Taking Shu Guoguo into the elevator, Yun Feiyang naturally took her hand and scolded her with a spoiled voice: "just you like to run around."

"I just want to talk to Tao Jing." Shu Guoguo smiled playfully and said frankly, "I used to get along well with her here. Haven't seen her for a long time. Can't I talk about the past today?"

"Why don't you ever want to catch up with me?" Yun Feiyang was more considerate. He looked at her coldly and condescending: "it seems that I have known you for much longer than Tao Jing. The time I haven't met is not short."

Shu Guoguo's face reddened again, lowered his eyes and muttered, "do we still need to talk about the past? You don't go home every day, so you can't see each other."

"Whether I go home or not depends on your attitude." Yun Feiyang lengthened his tone and deliberately said slowly: "if you can keep me in your way, I will not go."

Shu Guoguo couldn't help blurting out: "in fact, I'm very strange. What are you doing if you don't come back every day?"

"What do you think I'm doing?" Yun Feiyang asked.

"I don't know." Shu Guoguo said dully, "I'm not spending too much time and having fun."

"Well, you're right." Yun Feiyang nodded solemnly and agreed very much: "indeed, if you don't drink and have fun outside now, you're not called a normal man. Guoguo, you should understand?"

"Understand!" Shu Guoguo bit his lips and didn't cross his face. He was very uncomfortable. He said forcefully, "you can find a few more small three and four, that's more normal."

"Ha, if I deliberately tease you, do you really believe it?" Yun Feiyang couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his arms to hold the girl in his arms and whispered close to her ear: "fool, I have so many things every day and have to worry about getting angry with you. How can I have the mind to play?"

At this time, the elevator also reached the first floor. Shu Guoxin wanted to simply spread out everything today. When he stepped out of the elevator, he asked bluntly, "what were you doing when you didn't come back?"

"In addition to busy work, I just accompany my mother in the hospital." Yun Feiyang told her calmly, "when I don't sleep at home, I sleep in the hospital. You should be satisfied with this answer."

When he mentioned his mother, Shu Guoguo felt guilty and said in a low voice after a moment of silence: "in fact, I also want to go to the hospital to take care of your mother, and I'm afraid my aunt is not happy to see me..."

"There are a lot of people she takes care of, not one less." Yun Feiyang doesn't want her to have too much ideological burden, and says calmly: "it's only out of emotional dependence that she hopes Shengnan and I can be with her every day."

"Alas, I don't know when I can compensate my aunt face to face?" Shu Guoyou sighed, filled with infinite disappointment and helplessness, and still felt heavy.

"It's not you who are guilty." yunfeiyang raised his hand and rubbed her tender cheek. Without revealing any trace, he changed the topic: "where do you want to eat?"

"Well, you can arrange it." Shu Guoguo thought and smiled with dark eyebrows: "I listen to you."

"Then go far away." Yun Feiyang said without doubt. He opened the door and let her sit in first, and then he got on the car.

"Aren't you busy today?" Shu Guoguo couldn't help asking.

"Fasten your seat belt." yunfeiyang didn't look at her at all. He stepped on the accelerator and said expressionless, "whether you are busy or not depends on your performance."

Shu Guoguo secretly glanced at his firm and cold side face. For a moment, he didn't speak, but there were a few sweet ripples at the bottom of his heart.

Although this man is cold, stingy and overbearing, he is actually quite cute sometimes

On that day, Shu Guoguo and Yun Feiyang spent a rare warm and pleasant night together.

They drove to a beautiful farm in the suburbs for dinner. After returning to the city, they went to see a comedy film with great interest. Just like every pair of lovers or couples with harmonious feelings, they have a very good time.

And watching a movie was actually proposed by Yun Feiyang first.

Shu Guoguo nodded happily while surprised and stunned. This is also the happiest and most relaxed day she has had since her father's accident.

Maybe tonight is really a new beginning of their relationship

After playing to the fullest, I naturally can't wait to be intimate, lingering and entangled in full swing.

When the passion finally subsided, they hugged each other and lay in bed, feeling tired and satisfied.

Shu Guoguo leaned softly against the cloud flying chest and said softly, "we won't quarrel in the future, okay?"

"Look at your performance." Yun Feiyang stroked her boneless body and said lazily, "you know, I never wanted to quarrel with you."

"Then... You won't never come back again?" Shu Guoguo thought and asked.

"I'm not sure about that." Yun Feiyang is still noncommittal and takes it for granted: "sometimes I have to work overtime, sometimes I have to go on business, and sometimes I have to go to the hospital, so now I can't guarantee to go home every day."

"But at least, you should tell me in advance when you can't come back?" Shu Guoguo picked his eyebrows and said.

"Let me see." Yun Feiyang deliberately pondered for a while, and then nodded slowly: "well, this can be."

"Hate, you are bad and necrotic..." Shu Guoguo scolded him angrily.

"Don't you women just like bad men?" Yun Feiyang smiled and leaned over to kiss her: "don't tell me, you don't like me so bad to you."

"I don't like..." Shu Guoguo deliberately spoiled.

"Really don't like it?" Yun Feiyang smiled bitterly. "Guo Guo, do we want to do it again?"

"No, I can't do it tonight." Shu Guoguo quickly begged for mercy, and the two made a mess with each other.

At this time, the phone yunfeiyang put by the bed rang just right. One after another, it interrupted the lingering and beautiful scenery of a room.

Yunfeiyang wrinkled Junlang's thick eyebrows. Although he was very reluctant, he had to let go of Shu Guoguo to answer the phone.

Just picked up his cell phone and looked at it, his face became solemn and his tone was very light: "Mom, haven't you slept yet?"

"Alas, I don't know why I can't sleep tonight." on a quiet night, there is only room for two people. Tao Wanzhu's soft and clear voice is particularly clear: "flying, what are you doing?"

"I..." Yun Feiyang hesitated a little and said in a low voice, "I'm in the office. I haven't finished something yet."

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