Hearing Meng Xiaoxiao's words, the handsome man who looked better than pan an was stunned and stared at her face like a study.

Obviously, he was surprised to meet such a woman in the street late at night. At the same time, he also had a certain vigilance.

"You saved me, I will always be grateful to you. Please, I don't want to die or become disabled." Meng Xiaoxiao said sincerely, and the whole person was close to dying.

She must seize the only chance to be saved, or she may really freeze to death here, or her left leg will be completely destroyed.

The handsome man didn't speak and still looked at Meng Xiaoxiao thoughtfully.

The thirst and sadness in the girl's black jade eyes made him unable to refuse. After a little hesitation, he finally bent down, stretched out his arms and gently picked her up.

When Meng Xiaoxiao lay in that strange but warm embrace, a sense of tranquility suddenly came to her face and wrapped her frozen body. She suddenly felt particularly safe and comfortable.

For a moment, many confused thoughts flashed vaguely in her mind.

Just follow a man casually. Is he a bad man?

No, you can't be a bad man if you are so handsome and elegant.

But it's hard to say. People can't judge by appearance. There are many gold and jade in the world, including hypocrites and good people. Isn't Xiao Moxuan handsome, too? But it's so bad.

However, at this point, she had no choice. Even if the person was a bad person, she recognized it. Life is above all else. Seize the straw in front of you first.

The dust settled in her mind, and all her consciousness dissipated. Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't support it anymore. She leaned weakly in the arms of a strange handsome man and fell into a coma

At this time, Xiao Moxuan came to the dungeon of the palace again.

He had just returned to the palace. The quarrel with Meng Xiaoxiao the night before made him feel confused, and his concern for Meng Xiaoxiao made him ignore his noble self-esteem. So, although Meng Xiaoxiao quarreled with him, he still came.

Even if she has such a bad temper, even if she tramples on his male dignity again and again. However, when he really fell in love with her, he was willing to tolerate her and bow his head to her first.

Entering Meng Xiaoxiao's room, Xiao Moxuan said before lighting the candle: "Xiaoxiao, I'm here again. I'm here to admit my mistake. You won't drive me away again."

The man lying on the bed and clothes got up and knelt on the ground with a "plop" and said tremblingly: "Lord, forgive me, it's a slave..."

The candle light "pa" suddenly lit up, and the whole room was bright.

Xiao Moxuan watched Gardenia kneeling on the ground in fear in Meng Xiaoxiao's clothes. His heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and his voice was cold and murderous: "where's the princess?"

"Gone..." Gardenia replied in a low voice. She didn't dare to look up at Xiao Moxuan.

"How dare you!" with a roar of anger, Xiao Moxuan threw the fire fold in his hand at zhi'er heavily and ruthlessly hit her low head.

Blood flowed down Gardenia's smooth forehead and dropped on the rough ground of the cell.

"I beg your pardon, miss. I left you a letter." Gardenia said in dismay, ignoring the pain in her forehead.

"Where is it?" Xiao Moxuan asked in a hurry. His heart was like a thousand hoofs and ten thousand horses galloping across. He had never been so uneasy.

Gardenia stood up, took out the letter left by Meng Xiaoxiao, presented it to Xiao Moxuan with both hands, lowered her head and stood nervously aside.

Xiao Moxuan quickly opened the letter and only looked at it. His face darkened, and his eyes were deeply hurt. At that moment, the heart seemed to be heavily picked up, heavily thrown to the ground and smashed.

Xiaoxiao, she really left. In this way, she left him completely without a trace of nostalgia.

She said that he did not love her, and she did not love him; She said that if he didn't have to find her, she wouldn't come back; She also said that she would never see him again

These words, like the sharpest dagger, inserted into Xiao Moxuan's heart one by one, making him feel pain even breathing.

At the moment, Meng Xiaoxiao's voiceless shadow, like the most vivid image, flits across his eyes, zooming in and deepening again and again.

He suddenly felt that the little girl he didn't care about at first, and then teased at will, didn't know when, had taken root in his heart, branded it, and couldn't pull it out anymore

Xiaoxiao, do you know? It's not that I don't love you. In fact, I already love you. Just, I haven't had time to say it to you, just, I don't think I need to say it to you

Xiao Moxuan thought bitterly and thought about it. He slowly put the letter away, folded it, put it in his arms, and then asked Gardenia: "how long has she been gone?"

"Back to the Lord, Miss Zishi left." Gardenia replied in a low voice.

"Did she say where she was going?" Xiao Moxuan asked again.

Although he knew that Meng Xiaoxiao would not leave him a clue to find if he was determined to go. However, I still couldn't help holding a glimmer of luck. Maybe Gardenia would know something.

"Miss didn't say, just said she wouldn't go back to the general's house." Gardenia said honestly.

Seeing that Xiao Moxuan was deeply hit, gardenia suddenly doubted whether it was right to spare no effort to help the young lady escape.

The Lord seems to care about the young lady very much. As soon as he came in, he said he had come to admit his mistake to the young lady. It seems that he is really good to the young lady now.

But he helped the young lady go away and let the young lady leave him. Maybe, I really did something wrong and did something bad with good intentions

Without saying a word, Xiao Moxuan strode out of his cell.

Out of the dungeon, looking at the guard still standing in front of the door, Xiao Moxuan said coldly: "the princess has left. What post are you standing?"

The guards were shocked, and Qi Qi knelt down: "Lord, forgive me. My subordinates are careless. I didn't expect that the princess would exchange clothes with zhier."

Xiao Moxuan was anxious to find Meng Xiaoxiao. He didn't care to talk to them more. He snorted coldly: "first, reflect on yourself here and wait for my king later."

Then he hurried away.

When he came to the study, Xiao Moxuan immediately called Xiao Fei.

"Lord, what can I do for you?" Xiao Fei knew there must be something urgent when he saw the Lord calling him so late.

"You should take more people and horses out at once and divide them into several roads to find the princess in various inns and corners of the capital. You can't miss every corner. Be sure to find the princess before dawn." Xiao Moxuan ordered in a deep voice, with a dignified face.

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