Xiao Motian looked at her face intently, determined that the girl was serious, and asked casually, "what's the second reason?"

Meng Xiaoxiao thought for a while and said haltingly, "there is... He abused me."

As soon as he said this, Xiao Mo looked at Meng Xiaoxiao carefully up and down the sky, and his expression was very funny: "he abused you? It's impossible. As far as I know, King Jing is the one who knows how to cherish fragrance and jade."

"Don't ask. In a word, I just can't get along with him and don't want to stay there anymore. If you still have a little compassion, don't tell him me here first." Meng Xiaoxiao interrupted Xiao Motian with a look of chagrin. He thought of the gratitude and resentment between her and Xiao Moxuan. He couldn't help being upset.

"Do you think you can always avoid him?" Xiao Motian looked at her with a serious look: "you can avoid him here for a while, but it's only a matter of time before he finds you by his means."

"Oh, let's talk about it then. Let me avoid it for a few days first." Meng Xiaoxiao sighed, and began to feel that it's not a long-term plan to escape from the palace. At least she can't do it. If she doesn't go back to the general's house, she will inevitably be involved with Xiao Moxuan.

"Well, I won't say you're here first." Xiao Motian whispered, and a faint smile flashed in his bright eyes: "now I'm a doctor, you're a patient, that's all."

"Thank you." Meng Xiaoxiao temporarily relaxed a little. His crisis passed, but he was worried about Gardenia again.

Xiao Moxuan said that. Would he really kill Gardenia?

Although the gardenia was illuminated by Xiao Fei Guan, maybe Xiao Moxuan was just bluffing and coaxing himself back.

However, he is so cruel and ruthless. If he really gets up and kills zhier recklessly, won't he be at ease all his life? All my life is destined to be tortured and tortured by conscience

Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't be more down-to-earth and couldn't help but advance a little: "big prince, can you do me another favor?"

"What?" Xiao Motian asked quietly.

"Help me secretly bring a letter to Xiao Moxuan. I want to protect my servant girl gardenia." Meng Xiaoxiao said earnestly, looking at Xiao Motian's eyes.

"Secretly bring a letter to him? How? Do you think this is a letter to ordinary people?" Xiao Motian gently raised his eyebrow and looked at her contemptuously: "who is he? Don't you know your own husband? As long as you leave a trace, I'm sure he will find you here."

"But I can't watch zhier have something to do. Big prince, I once saw that Wulin experts send a message. I used a dagger or dart to insert the letter on it and throw it on the door or wall with a whoosh. Do you think it's ok?" Meng Xiaoxiao thought and said that she had seen such a scene in a martial arts TV play, At this time, he wanted to take it out for Xiao Motian to use.

"Hahaha, you really have a lot of things in your head." Xiao Motian couldn't help laughing. Unexpectedly, Xiao Motian's princess would be such an interesting person: "good, good, Xiaoxiao, it seems that you have learned something from your man."

"I didn't learn from him." Meng Xiaoxiao blushed slightly and his big black eyes looked at Xiao Motian again. "Big prince, he's powerful, aren't you? If you want to help me deliver the letter, you must be able to deliver it to him without revealing any trace. Will you pass it for me?"

Xiao Motian meditated and didn't speak. His eyes were filled with emotions Meng Xiaoxiao couldn't understand.

Meng Xiaoxiao felt that there was a play, and took advantage of the situation to chase after him and said, "OK?"

This time, there was a little girl's coquetry in her voice, and her expression became charming.

Beauty trick, you can still use it when necessary.

Mother once told her that a woman's most powerful weapon is not quarrelling, but to whine appropriately. Most beautiful women show a delicate appearance, which most men can't resist.

Meng Xiaoxiao once despised these arguments, but now she doesn't know whether she has grown up or her mentality has changed. Suddenly felt that there was nothing to try. She was still very confident in her charm.

Sure enough, under Meng Xiaoxiao's plea, Xiao Motian's originally cold lines became soft, and his calm eyes gradually filled with a touch of visible tenderness: "OK, I'll help you."

"Thank you. I'll write to him now. Please help me to the desk again." Meng Xiaoxiao said happily and was about to get out of bed.

Xiao Motian pulled his lips helplessly. The girl commanded him, which seemed particularly logical. However, he couldn't refuse her, or he didn't want to refuse her.

He took care of Meng Xiaoxiao and got out of bed. Xiao Motian helped her to the desk and sat down.

Meng Xiaoxiao spread out the paper on the table, picked up the pen, thought a little, and buried himself in writing to Xiao Moxuan.

Xiao Motian stood aside and quietly looked at Meng Xiaoxiao's figure at his desk. His mind couldn't help but fluctuate.

She is really a very moving girl. Fresh, natural, frank, simple, full of a strange attraction.

Unlike Xiao Moxuan, Xiao Motian has never been interested in women. He is particularly picky about women, let alone pity fragrance and jade.

But facing Meng Xiaoxiao, he felt a little different. It seems that she doesn't resent her pointing fingers at herself, but is a little happy to serve her.

Otherwise, he, who had always been cautious, would not bring her back on that snowy night and heal her so carefully.

Is it because she is beautiful?

Er, it's not true... Although he doesn't ring around the swallow like Xiao Moxuan, he can read countless people. But I have seen many beautiful women, and there are many women who take the initiative to show kindness to him. They are graceful and graceful. It is impossible to be moved because a woman looks good.

Maybe it's all because Meng Xiaoxiao really likes him and just suits his taste. However, she is Xiao Moxuan's woman

Xiao Moxuan, he's really lucky. He takes all the good things... Xiao Motian's fists clenched involuntarily and sighed at the bottom of his heart.

"Prince, I've finished it." Meng Xiaoxiao put down his pen and interrupted Xiao Motian's chaotic thoughts.

"What do you write? Can I have a look?" Xiao Motian asked with a smile.

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