"Xiao Fei, why is the Lord unhappy when he comes back?" Qingqing asked Xiao Fei standing on one side.

If Xiao Moxuan's indifference is common to Meng Xiaoxiao, it's strange to Qingqing. Therefore, her heart was lost and confused, and she always wanted to understand. And Xiao Fei has been following around the Lord. He should know everything.

"Wang ye may be too tired to travel." Xiao Fei replied.

He knew that the LORD was in a bad mood all the way. He didn't say a few words to almost all of them, but he could only answer like this.

Qingqing sighed sadly and said to Meng Xiaoxiao, "princess, I'm leaving first."

With that, she turned and left, and Chunxue left with her.

"Princess, I'll take you there." Xiao Fei said, holding the two big bags that gardenia had just carried in his hand.

"OK, thank you." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled and said frankly.

"This is what our servants should do, princess. Don't be polite." Xiao Fei didn't expect Meng Xiaoxiao to say thank you to him. He was surprised and moved for a moment.

"Oh, Xiao Fei, our young lady is so considerate of servants. I told you that our young lady is the best, much better than your prince." Gardenia said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I think both the princess and the prince are good." Xiao Fei smiled simply and honestly.

The three people went to ziyuyuan with a smile.

At ziyuyuan, Xiao Fei said goodbye to them and said he would go to see if the LORD had any orders. Meng Xiaoxiao and gardenia work together. She arranges Gardenia to clean up the room and cook in the kitchen by herself.

The master and servant were busy. After a simple dinner, they sat in the hall and began to play Meng Xiaoxiao's homemade poker.

After a while, I heard the door knock a few times.

Meng Xiaoxiao turned his head and saw that Xiao Fei was coming again. He was standing outside the door with a shy smile.

"Xiao Fei, come in quickly." Meng Xiaoxiao said with a smile, guessing that Xiao Fei must have come to find Gardenia at this time. This pair of boys and girls is really suitable and getting better and better.

Xiao Fei came in and shouted to the princess. Then he looked at the Gardenia sitting on one side.

When Gardenia saw Xiao Fei, her round black eyes immediately flashed. The whole face also glowed with moving brilliance, but she was a little embarrassed and said softly, "Why are you here now? Don't you have to find you?"

"Hehe, I want to see you. The Lord has nothing to tell me now." Xiao Fei said with a smile.

Meng Xiaoxiao knew the affection of the two boys and girls, and she always thought they were a perfect match.

She likes to do the best thing to make people beautiful, so she said, "gardenia, there's nothing wrong anyway. Go out with Xiao Fei and have a stroll."

"Miss, I want to play cards with you." Gardenia dropped her eyelashes unnaturally.

"Go, go, I don't want you to play cards with me." Meng Xiaoxiao pulled Gardenia up and blinked. "Gardenia, don't be so duplicity with me."

"Miss!" Gardenia cried out in embarrassment, and two blushes flew up her cheeks.

Xiao Fei smiled awkwardly, but said, "princess, I'm not just looking for gardenia. I also want to tell you that the prince has been locked in the study since he came back and didn't even eat dinner. Go and see the prince when you're free."

"Oh?" Meng Xiaoxiao was slightly stunned. Recalling the scene of seeing Xiao Moxuan today, he also felt that he was a little different from usual.

It seems more indifferent and a little more gloomy. It's really strange that he is tired of Qingqing.

But on second thought, what's none of your business?

He has such a bad attitude towards himself. What duty does he have to care about him for such an ignorant and self righteous person? It doesn't matter to him that he doesn't come out for dinner for three days and nights in his study.

Thinking like this, Meng Xiaoxiao said to Xiao Fei, "Xiao Fei, I can't help it if he doesn't come out for dinner. I'm a natural enemy with him. You know, we almost quarrel every time we meet. You'd better go to Qingqing for such things as comforting him and advising him."

"In fact, the prince is really tired during this time. He worked very hard to save Mrs. Meng Shao. Later, Mrs. Meng became ill again. He took care of Mrs. Meng every day and hardly slept. The princess should go to see the prince." Xiao Feizi prefers the princess Meng Xiaoxiao. In his eyes, the prince and the princess are a natural couple, I always hope that the prince and princess can love xiaoxiaomi, so when there is such a thing, I just want to talk to Meng Xiaoxiao instead of looking for Qingqing.

Hearing what Xiao Fei said, Meng Xiaoxiao's heart filled with an inexplicable complex taste.

Maybe Xiao Fei thinks Xiao Moxuan is so kind to sister Su Ying because he looks at their Meng family's face. In fact... Alas, it seems that Xiao Moxuan is very bad, but he really values love and righteousness to the people he loves.

"Xiao Fei, where did you find sister Su Ying? Do you know who caught her? And why did those people catch sister Su Ying?" asked Xiao Moxuan just now. Meng Xiaoxiao asked Xiao Fei with a gun.

Xiao Fei roughly explained the process of rescuing Su Ying, and then said, "princess, it's really not easy for the prince. Although he looks cold on the surface, in fact, he is a person who is cold outside and hot inside. He locks himself in his study and doesn't come out or eat. In this way... Don't you go and have a look?"

Gardenia also followed and said, "Miss, go and see the Lord. The Lord spent so much effort to save the young lady."

Meng Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment and said, "let me go and have a look, but I'm not sure if I can persuade him out."

Xiao Fei and zhi'er laughed at each other and felt a kind of heartfelt relief.

They all secretly hope that their two masters can eliminate the knot and love each other

Meng Xiaoxiao went out of the Purple Jade Garden and walked to the study. As he walked, he thought to himself: Although he often behaved so badly, he really loved sister Su Ying. It's really rare.

Since a person can keep a true love so deeply for so long, his heart must still have a pure land, not an incurable bad man.

Anyway, he saved sister Su Ying and helped her solve a big problem at home. Without him, if something really happened to sister Su Ying, she was afraid that her brother would collapse when she came back, then their family would be over.

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