Qiao Shengnan was kissed by him and wanted to fly. Gradually, he felt something wrong.

What's going on? The man who kissed her hugged her more and more tightly. It was almost airtight. She was very uncomfortable.

She opened her intoxicated eyes and just looked at her with a pair of deep, bright and palpitating black eyes of Shanglin Yuntian.

Wow, the light is shining inside, like small clusters of flames beating, and like people who drink too much wine. Their eyes are very red and abnormal.

"What's the matter with you?" Qiao Shengnan raised his eyebrow and touched his forehead. "It's not hot. Why are you sweating so much?"

"You're not hot, I'm hot!" Lin Yuntian grabbed her restless fingers and looked strange and anxious: "Sheng Nan, I'm thinking about something..."

"What's up?" Qiao Shengnan asked casually.

Lin Yuntian looked down at her beautiful red face and said in a stuffy voice: "I want to eat you..."

Er, Qiao Shengnan was slightly stunned, and immediately his face flew into a more gorgeous red glow. He gnashed his teeth and scolded him: "you men are all animals!"

Lin Yuntian refused to let her go. He still held her hand tightly and asked in a low voice, "Sheng Nan, I really want to... Can I?"

"I don't know!" Qiao Shengnan couldn't stand this stupid man and wanted to push him away angrily.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuntian really loosened her, stood up, calmly sorted out her clothes, and seemed to return to the normal appearance of a gentleman.

Qiao Shengnan thought he was dead again. He rubbed his hair and sat up. He looked at him angrily and bitterly: "that's all you can do? It's boring!"

"Who said that?" Lin Yuntian curled his lips and smiled. Suddenly he bent down to pick her up and walked directly to the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Qiao Shengnan was a little flustered and stared at him.

"Haven't you always wanted to see what I can do? Just today." Lin Yuntian gently put her on the soft bed and began to take off her clothes calmly: "don't be too fierce later. I'm not too good at pity."

Qiao Shengnan blinked in amazement and really shouted, "Lin Yuntian! You hooligan!"

"You like hooligans too, don't you?" Lin Yuntian leaned over and trapped the girl who was still restless and twisting, and whispered in her ear: "Sheng Nan, I love you..."

At this moment, it seems that everything is superfluous. It's best to express everything with action.

After the wave after wave of passion subsided, Lin Yuntian gently took the exhausted girl in his arms and said solemnly and pitifully: "Shengnan, I will always be good to you."

Qiao Shengnan leaned softly on his chest, tooted his mouth and asked, "how many times have you been?"

Er, Lin Yuntian was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer her. He was silent.

Qiao Shengnan looked up at him and stubbornly asked, "how many women am I?"

"The second..." Lin Yuntian hugged her and kissed her affectionately: "however, the woman I love most now is you. The only woman I love is you."

Unexpectedly, Qiao Shengnan burst into tears like a sea overflowing and bursting. While crying, he hit him with his fist: "I'm so sorry, I'm the first time, but there's another woman in front of you. That's Jiang Miaoshan, isn't it? Woo woo, I'm dead. I should be nice to a man first and then to you..."

After knowing for so long, Lin Yuntian saw Qiao Shengnan cry for the first time. At this moment, he was really nervous and flustered. He quickly wiped her tears and said, "man, don't cry, don't cry, I'm better off with her, but that was many years ago. You're really the only one in my heart now, and no one is more important than you."

Qiao Shengnan sniffed and asked, "how can your career compare with me?"

"Of course, you are more important," Lin Yuntian said without thinking.

"I don't believe it." Qiao Shengnan felt a little comfortable, reached out and rubbed his tears, but deliberately sobbed and said, "how can you prove it to me?"

"How do you want me to prove it?" Lin Yuntian was anxious and helpless. He hugged her tightly and vowed to say generally, "is it enough to be good to you all your life and listen to you all your life?"

"When are you going to see my father?" Qiao Shengnan turned his eyes and the conversation suddenly turned.

"Right away." Lin Yuntian didn't dare to push off like before. He bent down his face and gently kissed her. He solemnly promised: "when I'm on duty, I'll explain my work and go to the United States with you to visit your father."

Qiao Shengnan smiled in his heart and said naughtily again, "the last question, when are you going to marry me?"

"Anytime." Lin Yuntian stroked his chin and told her calmly, "as long as your father doesn't think my career is insignificant and worried that his baby daughter will be wronged with me, I'm happy to marry you home early."

"Ha ha, it depends on your ability." Qiao Shengnan broke into tears and smiled, and coquettishly got into his arms: "my father is a very serious person. You must be mentally prepared."

After the long Spring Festival holiday, all life and work have returned to the normal track.

Lin Yuntian arranged the main affairs of the company in the near future. He really flew to the United States with Qiao Shengnan and visited his future father-in-law and mother-in-law with his sincerity and sincerity.

And Shu Guoguo will return to Shanghai for further study.

On the night before leaving, Yun Feiyang accompanied her to eat out and walk back in the cold moonlight.

Thinking of this difference, at least I couldn't meet for several months. Yun Feiyang was in a low mood. He couldn't get up. He couldn't help but stretch out his arm and gently embrace her shoulder: "can't you go?"

Shu Guoguo was a little silent and calmly answered him, "you know I've always wanted to improve my working ability. Now I have such a good opportunity. If I give up halfway, I won't be reconciled."

"What can a woman do with such strong working ability?" Yun Feiyang didn't agree with her at all, and muttered discontentedly: "obviously I can protect you from the wind and rain, and you can live the most relaxed life under my wings. You have to run so far alone? Isn't it tired?"

"Tired." Shu Guoguo smiled faintly, "but I feel full in this way."

Yunfeiyang knew she couldn't move, so he had to sigh helplessly and say in a low voice, "I'll send you tomorrow."

This time, Shu Guoguo didn't refuse him.

Obviously, after this period of plain and natural contact, the distance between them has been gradually narrowed.

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