Mu Xiaomi was surprised and turned back in horror.

Around her, I don't know when a few drunken men looked like no three or four, staring at her.

It was a big man who used vulgar words and tampered with her. Probably the head of these people pulled Mu Xiaomi into his arms as he said.

"Let go of me! Liu Yangfeng, help! Help!" Mu Xiaomi shouted in horror.

"What are you shouting for? Chick, I'm the biggest one here! Who dares to take care of my business? You just have to follow me and keep your favorite and spicy." the local ruffian said, and his mouth full of wine went straight to Mu Xiaomi's face: "look at your charming little face. I can't help but want to eat a few."

"Help! Help me!" Mu Xiaomi struggled desperately to dodge and asked the people sitting around for help.

However, when other customers in the restaurant saw this situation, no one dared to stop them. Instead, they avoided them one after another.

Seeing that Mu Xiaomi was about to be bullied, a vigorous figure suddenly flew in outside the door and kicked the frivolous local ruffian in all directions.

Mu Xiaomi took a closer look. It turned out that Han Qi came and fell from the sky like a fairy.

At this time, the big man's minions had surrounded Han Qi. He himself got up in embarrassment and rushed at Han Qi in anger.

Han Qi beat the meat and wine disciples to black skin, swollen face and looking for teeth: "get out! Let me see you shameless rats bullying people casually, it's not as simple as being beaten!"

Those street gangsters who just showed their teeth and claws and swaggered. They knew that they met an expert to fight against injustice today. Naturally, they didn't dare to say more. They ran away at the moment.

"Han Qi, thank you." he walked to Han Qi in shock and asked Mu Xiaomi softly, "why did you come?"

"Miss mu, if you want to thank me, thank you. He has always been worried about you. Let me follow you and protect you..." Han Qi said in a dumb voice, turned his eyes and looked out the door: "in fact, he came too."

On the noisy street outside the restaurant, xuanyuanmo stood quietly under the warm spring sun. Like a tall and handsome poplar, it immediately faded the color of everything around it.

On his body, he has a very deep elegant demeanor and a natural King's demeanor.

Even now, he was tired and his face was full of loss. However, it still did not reduce his eye-catching brilliance.

Seeing him, Mu Xiaomi couldn't see anything else in his eyes.

Her whole world seems to be left with such a cold, proud and affectionate man.

The two men stared at each other, but no one stepped forward.

Mu Xiaomi's eyes were gradually covered with glittering water vapor. She heard her heart calling: silence, silence!

"Miss mu, I was wrong last time." Han Qi looked at her and said in a low voice: "Han Qi sincerely apologized to miss Mu today and begged Miss Mu to return to the childe. The childe has been waiting for her."

Hearing him say this, Mu Xiaomi's face suddenly glowed with soul stirring brilliance. That pair of tearful eyes also moved in an instant, making her whole person look full of vitality and heat.

"Silence!" she shouted out her heart, and she ran straight to the figure she was haunted by.

Xuanyuanmo, looking at the beautiful girl running quickly, deliberately opened his arms and waited for her gently. The original Qingjun's face without LAN opened a warm smile.

Mu Xiaomi threw himself into his arms and they hugged each other tightly. Love is like the sea, rolling and lingering

This is on the street. I don't know how many passers-by are attracted by this dramatic scene? I couldn't help but stop, watch with a smile and whisper.

But whatever! In the world of xuanyuanmo and Mu Xiaomi, only each other is left.

They embraced and kissed as if there were no one else, and poured out their thoughts and love in their hearts. It's like a couple who have experienced life and death and finally meet again. They can't bear to separate for a moment

Han Qi, a dignified seven foot man, began to feel a little sour in his eyes. He couldn't help turning his head: "childe, Han Qi understands you today."

Liu Yangfeng ran over with two boxes of freshly baked lotus crisps. At first sight, he was stunned by the scene on the street.

He waited patiently for a long time. When he saw that the two affectionate people close to each other had no intention to separate, he finally shouted, "Hey! You can stop. Do you want to eat the lotus rongsu I bought?"

Xuanyuanmo and Mu Xiaomi returned to all living beings from their undisturbed world.

Mu Xiaomi smiled and said, "Yangfeng, thank you. I can eat again now."

Liu Yangfeng only felt that she had changed in a twinkling of an eye. The depression and sadness all over him disappeared and became young, playful and lively.

In the two days he met Mu Xiaomi, he had never seen her so beautiful, so vivid and so bright.

Shaking his head quite speechless, he whispered, "is this what people often say, the power of love?"

"Yangfeng, thank you for being with Xiaomi these two days." holding the lost and recovered beloved girl, xuanyuanmo thanked him with a smile.

"What can I thank you for? I would like to." Liu Yangfeng shrugged his shoulders in disapproval. To be honest, a beautiful woman like her, who doesn't want to accompany her more? However, it seems that I don't have a chance. I was glad to hear that she was going to marry me at that time. "

Mu Xiaomi said shyly, "I'm sorry, I thought..."

Before she finished, Liu Yangfeng carelessly interrupted her: "forget it, you don't have to explain. I Liu Yangfeng never care about these little things. Just now you've been frowning and didn't eat well with me. Let's go in and have some more."

Everyone laughed and walked into the restaurant together.

Saw as like as two peas of Meng Meng duo, the same as Liu Yang Feng, Han seven can not help but show the color of surprise. Mu Xiaomi also formally introduces Liu Yangfeng to xuanyuanmo and Han Qi, and tells Liu Yangfeng the true identity of xuanyuanmo.

Liu Yangfeng suddenly exclaimed, "so you are my brother Rui's eldest brother. It's disrespectful."

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