So, instead of obediently letting go of Shu Guoguo, he intensified: "Guoguo, I have to check to see if my baby is still good."

"Cloud flying! Do you still have a little humanity?" Shu Guoguo's face changed. He almost wanted to kill him. He shouted in a sharp voice: "if you don't want me to hate you more, stop quickly!"

Yunfeiyang was really anxious to see her, and he didn't dare to act rashly, for fear that it would destroy the little harmonious atmosphere between the two people.

Poor president of Yunda, today he felt that Guoguo was kind to him. He had to reluctantly release her and muttered bitterly, "if you don't let me touch it, you don't have to be so angry."

Shu Guoguo didn't bother to talk to him any more. He snorted coldly and went to the living room.

Yun Feiyang also walked in with her. While looking around with interest, he was still outspoken in expressing his dissatisfaction: "Guoguo, this is my first time to your house, and you won't entertain me?"

Shu Guoguo stopped, frowned and stared at him: "cloud flying, have you had enough? If you're okay, please leave."

Unexpectedly, Yun Feiyang sat down on the sofa in the living room. The leisurely and casual appearance was as natural as returning to his own home. The bad smile from the corners of his mouth was particularly short of smoke: "I arrived at you without driving for 20 minutes. I'm a little tired. Can I have a rest?"

Shu Guoguo rolled his eyes silently and knew that the God of plague would not leave easily. Even the more you drive him away, he will be more and more energetic.

She simply left him alone and cleaned up the room, making a "crackling" sound on her hands. I just want him to understand this silent order and get out quickly.

But obviously she underestimated yunfeiyang's psychological endurance and facial thickness. When she cleaned up every room, she took out a mop from the bathroom and prepared to mop the floor.

Yun Feiyang still sat in the living room as steady as Mount Tai. Wen Si didn't move. He seemed very depressed. Jiawei said wrongly: "I'm not comfortable when I think of other men who have been here."

Shu Guo really took this kind of person and walked over with a straight face: "get up! I'm going to mop the floor!"

Yun Feiyang lazily lifted his feet and smiled at her: "drag it, I won't affect you."

"But you didn't change your shoes. If you don't go, I'll drag the floor, and you'll get dirty again as soon as you step on it!" Shu Guoguo said gritting his teeth.

"Then I'll just change my shoes?" Yun Feiyang said, calmly stood up and asked, "do you have any new slippers here? I don't want Zhong Zian to wear them."

Shuguo fruit was blocked by this bastard and three-level rogue, so he had to put down the mop, rub his swollen and painful forehead and ask: "Yun Feiyang, how can you stop? I said I don't like you, and I won't have any development with you. I'll forget what you took advantage of me in the past. Why don't you let me go?"

Yun Feiyang looked down at her and didn't speak. The casual smile on her face had already disappeared. She looked straight at her raised left hand.

The ring finger on it, with a new and beautiful diamond ring, is shining with a Soul-catching light.

It immediately burned his eyes and his heart.

Shu Guoguo felt something wrong, because now Yun Feiyang's expression has become the same as eating people when he just knocked on the door.

She glanced down his eyes and saw the ring on her hand.

This was put on by Zhong Zian when he proposed to her just now. Later, he brushed away in anger, but he forgot to take the ring away, and she forgot to take it off.

At this moment, seeing the ring recording her and Zhong Zian's sweet moment again, Shu Guoguo's heart is really mixed, especially uncomfortable.

With an inaudible sigh, she put down her left hand uneasily and wanted to hide in a place where no one would notice.

But Yun Feiyang firmly grasped her wrist, with cold and ironic eyes and unfriendly tone: "this is from Zhong Zian? He finally proposed to you?"

Originally, Shu Guoguo and Zhong Zian are now facing a break, and even the normal feelings between brother and sister may not be able to continue.

But she was disgusted when she heard Yun Feiyang's aggressive and gloomy tone. In addition, she also wanted to take the opportunity to completely get rid of his entanglement, so she nodded her head: "yes!"

"You promised him too?" Yun Feiyang raised his voice, his chin tightened coldly, and pursed into an almost cruel arc, like an angry Beast.

"Yes!" Shu Guoguo spit out two words again, took his hand back from his hand, and said mercilessly, "now you understand? President Yun, I already have a fiance, and I'm likely to get married soon. So please don't bother me again."

"What if you have a fiance? As long as you can't pass me, you can't get married!" Yun Feiyang was irritated by her obviously provocative words, grabbed her wrist again and pulled her heavily into his arms. His dark eyes were cold and tough: "Shu Guoguo, I advise you not to dream your innocent dreams as soon as possible! I'll put my words here today. It's impossible for you and Zhong Zian! It's absolutely impossible!"

"What do you mean?" Shu Guoguo was so suspicious that she frowned and asked.

"I never like to explain when I talk. You can experience it slowly." Yun Feiyang's mood at the moment has been extremely irritable and corrupt. He looks down at her and says coldly, "Guoguo, do you want to make a bet with me?"

"What bet?" Shu Guoguo was more confused, so.

"I bet you will put down all your self righteous pride and self-esteem within three months, and come to me obediently. Obediently, you are willing to lie under me and be my yunfeiyang woman!" yunfeiyang clenched his teeth, said coldly word by word, fiercely broke her hand, turned and strode away.

This is the second time today that a man left her angrily and resolutely.

It was also out of control and angry like a stimulated lion. It also closed the door to earth shaking and a mountain noise

Alas, what's going on today? Did I make a mistake to kill God and evil star? Why everything is not going well?

Shu Guoguo smiled helplessly and didn't want to tangle with these things any more. He picked up the mop and dragged it up desperately

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