"No!" Yun Feiyang had a cool face and didn't stop to let her get her bag at all.

"But I still have a lot of things in my bag..." Shu Guoguo said eagerly.

"No!" Yun Feiyang yelled again and drove away from the parking lot quickly.

Shu Guoguo wrongly rubbed his hair, depressed, but helpless.

Yunfeiyang didn't speak, just focused on driving. Beautiful thin lips, with a trace of pride and domineering, tightly pursed, as if they were angry with someone.

They were silent for a while. Shu Guoguo thought that he could not bear it so much. He turned his head and looked at Yun Feiyang's handsome and indifferent side face, and said, "tell you again, I won't resign."

Although her voice was small, it was firm enough to show her unchangeable determination.

Yun Feiyang was still unresponsive, as if her ears were just blocked. She couldn't hear what she said at all. However, the speed soared obviously, and the previously stable car suddenly became fast and easily left one car after another.

Shu Guoguo simply went out of his way, grabbed the seat under him with both hands, and solemnly raised his tone: "I know you're unhappy, but you're unhappy, I still have to go to work. I like this job, too, and I will never resign!"

"Let you enjoy yourself at home. If you don't do it, you have to go to Lin Yuntian to work hard. Are you really sick?" Yun Feiyang grinned and stabbed in his words: "Even if you don't go to work, I won't let you eat and dress worse than any woman. I've already given you the card. If you want anything, you can buy it yourself. Why force me to be angry with you?"

"Do you think having food and clothing can represent everything?" Shu Guoguo thought his thinking was unreasonable and squeezed his fingers angrily: "maybe someone will like the comfortable life you said, but it's not me!"

"What else do you want?" seeing that she was angry, Yun Feiyang seemed to calm down a little and slowly said, "why don't you just tell me what kind of life you think is happy? Maybe I can meet you."

Shu Guoguo took a deep breath and said to him word by word, "anyway, I have to go to work. I'm not a full-time wife who does nothing all day."

"I don't agree." Yun Feiyang replied to her expressionless, "I forgot to tell you before that I need a full-time wife."

"Yun Feiyang, why don't you make some sense?" Shu Guo was really anxious and said recklessly, "what can I do at home every day? I'm only in my twenties, not an old lady in my fifties and sixties! You let me go shopping, drink tea and play mahjong all day. I can't do it and I'm not interested. That will make me bored and have problems!"

"Don't quarrel with me. You still have to quarrel with me! Do you know you are really annoying sometimes?" Yun Feiyang suddenly stepped on the emergency brake, and the expensive and luxurious car brushed to a stop against the roadside. Then as soon as he stretched out his hand, he caught Shu Guoguo in his arms, bent down his face and kissed her lips heavily: "it seems that the only way to shut you up!"

"Hmm..." Shu Guoguo was caught off guard and was forcibly sealed by Yun Feiyang. He was full of angry and unjust words. He struggled twice without effect, and gradually lost his strength to resist.

In fact, the two of them haven't kissed for a long time. During this time, Yun Feiyang came back less, and there was no normal intimacy with Shu Guoguo.

At this moment, he was excited quickly when he tasted the beautiful taste of the girl's sweet cherry lips again.

Shu Guoguo's mind couldn't help but start to be confused. The fiery and wild man's breath wrapped her, invaded her, and filled her lips and teeth. So strange, but so familiar, she lost all her ideas for a moment, like falling into a chaotic swamp.

They kissed so fondly for a long time. Later, Yun Feiyang was finally willing to leave her lips, but he still forcibly bound her in his arms, quietly looked down at her eyes and said, "now, you shouldn't have the strength to quarrel with me?"

Shu Guoguo calmed his fierce heartbeat and returned to the previous topic: "I want to go to work, I don't quit."

Yun Feiyang's handsome face turned black. The romantic and charming mood just now disappeared. She loosened her body and stepped on the accelerator: "Shu Guoguo, I've been accommodating enough to you. You'd better not make me anxious again."

"Why don't I go to work?" Shu Guoguo was very wronged. He said with a red and attractive mouth because of the kiss just now. "I can listen to you for other things, but I have to decide this by myself."

"Well, let's talk about it at home." Yun Feiyang impatiently interrupted her: "don't affect my driving now."

"Do you promise me not to resign when you go home?" Shu Guoguo asked stubbornly.

Yun Feiyang bit his teeth and seemed unbearable: "go home and see how you perform? If you satisfy me, I can consider this opinion."

Shu Guoguo lowered his eyes and thought, muttering in a low voice, "then I'll satisfy you."

Yun Feiyang couldn't help looking at her. There was a rare narrowing in her dark eyes: "do you know how to satisfy me?"

"I know." Shu Guoguo spit out two words unhappily, and his cheeks are stained with a blush.

Yun Feiyang didn't speak again, but his lips showed an imperceptible smile. Light as a light cloud, like a spring breeze

In the banquet hall, perhaps because he was too upset, Lin Yuntian sat down until the reception was over.

In the meantime, under Qiao Shengnan's passionate and gossip encouragement, he drank a few more glasses of wine. However, thinking of driving later, he controlled himself properly and didn't drink too much.

This habit was the last time I met Shu Guoguo when I was drunk in Jinglai Garden Hotel. Shu Guoguo gave him a serious lecture and strongly prevented him from developing drunk driving.

Since then, he has rarely let himself get drunk, let alone drive after drinking too much.

Perhaps it was from that time that he really began to pay attention to Shu Guoguo, and let the impression of this innocent and lovely girl deepen in his heart.

But now, the girl who has opened his heart bit by bit in daily life is someone else's wife.

He even tasted the taste of lovelorn again before he could express his hidden intention to her.

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