Ha! She couldn't help admiring herself. I didn't pay attention to exploring on weekdays. I didn't expect her to have such an acting skill that she can go on the stage and shoot on the set.

If I had studied art performance, I might have won a golden award and an Oscar

"In the future, if you come to Jinyue to work, you won't be so tired." Yun Feiyang rubbed her scattered hair as if comforting. There was an obvious doting in her low and pleasant voice.

"After that, I'm tired now. What should I do? I want to sleep..." Shu Guoguo continued to act lazily.

To tell the truth, at this point, she couldn't tell whether she was acting or serious? It seems that it's a little natural to play coquettish and whine with him. I don't think it's uncomfortable.

But I don't know if it's too deep into the play? Having said this, she suddenly felt really tired and yawned heavily.

It's not pretend this time. It's really sleepy.

"OK, I'll take you home." this time, Yun Feiyang didn't force her to go to the movies or any other aftertime programs, and generously took her vacation.

As soon as Shu Guoguo was happy, he subconsciously wanted to sit up straight and free himself from his warm and generous arms that made her nervous.

But Yun Feiyang didn't let go of her. Instead, he changed his position and made her more comfortable in his arms: "if you want to sleep, you can sleep on me. I'll call you when it's time."

Er, for a moment, Shu Guoguo was a little dazzled for a while. He almost doubted whether he also had super acting talent?

Otherwise, how could he look like such a wonderful man at the moment? Gentle, considerate and handsome

Khan, the show has to go on anyway. Even if you play against him, he pretends to be her! Look who's better? Or all your previous efforts will be wasted.

Shu Guoguo was depressed and reluctantly curled his mouth. He didn't dare to act rashly, so he had to lie in his arms and sleep.

After all, if he found out that she was pretending to be tired, and then turned back into a ferocious cheetah, it would be terrible to forcibly escort her to the movies

Originally, it was just to cope with the flying clouds. Shu Guoguo didn't expect that he would really fall asleep, and he slept very sweet.

When she opened her eyes vaguely, she found that it was quiet and dark all around.

She couldn't distinguish the southeast and northwest for a moment. She tried to move her limbs. Her feet immediately stepped on an obstacle similar to the door, and then heard a low voice: "wake up?"

God! The clouds are flying!

Shu Guoguo shivered excitedly in her heart, and suddenly fell asleep. Everything that happened before she fell asleep returned to her mind.

Well, she should be lying on the expensive car of yunfeiyang now!

But why did the car stop? What about the driver? When the hell is it now? It's so dark outside that it's not late at night, is it? Does Yun Feiyang just ignore asking and let her sleep in his car for so long

With his head full of surprises and questions, Shu Guoguo took a deep breath to have the courage to lift his head and take a look at his current environment.

Sure enough, she was curled up in the back seat of yunfeiyang's expensive car like a sleepy lazy cat. She also took a men's suit, probably the clothes yunfeiyang threw in the car at will.

And what she used as a pillow just now was Yun Feiyang's slender legs

My God? How thick should her nerves be? Under such circumstances, I can really fall asleep! And sleep has become this virtue!

Shu Guoguo jumped up from his seat like a conditioned reflex, like a frightened little animal, embarrassed and panicked: "how long have I slept?"

"Soon, it will be more than an hour." Yunfei told her the answer leisurely and freely.

"More than an hour?" Shu Guoguo immediately wanted to scream, God! Isn't that long enough? Is this man's concept of time different from that of people on earth?

Yun Feiyang smiled gently and naturally hugged her in his arms: "did you sleep well?"

His intimate behavior and tone made Shu Guoguo suddenly think of the relationship between the cheetah and its prey, and he struggled awkwardly: "have I... Been pressing on your leg..."

"Otherwise, what do you think?" he stretched his legs lazily, and Yun Feiyang solemnly declared: "my legs are still numb."

Sweat, Shu Guoguo's face suddenly became hot in the hazy night. It was so hot that he stuttered: "why don't you wake me up..."

"I can't bear to see you sleeping so well." Yun Feiyang said lightly.

Er, Shu Guoguo rubbed his cheek. He really didn't know what to say. He had to ask, "where's the driver? Why?"

"I let him go back first." Yun Feiyang looked down at the embarrassed girl. In the cold star's deep and bright black eyes, he gradually floated a shallow smile: "you can't sleep here. Let others wait for you with me until dawn."

"Is it going to dawn?" Shu Guoguo was startled again. He couldn't pretend to be gentle and timid. He stared round and completely revealed his original form: "you didn't say to send me home and call me when you arrived. Why don't you go? What the hell is this place?"

"Miss, you haven't told me where you live. I'm not an immortal. How can I send you back?" Yun Feiyang handsome raised his eyebrows with an innocent expression.

Shu Guoguo thought about it, but he was still a little angry. He always felt that such an embarrassing and bad situation was caused by his uneasiness and kindness at the beginning. His words unknowingly brought some mean sarcasm: "aren't you omnipotent? As a result, you can't even handle such a small matter! What a waste of your reputation as president of Yunda!"

Yun Feiyang frowned slightly, and the smile in his eyes also converged: "where do you live, I'll send you back now!"

Shu Guoguo had slept well and had enough spirit. He had long forgotten that he should overcome hardness with softness with such people. He sneered coldly: "cut! Don't think I don't know. You brought me to this place on purpose! Otherwise, with your ability, what can't be found? Why pretend to ask me?"

Yun Feiyang looked at her coldly and didn't speak immediately. It was like the police were looking at a criminal who committed a heinous crime. It took a long time to speak: "well, do you want me to find someone to investigate everything about you immediately? Or tell me your home address honestly? Choose your own."

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