Lin Yuntian looked at her with tight eyes. His eyes were thoughtful and incomprehensible.

Shu Guoguo was very embarrassed and explained in frustration: "I'm sorry, something happened suddenly. I didn't know in advance..."

Alas, I'm afraid there's no one like her in this world.

Just told Lin Yuntian that she can insist on going to work without going back to rest in advance. But now less than two minutes later, he ran to ask him for leave.

So at this time, Lin Yuntian looked at her with the same eyes as 251, and she could understand

Fortunately, Lin Yuntian has become very human in front of her. He quickly said, "go if you have something."

Shu Guoguo drove home slowly.

Speaking of, this family is her newly married family. She and Yun Feiyang, in the legal sense, belong to the real newlyweds.

But she was worried all the way. She didn't know what would happen when she went back? Or what will yunfeiyang do to her?

In short, she just understood and determined one thing more clearly, and everything about her in the future had to follow his heart. For example, at noon today, she was working well. When he gave an order, she had to obey his orders and rush back.

Shu Guoguo felt upset and even palpitating when he remembered the cold tone of cloud flying on the phone just now.

But what can be done? She is no longer the daughter who was held in the palm of her hand and can be choosy by her own nature. The only thing she can do at present is to adapt to her new role and identity as soon as possible

When Shu Guoguo stepped into the house, Yun Feiyang sat on the couch in the living room.

He seemed to have drunk, his cheeks were a little abnormal red, his shirt buttons were scattered at random, he looked careless and lazy, but his sapphire like black eyes were very deep and bright.

Seeing Shu Guoguo entering the door, Yun Feiyang first raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and then mockingly raised the corner of his lips: "it's forty minutes. You're back so fast."

This is clearly a bone in the egg. Shu Guoguo stroked his hair and calmly told him: "there are many cars on the road, and you know, my driving skills are not very good."

"Don't be so innocent." Yun Feiyang stared at her coldly. Zhang Junlang's invincible face was shrouded in an unforgettable gloom: "I don't know a lot about you."

Shu Guoguo felt very boring. Anyway, he just didn't like her. He would find out what to say and stab her. She simply stopped talking. Without saying a word, she changed her slippers and stood silent by the door, a little at a loss.

Is she afraid of him? What are you afraid of?

Two people slept together hundreds of years ago. She has lived in this house for more than one or two days. What's the need to be so timid and charming?

"Come here." Yun Feiyang frowned and said.

Shu Guoguo not only didn't walk towards him, but couldn't help but shrink back.

This almost subconscious action immediately annoyed Yun Feiyang. He bit his teeth, and two dark flames appeared in his black and bright eyes: "I asked you to come here! Do you hear me?"

"Oh..." Shu Guoguo muttered, knowing that escape was not the way, and summoned up the courage to come to him.

Yun Feiyang stabbed his arm and trapped her firmly in his arms. He bowed his face close to her and stared at her eyes: "you don't want to be my woman?"

"No, I'd like to..." the strong and pungent smell of wine came to his face. Shu Guoguo approached him a little wisely, but his body was very stiff.

She remembered last night again. It was a bit like a nightmare. In addition to pain, it was still pain. From time to time, his indifferent sarcasm and humiliation sounded in his ears, like a steel needle poked into people's heart.

When a man wants to torture you, he will be cruel. Shu Guoguo finally really realized it.

If Yun Feiyang always wants to treat her like this, it is estimated that in a few days, she may really become sister Lin who falls when the wind blows

"Would you like?" Yun Feiyang saw through her lie at a glance, stretched out his hand to provoke her chin, and said ruthlessly, "please please me well. Make me happy and your life will be comfortable."

Shu Guoguo pursed her lips and remained silent for a moment. The next second, her arms hooked his neck and her lips covered his lips.

Isn't it just to please men? Isn't it just to make him happy? What's so hard about that? Haven't you slept before? No more affectation.

She's out of it anyway. It's just that she looks at death like home.

Take the humiliation and torture of the body as a necessary burden. He can indulge and sink day and night. See who can't hold it first?

Anyway, when they get married, all he wants is her attractive body

Yun Feiyang didn't expect that Shu Guoguo, who was as gentle and quiet as a little sheep, would suddenly become so fierce. He felt a little interesting.

He simply didn't move. He just leaned lazily on the sofa and let Shu Guoguo bite and peck on his lips and cheeks like a biting fish.

Last night, he hardly kissed her. He just vented on her with his surging hatred and instinctive desire.

He wanted to restrain himself and take the initiative between them. Don't be easily ignited by her little or even inadvertent provocation.

But in fact, it has proved to be a very difficult thing.

In particular, when Shu Guoguo took the initiative like this, he simply had no power to parry.

All the bottom line, reason, all disappeared, just want to caress her hard, caress again, possess again.

Even now, he knows that he still hates her, even how much he loved her, and how much he hates her now. But similarly, he also wants her and can't leave her

Shu Guoguo thought he kissed warmly and fiercely for a long time, and Yun Feiyang didn't respond.

If she had a little experience with men, she could find that yunfeiyang had already reacted and endured very hard.

There were faint green tendons on his forehead, his fists were tightly clenched, his Adam's apple slid up and down, and his breath was a little disordered, which were the remarkable signs before a man was about to have a wolf.

Unfortunately, Shu Guoguo doesn't know. She thinks she's not doing well enough or not in place.

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