"It's not ripe slowly." Lian Mou looked at the ignorant and confused girl in front of him, and Mu Xichen smiled: "I'd like to know how many strange things are in the head of a strange girl like you."

The familiar face and warm smile filled Meng Duoduo's heart with new joy in an instant. He couldn't help bending his eyebrows and smiling sweetly: "I'd like you to understand that I'll tell you all the things in my heart, and you'll definitely think of me."

Mu Xichen's smile deepened: "don't you think it's the same? Now, I don't accept your confession."

"Hey, you know, I'm not confessing to you..." Meng Duoduo was angry for a moment and reddened his cheeks again.

Dizzy, does he think she is a girl who tries to pursue him? Not at all.

"Well, let me confess to you." Mu Xichen smiled and compromised.

The girl's angry and a little anxious expression is very cute, and he seems to have no heart to make her more anxious.

Looking at the wall clock, he asked in a low voice, "are you ready? The ball game is about to begin."

"Let's go." he took a paper towel and wiped his mouth. Meng Duoduo stood up briskly.

The two settled their accounts and walked to the campus together.

The setting sun was shining and the breeze was curling. Meng Duoduo and Mu Xichen talked as they walked, and gradually there were more and more topics. Their figure walking side by side is very harmonious, beautiful and well matched

Looking at the familiar figures around me, the past scenes poured into Meng Duoduo's heart.

Cloud flying, Xiaomi, xuanyuanmo, xuanyuanrui, Liu Yangfeng's face flashed one by one from her eyes.

Maybe, fate can finally see you again.

Meng Duoduo whispered silently in her heart. Suddenly, she was full of confidence, expectation and hope for the future


In modern times, after a tortuous and lingering love, Meng Duoduo and Mu Xichen finally get married, and they have a beautiful marriage.

In ancient times, xuanyuanmo became emperor and Mu Xiaomi was queen. Because of Mu Xiaomi's small temperament, they occasionally make a little awkward, but on the whole, love is sweet.

Xuanyuanrui came to modern times again under a special chance. Later, there will be a wonderful story about him.

Liu Yangfeng is still wandering all over the world. Later, with the help of Mu Xiaomi, she met and fell in love with Xueji, who looked like Mu Xiaomi, and became a happy couple.

And Yun Feiyang, the elegant and beautiful man with a peerless handsome face, did not marry all his life after Meng Duoduo left. His whole life is natural and unrestrained and lonely.

All his love was given to a modern girl named Meng Duoduo.

There may be many beautiful women around him. However, he has never been so affectionate, loving and accommodating to anyone like blossoming

He never loved a woman again. Like love blossoming, he was tender for her and lonely for her all her life

(in order to appease the relatives who like Yun Feiyang, I wrote an ending for him and blossoms. Next, I'll take Mu Xichen after he was poisoned in the palace.)

Meng Duoduo completely fainted. She still held Mu Xichen's body tightly and couldn't open it. The blood from her mouth dyed the clothes of the two people red

This scene frightened Zhuzhu and other palace maids who rushed in, and also made Mu Xiaomi black and unstable.

"Third brother! Blossoming!" cried in horror, and she fell down softly. Xuanyuanmo hugged her nearby.

The tragedy happened without warning.

Losing the third brother who loved each other since childhood is an unbearable pain for mu Xiaomi.

However, she still has xuanyuanmo, and she also has the nourishment of love. Xuanyuanmo's care and comfort for her is enough to make her gradually get out of the pain of losing her close relatives.

For Meng Duoduo, Mu Xichen's departure took away all her joy and extracted her whole soul.

She was in a coma for five days and nights. When she woke up, the only thing she could say was: "third brother, I want my third brother, who will give him back to me..."

Mu Xiaomi hugged her and burst into tears.

Meng Duoduo didn't cry. Her tears may have run out when Mu Xichen said goodbye to her.

She just said repeatedly, "I want to find my third brother. He said he would take me to many places... Why doesn't he keep his word?"

"Blossoming... Don't do this. If you feel uncomfortable, just cry. Maybe you'll feel better." Mu Xiaomi said with tears.

"I don't cry. The third brother said that he didn't want to see me cry. He likes to see me laugh. I won't cry anymore..." Meng Duoduo murmured, with a sad smile on his face, beautiful and desolate.

The girl's appearance made everyone present feel sour and painful.

However, no one can help her do anything. Because all she needs now seems to be her third brother. But mu Xichen could never come back to her again

The following days seemed to return to normal.

The dead have settled down, and the living will continue to live.

Xuanyuanmo became emperor and granted Mu Xiaomi as Queen.

Meng Duoduo also stayed in the palace. At this time, Mu Xiaomi won't rest assured that she will leave. Moreover, without Mu Xichen, wherever she goes, it seems to have no meaning.

Now anywhere, it's the same for Meng Duoduo.

There is no dream, no vision, no expectation, and no ambition to step through thousands of rivers and mountains. What she has left may be just a body without a soul.

However, everything in Nianduo palace has a deep impression of muxichen.

In the dead of night, Meng Duoduo lay in bed, as if she could still feel the warm breath of muxichen, and the familiar and kind feeling wrapped her.

She could still hear Mu Xichen whispering in her ear, "blossoming, I will never leave you."

"Forever, unless the sun, moon and stars no longer rise, unless all the rivers, lakes and seas dry up, unless the sky and earth no longer exist..."

Meng Duoduo subconsciously stretched out her hand, hoping to touch the figure that tied her dream soul. Around, but empty.

The cruel reality was presented in front of her. Her third brother, the one she loved deeply, could no longer gently hug her and give her the most intimate hug. It is no longer possible to accompany her through the long journey in the future.

Those warm and sweet past can only become the most untouchable pain in memory.

She said she would never cry again, but at this time, tears still quietly wet her whole face

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