't let you continue to live there."

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