At this moment, Shu Guoguo only felt extremely desolate in her heart and didn't want to say anything more. She just asked bitterly, "Dad, I'll ask you the last question again. Please tell me the truth. Is it related to this matter that mom was depressed and sick and left so early? Is it related to your constant flirting?"

Shu Libin did not dare to look directly at his daughter's eyes as clear as water and as sharp as a sword. He drooped his head and was speechless.

"Dad, you can't be too selfish. You've done so many unconscionable things, and now you deserve it." Shu Guoguo took a deep breath, calmed himself down as much as possible, and continued to say slowly and calmly: "You're my father, so I won't ignore you, and I'll still come to see you every other time. But you'd better not think about such things as going on bail for medical treatment. Not only Yun Feiyang won't promise, but even I don't think it's necessary."

"Daughter, you can't do this to your father." Shu Libin immediately became worried, blushed and shouted, "if I keep locked here, I won't live long, maybe not soon..."

However, Shu Guoguo, who had always been filial to him, was not frightened by such sensational words this time. He just said calmly, "Dad, accept the reality and reform at ease." and he hurried away.

Out of the door of the visiting room, Shu Guoguo felt that he was a little uncomfortable again. He was very tired. The whole person was faint and weak, as if he didn't even have the strength to drive.

She stood for a while holding a big tree on the side of the road, but she just walked to the car, but there was another bout of nausea in her stomach. She had to squat down with her chest and retch several times.

"Miss, what's the matter with you? Do you want to help?" a passing correctional cadre saw that her situation was wrong and hurried over to ask.

"I may have caught a cold..." Shu Guoguo stood up pale and smiled weakly at him: "thank you. I'll just have a rest."

"You can't drive like this." the discipline cadre is a very enthusiastic and responsible person. He said immediately, "go to our office first and see the situation. If not, we can send someone to take you back."

However, he was kind, and he was really uncomfortable at this time. Shu Guoguo followed him to the prison office for a while.

After drinking a cup of warm boiled water, she gradually felt better, so she sincerely thanked the discipline cadre and drove back.

Because of physical discomfort, shuguoguo drove very slowly all the way. When he arrived in the urban area, he had passed the off-duty time.

She doesn't know what's going on at home. Anyway, as long as Yun Feiyang or Qiao Shengnan is away, she's late. Tao Wanzhu never let the kitchen take care of her.

So she planned to eat out and go back. However, no matter what she thought, she seemed to have no appetite. Finally, she went straight home.

After entering the villa, Shu Guoguo found that his intuition was indeed correct.

Yun Feiyang is busy at work and seldom at home recently. Qiao Shengnan went on a date with Lin Yuntian and didn't come back at this time. Only Tao Wanzhu and he Keren sat in the living room, but they were whispering in a low voice instead of talking and laughing as usual. They seemed to be discussing something important. Their faces were very serious, even dignified.

Shu Guoguo said hello to them and was ready to go upstairs first, because she was so tired today that she didn't have any extra energy and strength.

Tao Wanzhu sank her face and said, "don't run up as soon as you come back. I have something to ask you."

Shu Guoguo had to sit down and asked, "Mom, what's the matter?"

"What are you doing running around all day?" Tao Wanzhu frowned at her and asked coldly, "Feiyang is busy with Jinyue's career. Shengnan wants to fall in love. It's understandable that they come back from time to time. What about you? What's your reason?"

Shu Guoguo guessed the atmosphere at home. At this moment, Tao Wanzhu specifically shouted that she wouldn't have a good thing. She still patiently explained, "Mom, I'm in charge of the design department of the company. In fact, I have a lot of work."

"Is it great to be able to design things? I don't believe you can do more work than Keren!" Tao Wanzhu disdained and said sarcastically, "Keren comes back from work every day. Such a good example is right in front of you. Why can't you learn something with an open mind?"

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'll pay attention later." Shu Guoguo was tired and tired. In addition, he didn't eat at night. He really didn't have much heart to defend himself. He just wanted to end the conversation quickly, lie in bed for a while, and admit his mistake with a calm attitude.

However, Tao Wanzhu seemed very unhappy today. She didn't intend to let her go too soon. The conversation turned and said, "but people do well as secretaries around Feiyang. Why are they suddenly transferred to the publicity and planning department? Are you looking for the pillow wind blown by Feiyang?"

Hearing her say this, Shu Guoguo suddenly remembered that one night, Yun Feiyang really said that he Keren would be transferred to another post. At that time, she felt it was inappropriate, but she didn't expect that he really did what he said and put it into action so soon.

She secretly complained and frankly shook her head: "but has someone been transferred to the planning department? I don't know. But I think this should be a normal job transfer."

"Guo Guo, why don't you stop pretending? Do you think I'm really a fool?" at this time, he Keren, who has been sitting silently beside him, cried excitedly, stared at Shu Guoguo and said, "it's clearly what you said to President Yun! Otherwise, when I'm president Yun's secretary, I'm so dedicated and competent, and President Yun praised me several times. Why did he suddenly make such an arrangement?"

"Keren, please find out the facts before you speak. What's the need for me to tell Feiyang about your right and wrong?" Shu Guoguo frowned slightly, turned her eyes and looked at her calmly: "and you should also know that Feiyang's decisions in work can't be changed by others."

"Of course, ordinary people can't interfere casually, but you are different." he Keren muttered in a low voice, looking angry and helpless: "aunt said, you are the pillow wind..."

"Keren!" Shu Guoguo snapped, feeling that his whole body seemed more uncomfortable. He rubbed himself and began to turn over his disgusting chest. Then he said slowly, "I don't want to quarrel with you. Anyway, I haven't done anything sorry for you. Believe it or not, it's up to you."

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