Ye Han, who was in high spirits and ready to talk with her, couldn't help but pick his eyebrows in surprise. He didn't understand what happened to the girl who was smiling and smiling before? Like a frightened rabbit, it quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Shu Guoguo doesn't care much about anything. He will drill wherever there are many people. He wishes he could know how to hide. He just wants to find a big cover to cover himself from head to foot so that no one can see him.

Yes, he who knows current affairs is a hero. He can hide if he can't provoke her. At this point, don't hesitate to run.

Although it's a little embarrassed, it's always better than Yun Feiyang rushing over with a black face and yelling at her.

The people gathered here tonight are their peers and predecessors in their circle. They may meet and deal with people at any time in the future. If Yun Feiyang really doesn't care and makes trouble with her on the spot, she can't afford to lose that face

Fortunately, Dihao hotel is an old high-end hotel in Lingcheng. Shu Guoguo has been here several times before, and the terrain is quite familiar.

Soon she found the side door of the banquet hall, rushed out, and ran quickly to the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

She knew that yunfeiyang would never let her go, and even intuitively felt that he was striding after her.

Therefore, only the bathroom is the safest for the time being.

Even if Yun Feiyang is arrogant, domineering and arrogant, she doesn't believe it. Does he dare to rush into the women's toilet and pull her out?

Finally, he ran to his destination. Shu Guoguo, like someone who had traveled for a long time to see the oasis in the desert, slipped in at a lightning speed, and then tightly locked the door of the women's bathroom, so that he could caress his beating chest and breathe.

Yun Feiyang really walked towards Shu Guoguo at the first sight. Naturally, he saw all the way she ran away from him.

Finally, he saw her flash into the women's bathroom and never come out again.

This woman! I wonder what brain is made of? At this age, you can still think about problems and deal with things like a three-year-old. You haven't made any progress at all!

But it's just that I met my long lost husband at a business reception. Is it necessary to panic like this?

Well, since you can hide so much, I can wait and play with you. You hide inside and I'll wait outside to see who can't stand it first?

Yun Feiyang was angry and reluctantly bit his teeth. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. He went to the window at the intersection of the bathroom and smoked leisurely.

In the noisy banquet hall, a grand and luxurious ball is now going on. A pair of red men and green women who talked happily and had a good time stepped into the dance floor and danced with melodious music.

Boya's young employees also happily integrated into the dancing crowd. Lin Yuntian suddenly couldn't see Shu Guoguo, which was a little strange.

To tell the truth, he himself doesn't like this kind of occasion, and he can't dance social dance at all.

If it weren't for better expanding the future work situation, even if the organizer invited him with eight sedans tonight, maybe he wouldn't come.

The only comfort is that Guoguo came with him today. Such a generous smile accompanied him, making his dull heart seem to have a warm feeling that rarely happened and spread from inside to outside.

But now, where has she gone?

Just now I saw her standing with Mr. Ye Han and talking happily. In such a blink of an eye, why can't even find people?

After several dances, Shu Guo still didn't appear.

Lin Yun Tianshi couldn't help it. He went to Ye Han who had just returned to his seat with a woman after dancing, and politely asked him where Shu Guoguo was.

"Miss Shu? I don't know where she has gone." Ye Han shook his head regretfully. "He was talking to me well. Suddenly he said he had something to leave first, and then disappeared."

You have to leave first? Then why don't you tell him and go? And her bag is still in his car. Doesn't she want it?

Lin Yuntian's heart was full of doubts, mixed with unspeakable worry and anxiety, and the two dark sword eyebrows frowned tighter.

Behind him, someone suddenly slapped him on the shoulder, accompanied by a sarcastic, almost schadenfreude laugh: "Hey! Can't find your sweetheart, are you worried?"

Lin Yuntian turned around and saw a girl in front of him who looked very beautiful and publicized. He felt that he looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for the moment.

Qiao Shengnan looked at his puzzled expression. If he thought about it, he knew that he had forgotten to meet her at all. At present, he really added new hatred to his old hatred and gnashed his teeth.

Shit, shit! She has never been so ignored in her life.

Freak Lin has a big relationship with her!

So, with one hand on her hips, she stared round her dark Danfeng eyes: "OK! Lin, you don't know me?"

Lin Yuntian quickly recalled the very unpleasant scene of the last time he met Qiao Shengnan in the hospital.

Although she is more beautiful today, and her ankle long elegant skirt even makes her have a bit of a lady's taste, it can't make him change the bad impression he once had on her.

So he just glanced at her indifferently and replied coldly, "should I know you? Sorry, miss, you think too much of yourself."

Qiao Shengnan is so big that he has never been humiliated and ridiculed by men?

For a time, she was so angry that she wanted to jump and swear. With anger, she also felt deeply depressed and unconvinced.

Although she also admits that Shu Guoguo is a beautiful woman and quite eye-catching, she thinks her charm is incomparable and should never lose to Shu Guoguo.

This smelly man who doesn't know the heaven and earth is born with color blindness, color weakness and cataract? Can you only see Shuguo in your eyes? The other women in his eyes are radishes, cabbage and straw?

However, after two exchanges that made her popular to vomit blood, she has come to understand that a hard quarrel with a man who doesn't advance in oil and salt and hasn't evolved completely can only make her more angry. It's better to change the battle plan.

Qiao Shengnan's eyes turned and suddenly smiled: "my name is Qiao Shengnan, Big Joe, Little Joe's Joe, victory's win, boyfriend's boyfriend. My father named me in the hope that I won't lose to your men in any way. Now, you should remember who I am."

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