"Well, I promise you." Zhong Zian nodded solemnly.

On that day, the two of them talked so calmly and confidently for a long time.

Until the night was getting dark, Shu Guoguo yawned sleepily, Zhong Zian didn't get up to leave.

While sleeping, Shu Guoguo clearly felt the strange discomfort of his body and remembered his office in the afternoon

He was very ashamed, but he seemed to vaguely experience a joy he had never had before.

God! Shuguo! Are you okay? He is a perverted sex wolf. Have you been seduced by him and degenerated with him?

Thinking, Shu Guoguo's whole body was burning up and down.

She covered her head with a quilt. She said silently in her heart: Fortunately, brother Zi an didn't care about this time. In the future, I must be strong and powerful, and don't give the brazen Coyote the slightest opportunity

At night, Shu Guoguo had a rare fever. Dry sore throat, weak limbs, the whole person is very uncomfortable.

At this moment, the defect of living alone is clearly exposed.

She lay in bed, cold and hot, and her forehead ached.

When I took out my cell phone, it was only two o'clock in the middle of the night.

I really want someone to pour her a cup of hot water, take some antipyretic medicine for her, or take her to have an antipyretic injection.

But who can she find?

In this world, except for her mother, no one will bring her tea and water in the middle of the night, take care of her medicine and injection

No, it seems that there was such a person who once considerately fed her medicine. She once said, half jokingly and half seriously, that he was like his mother

It's just, how could she find him? She will never look for him again!

From now on, she doesn't want to have anything to do with him!

After a little hesitation, Shu Guoguo faintly dialed Zhong Zian's phone.

It rang for a long time before someone answered. Zhong Zian came with a little hoarse voice. It was obvious that he had just been awakened in his deep sleep: "Hello, who?"

He didn't recognize her phone number at the first time? Shu Guoguo's heart suddenly flashed a burst of unspeakable disappointment, and his forehead seemed to hurt more: "brother Zi an..."

"Guoguo, what's the matter?" hearing that it was Shu Guoguo, Zhong Zian woke up most of the time, but he still felt very incomprehensible: "it's so late, you haven't slept yet. What's up?"

Shu Guoguo subconsciously sipped his dry and white lips and said softly, "it's all right. I just want to call you..."

"Oh, it's too late now. It's not time to chat. Go to bed quickly." Zhong Zian's lips couldn't help showing a spoiled smile and said gently, "I'll come to see you tomorrow."

"OK." Shu Guoguo spit out a word, didn't say anything anymore, and gently hung up the phone.

After lying in bed for a while, she was still strong enough to get up.

The fever was so bad that if she didn't take some medicine to control it, she thought she might not be able to stand it.

There was no ready-made hot water in the kitchen. Finally, Shu Guoguo had to take half a cup of cold water from the water dispenser, find two cold medicine and swallow it casually.

That whole night, she slept very restlessly, and especially missed her mother who had left her forever

Fortunately, Zhong Zian came early the next morning.

Seeing the girl who had become haggard and completely lost her former youth and vitality overnight, he couldn't help blaming himself and hurriedly took her to the hospital.

After hanging the needle in the hospital for two days, Zhong Zian took good care of her and accompanied her. Shu Guoguo's spirit and physical strength were much better. That night, the slightest sense of loneliness and loss caused by being ill and being left alone was gradually eliminated.

She felt that it would be nice if she could get along with Zhong Zian in such a safe and harmonious way.

The quiet life of sharing joys and sorrows is what she has been longing for. Is it not a rare happiness?

On Monday morning, Shu Guoguo packed up and went to work, even though his body had not fully recovered.

She is never used to asking for leave and is strict with herself. She won't delay her work without reason as long as there is nothing urgent and last resort.

By the time we arrived, we had passed the most crowded peak period of work.

Both elevators just went up. For a moment, no one else came. Shu Guoguo stood quietly under the hall and waited.

However, unfortunately, before she could take a good breath, a handsome figure came up, which was very eye-catching.

She walks steadily and has outstanding demeanor. Her whole body is permeated with a strong breath that is awe inspiring and inaccessible. Who is not the most shameless and hateful big sex wolf?

Shu Guoguo's heart couldn't restrain itself and jumped heavily. He wanted to disappear from here in an instant. His already poor face became more pale and bloodless.

Yunfeiyang was obviously much calmer than her, and walked to the front of the elevator to stand. He looked straight and cold, as if he didn't know this beautiful girl who was in a panic. He turned away and didn't look at him.

Shu Guoguo felt that he was really unlucky. He really wanted to turn around and walk away immediately. Even climbing the stairs was better than staying with such a person.

But it is obviously unrealistic to climb from here to the 28th floor, not to mention that her body is already weak these two days.

She could only silently endure the embarrassing and difficult atmosphere and think in her heart: don't many large companies have a president's ladder? He's such a pompous person. Why don't you get one? Anyway, when he gets off the elevator, I won't get on if he gets on. Anyway, I won't take the same elevator with him

After a while, an elevator came down first.

Yunfeiyang calmly stepped in, but did not immediately close the elevator door. Instead, he stared at the girl who was still struggling outside the door, obviously waiting for her to respond.

Shu Guoguo was under tremendous psychological pressure. He pretended to lower his head and seriously turned over the things in his bag. He deliberately didn't look at him and didn't go in.

This stupid woman without heart and liver! Maybe I have to give her some color to be honest! Yun Feiyang coughed impatiently and wanted to get angry again.

"Wait a minute!" just then, Tao Jing ran from the door of the hall. She saw Shu Guoguo still standing outside and hurriedly pulled her: "Guoguo, what are you doing? Come in quickly! You're going to be late."

"I'm not in a hurry. Wait for the next one." Shu Guoguo pursed her lips and said slightly unnaturally.

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