"I'll let Xiao Fei send you tomorrow." Xiao Moxuan saw Meng Xiaoxiao's expression of urgent explanation, and felt funny. The trace of chagrin in his heart disappeared. Unknowingly, the king in his mouth became me.

"Well, that's just right. The Gardenia girl is also happier." Meng Xiaoxiao smiled and said.

"Oh, you have a lot to worry about. It's your family and gardenia. When can you think about your own affairs?" Xiao Moxuan smiled.

"I have nothing to do with myself," Meng Xiaoxiao said honestly.

"Really not?" Xiao Moxuan walked over, reached out and gently rubbed Meng Xiaoxiao's long soft hair. His eyes showed a spoiled smile: "don't run around after you go back. Don't be too playful. If your mother comes back, come back early, or let someone bring a letter and I'll pick you up."

Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't adapt to his sudden gentle attitude. He stepped back and distanced himself from him: "Lord, are you... All right today? Have you been stimulated?"

Uh, this girl! Xiao Moxuan suddenly felt like he wanted to faint and wake up again. He couldn't cry or laugh.

Whenever he felt some tenderness for her, she seemed to destroy the atmosphere, either coldly refuse or say something silly.

"The king is very well." Xiao Moxuan's voice replied to the usual coldness, looking at Meng Xiaoxiao's expression like a smile: "if you want to say that you have been stimulated, it's just stimulated by an unkind girl."

"Are you talking about me?" Meng Xiaoxiao pointed to his nose and blinked his big black and white eyes at him.

"Hehe, you know what you're talking about. You're good. You can teach me. You haven't stimulated the king to spit blood." Xiao Moxuan looked at Meng Xiaoxiao with infinite banter.

"You are so annoying!" Meng Xiaoxiao glared at him angrily.

"Is it really annoying?" Xiao Moxuan approached Meng Xiaoxiao again. His dark eyes looked at her in an instant: "Xiaoxiao, I seem to have heard that when a woman says she hates, it often means she likes it in her heart, doesn't it?"

"Who said that? It's pure nonsense!" Meng Xiaoxiao blushed inexplicably.

"What I said, OK?" Xiao Moxuan stretched out his hand to circle her in his arms and stared down at her eyes. His voice became so gentle: "Xiaoxiao, can I think you like me?"

"No, no! I don't like you. I'm going back!" Meng Xiaoxiao pushed away Xiao Moxuan with red face and bare ears and strode out.

Meng Xiaoxiao ran to the Purple Jade Garden quickly. His heart "Dong Dong" jumped badly all the way, just like carrying a living rabbit in his arms.

In her ear, Xiao Moxuan's gentle words just now rang back: Xiaoxiao, you look like this, can I think you like me?

Do you like him? Meng Xiaoxiao also asked himself in his heart, no! unable! He is so playful and moody that he can never fall in love with such a man!

But why did his heart jump so violently when he heard that? Will the mood become so turbulent? So nervous again? He didn't dare to look up at his dark eyes like the sea. He could only escape and leave him like this, as if he was afraid of staying for another second, he would be completely occupied

Early the next morning, Xiao Fei drove Meng Xiaoxiao and zhi'er back to the general's house. Mrs. Meng soon returned to her hometown with two servant girls. There were only Meng Xiaoxiao, Su Ying and some servant girls left in the general's house.

This time when she came back, Meng Xiaoxiao felt that Su Ying seemed to be haggard and thinner, and always looked worried.

Like a flower that suddenly lost the nourishment of sunshine and rain, although it is still beautiful, it doesn't look as bright and watery as before.

Meng Xiaoxiao asked Su Ying several times with concern, but Su Ying just smiled bitterly every time. Gu left and right said about him.

Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't ask too much. She just thought Su Ying was frightened by the kidnapping last time and her brother was not at home.

Where does she know? Su Ying came back because, facing the room full of Mencius Luo's breath, she recalled the scenes and fragments of Mencius Luo's care for her in the past. She regretted her impulse that night more and more, and felt more and more guilty about Mencius Luo.

In addition, Mrs. Meng often mentioned in front of her that she wanted to find a concubine for Mencius Luo, which made her heart sour.

The guilt for Meng ziluo and the anxiety that he would fall in love with other women in the future made Su Ying out of breath and naturally looked bad.

Fortunately, Meng Xiaoxiao is like a pistachio. After she comes back, she talks with Su Ying every day and tries to make su Ying happy.

Under her influence, Su Ying's mood became more and more cheerful. At the same time, she felt more emotion. He should be lucky to have such a sunny girl with Xiao Moxuan.

That day, Meng Xiaoxiao accompanied Su Ying on the swing under the flower rack in the garden of the general's house.

Originally, Su Ying was not in the mood to come out to play, but she couldn't beat Meng Xiaoxiao's left and right. She was dragged to the garden.

Bathed in the comfortable autumn sun, my aunt and sister-in-law had just played for a while.

The housekeeper came and reported, "Miss, madam, the third prince is coming. He is waiting in the front hall now."

"Xiao Lan, ha ha, let him come here and meet sister Su Ying too." Meng Xiaoxiao said with a smile, thinking that this Xiao Lan can really find me. He can follow me wherever I go.

"Xiaoxiao, I don't know the third prince. I'd better go back to the house first and come back later." Su Ying quickly wanted to avoid when she heard that a stranger came.

"Sister Su Ying, don't be so afraid, Xiao Lan. Although he is the prince, he is very easy-going. He is as old as me and we are like brothers. We are familiar in a mess." Meng Xiaoxiao quickly pulls Su Ying and laughs: "besides, I want him to see. I have a sister-in-law with national beauty."

After a while, Xiao Molan came over under the leadership of the housekeeper, and Meng Xiaoxiao introduced him and Su Ying.

Su Ying nodded politely to Xiao Molan and smiled. She still left first. She knew that the third prince came to find Xiaoxiao. She didn't want to stay here to affect them.

Seeing Su Ying's back, Xiao Molan couldn't help saying, "Xiaoxiao, your sister-in-law is really beautiful. I've heard that the young lady of Meng's house is the first beauty in Yu country before. It really deserves its reputation."

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