She could only say to the servant girl who brought the meal: "where's your prince? Let him come, and I'll negotiate with him!"

"Back to the princess, the prince was very busy, so he only told the maidservant to serve the princess for dinner." the little girl who delivered the meal replied tremblingly.

Meng Xiaoxiao was helpless and knew that he was completely under house arrest by Xiao Moxuan.

Xiao Moxuan never showed up. First, he was really busy. Second, he knew that he couldn't get Meng Xiaoxiao's good fruit when he came.

That night, Meng Xiaoxiao said to let him go three times in a row. It was also unbearable for a man like Xiao Moxuan who had always been high above. He is also a proud man. He never wants to be boring.

However, let him just let Meng Xiaoxiao go, that is absolutely impossible. In his heart, he had already regarded Meng Xiaoxiao as his own woman.

Although he hasn't really got it yet, for Xiao Moxuan, it's just a long war that needs time and endurance. Meng Xiaoxiao was unwilling to surrender and threatened to escape. He had to imprison her first.

He controls all this with his own thinking, but he doesn't know that for a modern girl like Meng Xiaoxiao with new ideas and new ideas. This kind of life without autonomy and like a golden bird in a cage is unbearable for a day. Moreover, it will be more disgusted with him.

Therefore, Meng Xiaoxiao has been struggling to find an opportunity to escape, and this opportunity was soon delivered to her.

The third night after that, in the dead of night, most people have fallen asleep safely. Only at this time will Meng Xiaoxiao be surrounded by no one else.

She sat under the lamp, thinking hard about how to leave here, and even faintly regretted that she didn't listen to Ning Feng's words that night and stubbornly returned to the wolf's nest. Now I'm under house arrest. It's even more difficult to go out again.

But suddenly I heard the window lattice ring, and a vigorous figure jumped in from the window.

"Ning Feng!" Meng Xiaoxiao exclaimed, looking at Ning Feng in black like a night knight in a TV play: "how did you come?"

"Xiaoxiao, how are you? I came to take you away." Ning Feng came over and held her hand. "I heard he locked you up. Do you want to stay here? Come with me, Xiaoxiao, I'm ready for everything."

"OK, I'll go with you. Xiao Moxuan is a madman!" Meng Xiaoxiao said without hesitation. If she was still hesitant before, now Xiao Moxuan's rude behavior completely made her decide to break away from him.

Yes, as long as she can get out of here now, she can't care about anything.

"Xiaoxiao, you finally agreed." Ning Feng was very surprised and hugged her excitedly: "it's not too late. What do you want to take? Clean up quickly and we'll go right away."

"Well, in fact, there's nothing to bring, just some small things." Meng Xiaoxiao nodded and asked, "how do you know I'm locked up by him?"

"He said it. Besides, I've been paying attention to your affairs." Ning Feng paused slightly and said in a low voice: "he came to me today."

"What is he looking for you for? Just to show off, he locked me up." Meng Xiaoxiao was a little strange.

"No, he just went to warn me that I can't provoke you anymore." Ning Feng smiled bitterly on his face, looked at Meng Xiaoxiao and said, "but I heard that after he locked you up, I can't sit still anymore. I'm sure I'll come to see you and take you away."

"Ning Feng, thank you. You've really brought me charcoal in the snow. I'm worried to death these days. The taste of canary is hard." Meng Xiaoxiao breathed out a faint breath and sincerely burst into a sweet smile: "when you come, you can take me out of the cage."

"Yes, I should thank you. Xiaoxiao, you are willing to go with me. I don't know how happy you are." Ning Feng couldn't help bending down his face, gently left a kiss on her smooth forehead and said gently, "I will make you happy."

Meng Xiaoxiao dodged a little uneasily and asked softly, "how can we go?"

"Come with me." Ning Feng said, took Meng Xiaoxiao's hand and walked out of the door together.

Coming under the courtyard wall of ziyuyuan, Ning Feng said, "Xiaoxiao, lean close to me and I'll fly you out."

Meng Xiaoxiao thought that she could finally experience the flying feeling of lightness skills. Suddenly, she was full of novel expectations and firmly grasped Ning Feng's clothes with both hands.

Ning Feng looked down at the docile woman leaning on his chest and smiled with a spoiled smile: "don't be afraid, it'll be fine in a minute."

After that, Ning Feng grabbed Meng Xiaoxiao's waist, pointed his toes to the ground and jumped. Meng Xiaoxiao only felt that her body was light. Her whole body had been lifted up by Ning Feng. In a twinkling of an eye, the two people had settled steadily outside the high courtyard wall of ziyuyuan.

"Wow, the lightness skill is so magical. I feel like an immortal." Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't help getting excited.

"Keep your voice down. Let's go quickly and be careful that someone comes." Ning Feng gently reminded Meng Xiaoxiao and said with a smile: "I can take you out of the palace wall later."

"Yes, we should go quickly. Xiao Moxuan is very cunning. I'm afraid he'll come suddenly." Meng Xiaoxiao also knows that this is not the time to chat, nods and says.

Holding hands, they were about to leave this dangerous place quickly. Suddenly they heard a gloomy sneer: "ha ha, you're right. I'm really cunning, so I've been here specially for a long time."

Meng Xiaoxiao and Ning Feng were still stunned. A handsome and tall figure had fallen into the air and firmly stood in front of them.

He stood there with his back to the darkness. The moonlight hit his beautiful and flawless face, and he could see the hostility and the clouds. And the killing spirit from his whole body was strong enough to kill several people with weak hearts.

Who is not Xiao Moxuan, who can make people cold and tremble at the bottom of their feet ten meters away?

Meng Xiaoxiao was in a panic and wanted to seek dependence. He couldn't help leaning against Ning Feng. Ning Feng quickly hugged her.

Coldly staring at the two people snuggling together, the haze at the bottom of Xiao Moxuan's eyes increased, and his hands on his side could not help pinching into fists. Deep black eyes stared at Meng Xiaoxiao's uncertain face with a sharp sword and ordered in a deep voice: "come here, Xiaoxiao."

"I don't..." Meng Xiaoxiao whispered two words and lowered his head with a guilty heart.

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