Meng Duoduo stood nervously beside him. A heart was raised to his throat, and his whole body was tight.

She wanted them to stop fighting, but she didn't dare to shout out.

She knows that at this critical moment of life and death duel between masters, as long as she makes a sound, it is bound to affect their mentality and disperse their energy.

Perhaps, it will have irreparable consequences.

However, if they are allowed to fight like this regardless, then in the end, there must be a man falling under the other party's sword.

At this moment, Meng Duoduo's heart was like a thousand hooves and ten thousand horses stepping at the same time. It was tangled in a mess and could no longer be supported.

She could only bite her fingers, and her whole body was cold.

The increasingly fierce and ferocious fighting attracted a large number of guards on the court patrol.

Seeing that it was the emperor fighting with a black assassin, everyone was surprised and anxious. The archers are now in full readiness. They have set up a long bow, but they don't dare to shoot arrows at will, for fear that in case of a mistake, they will hurt the emperor by mistake.

A group of bodyguards rushed over with knives, eager to protect the emperor.

But he heard Mu Xichen stop coldly in the gap of waving his sword: "don't come here. I agreed to fight alone with him."

As a result, although a large number of bodyguards dutifully surrounded xuanyuanrui and muxichen, none of them dared to go forward to fight.

I don't know how long the sword competition lasted? Both men's clothes had been drenched with rain, and the sound of the sword and the wind became more and more fierce.

Meng Duoduo's nerves could no longer bear such suffering. She rushed to the inner layer of the guard recklessly. She must stop them from fighting again.

At this time, xuanyuanrui's sword move was a little slow, and there was a slight flaw.

Mu Xichen didn't miss this rare opportunity. The long sword in his hand was like lightning flint. With the cold and sharp murderous spirit of killing people, he stabbed xuanyuanrui in the throat.

Meng Duoduo's head buzzed and exclaimed loudly, "third brother! Don't kill him!"

The girl's shrill cry made Mu Xichen's mind a little hesitant when he dropped his hand.

His hesitation gave xuanyuanrui the opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

Sooner or later, Meng Duoduo's eyes blossomed and he saw xuanyuanrui holding a sharp sword as fast as lightning, which had been stabbed into Mu Xichen's right arm.

The sword in muxichen's right hand fell to the ground, and blood gurgled out along his arm. He jumped back and jumped into the air flexibly. He quickly opened a long distance with xuanyuanrui.

At the same time, the archer who had just prepared opened the long bow, and one cold sharp arrow "whooshed" roared into the wind and flew mercilessly to xuanyuanrui.

Xuanyuanrui quickly waved his sword to dodge, but he was still hit by an arrow.

The bodyguards who guarded the side rushed up and surrounded xuanyuanrui heavily. The inner and outer floors trapped him and launched a fierce siege on him.

Xuanyuanrui had already had a fierce fight with Mu Xichen, but now he was injured by an arrow. One man was against 100, and his strength was gradually exhausted.

Seeing xuanyuanrui's life and death, Meng Duoduo cried and said, "third brother, let them stop! Let them stop! Let xuanyuanrui go!"

"No! He didn't kill me just now. Now, he won't have a chance to leave here again." Mu Xichen categorically refused: "letting him go is like letting the tiger go back to the mountain. I won't let him go anyway!"

Seeing his cold face, his face was determined and there was no room for maneuver, and xuanyuanrui's body had been wounded with knives. If he fought again, he would die.

Meng Duoduo couldn't bear such a heavy mental burden any more. He bent down and picked up a long knife that fell on the ground when the guards fought, laid it across his neck and shouted, "third brother, if you don't let xuanyuanrui go today, I'll die here!"

Mu Xichen twisted her eyebrows and looked at her. Her face was almost white. The determination and sadness revealed in her eyes surprised him.

"Stop! Let him go!" he bit his teeth coldly and ordered the guards to stop.

Hearing the emperor's order, the guards had no choice but to stop the attack and retreat to one side.

Xuanyuanrui stood alone in the middle of the open space. Although he was covered with blood, he still looked proud and tall.

Looking at Mu Xichen coldly, he said slowly and word by word: "I didn't kill you today. I'm not as skilled as a man. However, if you let me go, I will come back to you! The account between me and you will never stop!"

Zonghua went to Mu Xichen and said in a hurry, "emperor, this man can't let go! If you let him go, there will be endless trouble!"

"Let him go!" muxichen spit out three words coldly, looked at xuanyuanrui and said, "this time, I let you go because of blossoms. Next time, if you want to go again, it won't be so easy."

At this time, xuanyuanrui strode to Meng Duoduo: "Duoduo, come with me! Do you still want to stay here with the usurped emperor? I'll take you to find your brother."

"My brother?" Meng Duoduo was stunned. She didn't know why.

"Yes, you have a twin brother. He is my sworn brother. Xiaomi is with him now. He has been looking for you. Come with me." after a brief talk, xuanyuanrui took her hand and was about to leave.

Mu Xichen was furious. Blossoms were his treasure. How could he tolerate someone in front of him and want to take them away.

Regardless of his right arm injury, Mu Xichen jumped forward to stop them and pulled blossoms from xuanyuanrui's hand: "xuanyuanrui! Don't go too far! It's the biggest grace to let you go. Do you want to take blossoms? Don't even think about it!"

Meng Duoduo hurriedly said, "xuanyuanrui, hurry up and buy some wound medicine to cover the wound. Now... I'm married with my third brother. I can't go with you like this. You say I have a twin brother? Is it Liu Yangfeng? I'll see him next time I have a chance."

"Well, blossoming, take care and see you later." nodded helplessly, and xuanyuanrui jumped out of the palace wall.

"Emperor, you're hurt." Zonghua rushed over, looked at Mu Xichen's bleeding right arm, knelt down and said, "I'm sorry that the escort is late. Please forgive me."

Mu Xichen didn't pay attention to him, but stared at Meng Duoduo and said, "you don't hesitate to die in order to save him?"

"If he wanted to kill you, I would do the same," Meng Duoduo said excitedly. Her whole body was shaking and she had not recovered from the tense and frightened atmosphere just now.

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