"Well, I will." Shu Guoguo nodded and hung up the phone with tears in his eyes. He couldn't calm down for a long time.

As if at this moment, she really deeply realized: how lucky and happy she is to have a man like Yun Feiyang who loves her wholeheartedly and is willing to pay for her without complaint and regret. He will always appear beside her when she needs it most and help her solve all her worries

It was already evening when Shu Guoguo rushed back to Lingcheng hospital.

Shu Libin was still lying in the intensive care unit, and the rescue did not have much effect. His life was near death, just because he had not seen his only daughter and insisted on holding on with his last breath.

Yun Feiyang waited downstairs for Shu Guoguo with an anxious face. Although he couldn't bear it, he told her the truth about Shu Libin's body.

After all, this can not be concealed. She must face and accept this cruel reality.

After hearing this, Shu Guoguo turned very pale and his fingers were too cold. He just murmured, "where is the doctor? I want to see the doctor and ask if there is any way..."

Yunfeiyang sighed helplessly and took her to see the doctor.

In fact, before Shu Guoguo came back, he specifically asked the doctor to say hello, and the doctor also tried his best.

However, Shu Libin's long-term life is too erosive and uncontrolled, and his body's functions have been overdrawn. He has not only stomach problems, but also liver problems. This time, he was admitted to the hospital because of a heart attack. Even immortals, I'm afraid they can't return to heaven

Seeing Yun Feiyang and Shu Guoguo coming, the middle-aged doctor really said all these things again. Finally, he thought about his words and said, "Miss Shu, your father's body should not last long. I'm sorry for your changes. Go in and see him and let him explain what he should say..."

Shu Guoguo's body shook and almost fell.

Yunfeiyang quickly hugged her and said painfully, "Guoguo, calm down and go to see your father first."

Is there anything else to say at this moment?

Shu Guoguo's heart has sunk into the cold abyss, just like a wandering soul who has lost his sense, numbly took her lightly by the cloud and walked into his father's ward.

Shu Libin, who used to be beautiful for a while and had a red face. At this time, he lay lifeless on the hospital bed, haggard and sallow. He was really an old man whose life was in danger and on the verge of death.

I don't know if I'm asleep or unconscious? His eyes were closed. Although a ventilator was inserted into his nose, the breath transmitted by the whole person was still very weak. People could hardly feel that he was still alive.

Shu Guoguo was more and more sad when he saw it. He bent down and gently shouted, "Dad, Dad..."

About hearing the call of his daughter's attachment, Shu Libin's originally lifeless body moved slightly, and then weakly opened his eyes: "Guoguo... You're finally here..."

Shu Guoguo nodded, sat down by the bed, held back his tears and said, "Dad, don't think too much, I will always accompany you to get well..."

"Silly boy, dad knows he can't..." Shu Libin wanted to smile bitterly, but because his strength is too weak, he didn't succeed in the end. He can only see the muscles on his face shaking: "before leaving, I'll be satisfied to see you come..."

At this point, his head turned as if looking for someone. When he finally saw the clouds flying around his daughter's shoulder, a rare light of comfort flashed in his dim eyes and continued to say intermittently: "Guoguo, if you stay with him, Dad can rest assured... Dad hasn't taken care of you carefully for so many years. Now he regrets, but it's too late... He is sincere to you. Don't be capricious in the future. Live with him well, and dad can go safely..."

Is this really "when people are dying, their words are good"? When Shu Libin is about to come to the end of his life, does he finally know to make a final confession to his daughter?

Shu Guoguo couldn't help it any longer. Tears poured out like a surging spring. He cried and said, "Dad, stop talking, stop talking... Rest assured and recover..."

"Let me finish. I'm just waiting for you to say this..." Shu Libin became surprisingly stubborn at this time, turned his eyes and looked at Xiang Yun with difficulty, and said tremblingly: "Mr. Yun, I owe you a debt that I can't repay in my whole life. Just please treat my daughter well... She's really poor. I haven't received any love since I was a child. In the future, there's no family around me, only you..."

"Don't worry." Yun Feiyang hugged Shu Guoguo's trembling body, with a solemn and firm expression and a stable and powerful tone: "I told you earlier that Guoguo is my wife and the most precious woman in my life. I'd rather suffer myself than let her suffer a little."

"That's good, that's good..." Shu Libin breathed out a long breath tired, as if he finally put down a long-standing worry, the abnormal excitement on his face gradually faded, and slowly closed his eyes, corners of his eyes, and slipped down two muddy tears

Shu Guoguo called him again, and he didn't respond.

That night, Shu Libin's heart stopped beating and swallowed his last breath in the world.

Shu Guoguo cried to death and was heartbroken. However, when people die, they die. Even if the relatives left are painful and worried, they can't recover anything.

In the next few days, the affairs of Shu Libin were naturally handled by Yun Feiyang. Because Shuguo has been hit hard by this, it is like a flower that has lost moisture and nourishment, and there is no mind and energy.

However, she insisted on simplifying everything. Therefore, Shu Libin's funeral was very low-key. Few people knew about it except several subordinates arranged by Yun Feiyang.

Yes, dad didn't leave any good reputation when he was alive. After her death, she didn't want to publicize it. Simply settling down is perhaps his best destination

After the burial, there was a continuous drizzle in the overcast sky.

Yun Feiyang looked at the girl who was haggard and out of shape in just a few days and sighed heavily: "go back."

Shu Guoguo obediently prepared to leave with him, but at the moment of turning around, he saw a familiar figure that had not been seen for a long time, moving up the long stone steps.

Zhong Zian? Why did he come?

At that time, Zhong Zian was sentenced to three years' imprisonment for economic crimes. According to the term of imprisonment, it is still far from here. How can he appear here?

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