He leaned over and picked up the clothes scattered all over the ground. Thinking of the warm and hot entanglement with Mu Xichen just now, Meng Duoduo's beautiful and lovely cheeks immediately flashed a hot hot tide.

Slowly put on her clothes and skirts one by one, and tied her scattered hair with a big red damask ribbon. She got out of bed, went to the door, raised her hand and opened the bedroom door.

"Empress, why are you up?" Zonghua, the close attendant of Mu Xichen, was stationed outside the door. He was very surprised to see Meng Duoduo coming out at the moment.

"Where's the emperor?" he raised his eyes and looked around at the dark night. Meng Duoduo could not help but wonder.

"Emperor... In the heart nourishing hall." Zonghua answered softly after a little hesitation.

Glancing at Zong Hua, who looked unnatural, Meng Duoduo felt more and more suspicious and uneasy, and involuntarily raised his feet and walked towards the heart nourishing hall.

Zonghua immediately stopped her and said, "empress, the emperor is discussing important matters with several adults and ordered no one to disturb."

Meng Duoduo didn't say a word. He sank his face and glanced at him coldly. He reminded him not to meddle in his own business and pay attention to his identity.

In contact with the empress's obvious warning eyes, Zonghua was silent and frozen in place in embarrassment.

Walking lightly on the cold and dark corridor in the palace, Meng Duoduo saw from a distance that there were no lights in the heart nourishing hall, only a few faint candles flickered gently in the night, and only a few small candles were burned.

When she reached the door of the heart nourishing hall, she vaguely heard the conversation of several people inside.

There are Mu Xichen, Xia Qing, and several voices she is not familiar with. They may be the newly promoted ministers of Ningguo.

Meng Duoduo could not help but frown a little. She didn't even have a big candle at midnight. What are they talking about here?

"Did you find him?" muxichen asked, in a very cold tone.

The girl standing alone outside the door was even more frightened. Who did she find? Xuanyuanmo? Xuanyuanrui? Or someone else?

"Back to the emperor, I just took people to check all the inns in the capital. For the time being, I didn't find any trace of xuanyuanrui. However, he was injured tonight. I have ordered people to watch around the medicine shops in the capital. If there are any suspicious people who come to take medicine to heal their wounds, they will be arrested immediately." Xia Qing replied.

"I'm afraid he's not so easy to be caught by you." Mu Xichen said softly, "if you can't catch him back, what are you going to do?"

"As long as the emperor agrees, if xuanyuanrui's whereabouts are found, even if he can't be caught alive, the minister will order someone to shoot him on the spot to eliminate the great trouble for the emperor." Xia Qing said without hesitation.

In the dimly lit hall, it was suddenly quiet for a moment.

Meng Duoduo was cold all over. Her fingers were tightly clasped and subconsciously twisted together. She wanted to hear muxichen's reply.

However, Mu Xichen never spoke.

He just promised her not to kill Xuanyuan Mo Xuanyuan Rui, and now

Meng Duoduo thought anxiously that a heart could not help but sink and tighten.

At this time, another strange voice sounded: "emperor, according to the letter sent back by the subordinates arranged by the minister in the south, xuanyuanmo has left Taohua mountain these two days. It seems that he and miss Mu have also separated, and the two are no longer together."

"Oh?" Mu Xichen's tone is not light or heavy, not high or low, so people can't hear too many emotions: "if xuanyuanmo comes back, his danger will be much greater than xuanyuanrui."

"Yes, so I suggest that the emperor should immediately order the wanted to encircle and suppress xuanyuanmo. If xuanyuanmo doesn't die, there will be endless trouble and the country will be unstable," Xia Qing said.

Meng Duoduo's heart soared with an unknown anger. Without thinking about it, she went out and stood quietly in front of the door of the heart nourishing hall, staring coldly at the several people secretly talking in the hall: "General Xia is so cruel. Xuanyuanmo and xuanyuanrui are at least your former masters. I think they were not bad to you. Now that you are in power, you want to treat them like this!"

Several people sitting in the room were all stunned and looked at her angrily.

Because Meng Duoduo hardly met with the ministers in public, an older new minister didn't know her. He couldn't help shouting: "who is so bold? It's a felony to dare to eavesdrop on the emperor's proceedings!"

Xia Qing called out, "empress, you're coming."

Mu Xichen didn't expect that Duoduo would find here at this time. She came over and took her hand: "Duoduo, why don't you sleep well in the bedroom? We're talking about something. It's not appropriate for you to come."

Meng Duoduo angrily shook off his hand and asked excitedly, "third brother, didn't you promise me not to kill Xuanyuan Mo Xuanyuan Rui? Now, you have to do this again!"

Several ministers looked at each other for a moment. Although they had heard that the emperor loved the empress, they were incredibly surprised to see that the empress was so bold and disrespectful in front of the emperor.

Mu Xichen's face changed slightly, looked at Meng Duoduo and said, "some things you don't understand, Duoduo, you go back first."

"I won't go! Unless you tell them not to kill Xuanyuan Mo Xuanyuan Rui!" Meng Duoduo said angrily.

Mu Xichen frowned patiently and didn't speak for the time being.

He knew Meng Duoduo so well that once she became stubborn, it would be difficult to end.

"Your Majesty, I know that you and the empress are deeply in love. But since ancient times, when emperors are in power, the most taboo thing is women's politics. If you want to sit on the river and mountains and achieve hegemony, you must not be soft hearted from the woman's point of view." the old minister who just shouted questions couldn't see it. He came up and suggested to Mu Xichen: "Xuanyuanmo and xuanyuanrui are the remnants of the previous dynasty. If they don't get rid of the root as soon as possible, they won't make a comeback in the future and bring new dangers to our Dynasty. Please think twice and make a decision."

"Yes, emperor, you can't be soft hearted." Xia Qing and the ministers echoed one after another.

Meng Duoduo glared angrily at these ministers who were absolutely loyal in the new dynasty, and turned their pleading eyes to Mu Xichen.

Mu Xichen didn't look at her. His face was cold and solemn, and there was a cold and murderous spirit in his deep and dark eyes: "pass on my order. From today on, all departments must work together to hunt down Xuanyuan Mo Xuanyuan Rui!"

"Third brother!" Meng Duoduo shouted fiercely and painfully. She couldn't believe it and didn't want to believe it.

Mu Xichen raised his left arm and hugged her hard, but his mouth said more clearly and coldly: "no matter what way, I have a great reward as long as I can take Xuanyuan's life."

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