"Your family is exempt from gifts." Xiao Yuanxi gently raised his right hand, looked around at all the ministers and officials, and smiled with satisfaction: "this evening is a celebration banquet. Everyone is free to eat, drink and play well. There is no need to be too formal."

The emperor and the empress took the lead in taking their seats. The other empresses also took their seats in turn, and the families of the ministers took their seats one after another.

Meng Xiaoxiao saw that Princess Caiwei didn't sit in their royal family, but directly walked down and sat down in the empty seat next to Ning Feng.

Moreover, she seemed to be very familiar with Prime Minister Ning and Mrs. Ning. As soon as she sat down, she chatted enthusiastically with them. She looked charming and lovely.

Ning Feng felt that Meng Xiaoxiao had been looking here curiously. He couldn't help raising his black eyes and smiled awkwardly at Meng Xiaoxiao, with a mess in his heart.

He didn't have the heart to talk to Princess Caiwei, and didn't want her to sit here. However, Princess Caiwei did not care. She kept chattering, just like a lively and beautiful lark, which made Prime Minister Ning and Mrs. Ning's mouth close.

Meng Xiaoxiao saw it and guessed that this charming and lovely princess must like Ning Feng. The taste in her heart was a little strange.

She withdrew her eyes and stared intently at the palace maids in front of her, serving all kinds of exquisite snacks and delicacies for each table. I thought quietly in my heart. Forget it. I don't think about anything else. In fact, it has nothing to do with me. Tonight, as the emperor said, eat well, drink well and play well.

But I heard Xiao Moxuan bend over her ear and say softly, "I finally know I don't look at it. I thought you were going to stare at the other side all night tonight."

Meng Xiaoxiao knew he was satirizing himself. When he didn't hear anything, he picked up his chopsticks and ate the delicacies on the table.

Qingqingjiao said drily at this time: "Lord, the emperor has a powerful dragon face. At first glance, he is a holy and bright monarch. Every empress is so beautiful and generous. Didn't the Lord just say he wanted to introduce me? Tell me now."

Xiao Moxuan told her one by one that the pearly beauties around the emperor were what imperial concubines and noble people.

Meng Xiaoxiao is also very interested in these. On the surface, she is silent and only cares about the food in front of her. In fact, she is also pricking her ears and secretly listening to Xiao Moxuan.

Emperor Xiao Yuanxi raised his glass to remind everyone to drink and eat and drink.

So the atmosphere began to liven up, and the ministers began to toast and talk freely.

This occasion is originally a good opportunity for some North Korean and Chinese officials to make friends and pull relations with each other. Those with high power and the emperor's favor are naturally more sought after by all officials.

Therefore, there are many people toasting Xiao Moxuan. He was also in high spirits and never refused to come. As long as people respected him, he drank it readily.

After several times, Meng Xiaoxiao didn't know how much wine he had drunk. He couldn't help frowning. Is this wine so delicious? Why does this man have so many bad habits? He likes drinking besides provoking women?

Meng Xiaoxiao tried to dissuade him. After all, drinking too much hurt his body. After thinking about it, she thinks she's meddling in his business. What about him? Anyway, they are just nominal husband and wife, not their real husband. Besides, his unreasonable people may think it's a bad heart not to let him drink.

Forget it, let him go. Anyway, he drinks a lot, and ordinary people can't drink him.

The last time I accompanied her back to the door on the third day, Meng Xiaoxiao had seen it when I was fighting with her brother Meng ziluo in the general's house. Xiao Moxuan's drinking capacity is immeasurable.

Qingqing sat beside Xiao Moxuan. Although she thought he drank a little too much, she didn't dare to say anything more.

Two women, one sitting on the side of Xiao Moxuan, watched him take a drink and didn't speak. One is too lazy to manage and doesn't want to do much. The other is that although he wants to manage, he doesn't dare to say.

Halfway through the banquet, Meng Xiaoxiao saw Princess Yingying standing up opposite, said something to Ning Feng with a smile, and then walked away.

A moment later, suddenly, melodious music sounded gently. A group of graceful young girls fluttered like fairies, dancing with music.

The girl who leads the dance is particularly outstanding.

She wore a light pink veil, revealing only a pair of charming and flexible eyes, holding water red long silk, stepping on the beat, sometimes cloud sleeves flying, sometimes light rotation.

With the ups and downs of the music, the girl's movements are slow and urgent. The jade hands fly, the fiber feet are light, the clothes are floating, and the delicate body is as soft as cotton, just like the nine day fairy landing on the earth and dancing for the people.

All the people in the hall were attracted by the mysterious girl's beautiful and moving dance. They stopped drinking and eating vegetables and listened attentively to this unique dance performance. For a moment, there were applause and exclamation.

When the lingering sound of the music dissipated and the dance ended, the girls who accompanied the dance drifted away as they had just appeared.

The girl who led the dance stayed, stood in the center of the hall, slowly lifted the veil over her face, and a beautiful and flexible face appeared. It turned out to be princess Caiwei who had just left the table.

Everyone in the hall was stunned, and then more enthusiastic applause broke out, mixed with one after another of admiration.

Princess Caiwei gracefully saluted her body and said with a smile: "father, mother, ministers and wives, Caiwei is not talented. She is happy to hear that our Dayu country has won the war. She has made up this colorful silk dance to express Caiwei's feelings and wish a happy party for today's celebration."

Emperor Xiao Yuanxi smiled and looked at his beloved daughter who hired Ting Yuli. His eyes were full of love: "Caiwei, I like your heart very much. After going down, I will give you a good reward."

"Thank you for your father's grace. I wish your father's Dragon health, Dayu's national prosperity and eternal prosperity!" Princess Caiwei saluted and thanked him.

"Hahaha, Caiwei is getting sweeter and sweeter. Go sit down and have a good rest and have something to eat." Xiao Yuanxi laughed comfortably, looked down at the ministers and said, "today I am very interested. If Aiqing and his wife want to help, they can show their personal talents and add color to the banquet."

As soon as the emperor's voice fell, Qingqing, sitting beside Xiao Moxuan, stood up, saluted the emperor and said, "the little girl Qingqing has a little knowledge of piano art. Today, the whole country is celebrating. Qingqing is willing to play a piece of piano here to attract jade and add fun to the emperor, ladies, adults and wives."

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