"Oh, that Pearl went to fetch water to wait for her mother to wash. According to the people in the palace, the former crown prince and miss Mu rested in the Yonghe hall last night." seeing Meng Duoduo's firm attitude, pearl dared not mention looking for someone to show her skin. She promised and went out to bring water.

Soon, Meng Duoduo finished washing.

She went into the room and sat down in front of the big copper mirror in front of the dressing table. Zhu Zhu began to help her comb her beautiful long hair like black flowing clouds.

"Empress, where have you been these days? The emperor was crazy at that time. In the first few days you left, the Emperor didn't even go to the early Dynasty and was locked up in the imperial study all day. It is said that the Emperor didn't even see the snow gentleman looking for him." while combing his hair, beads chattered.

"How's the snow lady now? She's seriously injured and isn't in good health." Meng Duoduo asked in a deep voice.

"Yes. When Xue Guiren just followed the emperor back to the palace, Zhuzhu heard from the people in the palace that she seemed to be dying. But the medicine that the emperor sent someone to find from a place called Youlong pavilion was very magical. It was like the medicine given by an immortal. Xue Guiren ate it and survived. The emperor was also very kind to Xue Guiren. He went to Qingxue palace to take medicine with Xue Guiren every day. However In Zhuzhu's opinion, the emperor's attitude towards the snow noble is not half as good as that towards the empress. "Zhuzhu said with a big smile, expressing the infinite excitement in her heart:" the emperor is really afraid of melting in his mouth and falling in his hand, just like a baby. "

Hearing Zhuzhu talking about the medicine sent by muxichen from Youlong Pavilion, Meng Duoduo couldn't help thinking of Yun Feiyang again.

She took out the secret whistle that yunfeiyang had given her from her collar and stroked it gently with her hand. She was a little depressed for a moment.

He has given her so much meticulous care and care, and has saved her life more than once in a critical moment.

Yunfeiyang has deep feelings for her. Maybe she doesn't want to repay her all her life

"Empress, wait a moment. Zhuzhu will bring you soup." after helping each other to dress up, Zhuzhu turns and goes out to serve medlar pigeon soup.

Meng Duoduo is still letting her thoughts drift freely. She has unspeakable guilt and concern about the clouds flying.

Now, however, she can only bury this unspeakable and unidentified feeling deeply in her heart.

After all, she can only love one man. And this person seems to be mu Xichen from beginning to end.

Maybe she was too brainless to recognize one when she fell in love with one at the beginning. Even though she was scarred several times later, she still didn't hesitate to fly moths to the fire.

Maybe, it's true that there's a definite number. She can't lose her emotional ties with Mu Xichen anyway. Therefore, she is doomed to be unable to repay Yun Feiyang with the same affection

Zhu Zhu came in with a bowl of fragrant soup and sent it to Meng Duoduo with a smile: "madam, eat it while it's hot."

"What is this?" Meng Duoduo frowned slightly. Her mind was very confused. She didn't seem to have any appetite.

"The emperor specially asked the imperial dining room to stew medlar pigeon soup for the empress. The emperor also ordered Zhuzhu to serve you. You must drink it, or Zhuzhu won't do well." Zhuzhu said quickly, for fear that she won't eat it.

"OK, I'll eat. After eating, I'll go to Yonghe hall to find Xiaomi, and then go to see the snow noble man." Meng Duoduo pursed her mouth and smiled, and her eyes completed the beautiful crescent shape.

For mu Xichen's consideration, she is still very happy. So, although she didn't like it very much, she drank the soup obediently.

At this time, there was a disorderly voice outside the door. A maid in waiting ran in and reported, "madam, Miss Mu has come and said she wants to see you. Do you want to see her?"

"Of course, I'm going to see you. Please invite her in." he handed Zhuzhu the bowl in his hand. Meng Duoduo got up and went outside.

Mu Xiaomi is standing on the corridor outside the bedroom with a worried face.

She was not at ease. She didn't sleep well all night. She was afraid that after waking up, she wouldn't accept the fact that she was brought back by them.

Xuanyuanmo is invited by Xia Qing to the imperial study for discussion. Mu Xiaomi wants to come over and thinks that blossoms may still be sleeping. She knows that blossoms love to sleep late.

Until this time, Mu Xiaomi couldn't help but come and have a look, but she was stopped outside the bedroom by many palace maids.

"Xiaomi, come on, let's talk inside." Meng Duoduo went over, took her hand and took her to the bedroom to sit down.

"Duo Duo, how are you? Don't be angry with us. I don't know what happened to Yun Feiyang at that time. He insisted that we take you away, and said he would go out and he wouldn't come back until we left." Mu Xiaomi said frankly, regardless of anything else.

"I'm not angry, but I'm surprised. What else did he say that day?" Meng Duoduo was stunned, and his heart was hurt by something.

"He said he didn't want to see you again, and that no matter what decision you made, it had nothing to do with him." Mu Xiaomi looked into her eyes and asked with concern, "blossoming, did you quarrel? I think he was very angry that day."

"It's a quarrel..." Meng Duoduo sighed and said, "it's me. He won't pay attention to me anymore. I hope he can find his happiness as soon as possible."

"Then you and the third brother..." Mu Xiaomi thought for a moment and asked carefully, "how are you? Aren't you noisy?"

"We're fine. We didn't quarrel. He apologized to me and I forgave him." Meng Duoduo's cheeks were slightly red and said softly.

"Ah, you and your third brother are reconciled! That's great!" Mu Xiaomi breathed a sigh of relief and cried excitedly. Then he remembered Yun Feiyang, and his heart was still a little uneasy: "just, Yun Feiyang... He doesn't know what's going on?"

"Xiaomi, maybe it's the best choice for him to leave me like this." Meng Duoduo ended the topic that made her feel ashamed with a simple sentence, turned her eyes and asked Mu Xiaomi: "what about xuanyuanmo? Why didn't she come with you?"

"He and his third brother went to the imperial study to talk about things. Duo Duo, do you and his third brother really want to leave? To tell you the truth, I'm really worried that if I become the emperor, he and I can't be like before." Mu Xiaomi said.

"What are you worried about? Worried that xuanyuanmo will accept the imperial concubine? Don't worry, xuanyuanmo loves you so much that he will be devoted to you even if he becomes the emperor." Meng Duoduo couldn't help laughing.

"But when the emperor, he can't help many things. If for some reason, he really wants to take another woman as his imperial concubine, I can't interfere." Mu Xiaomi is still a little worried.

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