"Well, Xiaoxiao, can we stop discussing this problem?" Xiao Motian said positively, unwilling to talk about this topic any more. "I want to discuss something with you."

"What's up?" Meng Xiaoxiao saw that he suddenly used the word "discussion", and immediately felt solemn.

"Would you like to go to the Kong Ling mountain to heal?" Xiao Motian looked down at her quietly, his black eyes were gentle and deep: "I want to take you there."

"Go to Kongling mountain? Why do you want to go there suddenly?" Meng Xiaoxiao was stunned. Although she had long wanted to leave the capital, she was surprised to hear that Xiao Motian was going to take her to Kongling mountain.

"The air there is fresh and the scenery is as beautiful as a fairyland on earth. It is the best resort for healing. My master Taoist priest Tianxuan lives there all the year round. His skills of healing and saving people are many times higher than mine. Let him have a look at your legs. Maybe he can recover completely in less than three months." Xiao Motian said solemnly.

"Really? If I can get my legs back to normal earlier, of course I'll go." Meng Xiaoxiao said in surprise.

She can't walk these days. She has to rely on others for everything. She's almost bored. She dreams that she's standing up and running and jumping happily and freely on the ground.

Therefore, nothing makes her look forward to and yearn more than getting her legs better earlier.

"Then we'll leave tomorrow. If you go early, you can also receive master's treatment earlier." Xiao Motian looked at her gently and said softly, "your face, I'll restore it to you when you get there."

"OK." Meng Xiaoxiao readily agreed, and sincerely added, "great prince, it's very kind of you."

The girl's heartfelt words made Xiao Motian's eyes pass a gentle ripple, but it was fleeting and no one could notice it.

He opened his eyes and stopped looking at her. He just said, "have a good rest. I'll call you tomorrow."

Early the next morning, Meng Xiaoxiao and Xiao Motian left the capital and rushed to Kongling mountain.

On that day, Xiao Moxuan also made a special trip to the palace of the great prince after going down to the court.

Since he saw the little snow girl with a similar look to Meng Xiaoxiao in Tianshui accord, his heart was a little more confused. He always wanted to see the girl who caused the strange feeling in his heart again.

However, when he came to Hexing palace, he was told by the palace maid that the eldest prince had returned to Kongling mountain because of an emergency.

Xiao Moxuan regretted that he had to give up. After all, it was just a completely strange girl.

He felt that everything might be because he missed Xiaoxiao so much that when he saw a girl who was a little close to her, he subconsciously thought of her.

After a long journey of two days and one night, Meng Xiaoxiao and Xiao Motian finally came to Kong Ling mountain, a place she had heard of countless times.

The white snow also covers the steep cliffs. Chimonanthus chinensis is in full bloom, and green pines and cypresses are wrapped in snow. From a distance, the hazy top of the mountain is shrouded in a layer of gauze. It is shadowy. It is far and near in the misty clouds. It is like a few light inks on the blue horizon.

"It's really what you call a fairyland on earth." Meng Xiaoxiao gave a heartfelt praise.

"Ha ha, I knew you would like it here." Xiao Motian said with a smile.

Several attendants, carrying the slide pole already prepared, came up, and Xiao Motian helped Meng Xiaoxiao sit on it.

At the top of the mountain, I saw a towering and spectacular Temple standing in the middle of the mountain. Above the main gate of the temple, there were three vigorous and powerful characters "Kong Ling Temple".

Xiao Motian helped Meng Xiaoxiao down from the pole and helped her into the temple.

The whole temple was quiet, without Meng Xiaoxiao imagining the scene of small and medium-sized monks meditating and chanting scriptures.

She asked strangely, "Hey, why is there no one?"

"There are not many people here. My master is very picky about his disciples." Xiao Motian smiled and said.

Meng Xiaoxiao was arranged into a clean and tidy wing room. Xiao Motian restored Yi Rong's face to its original state for her, and then gave her a rest. He went to see his master Taoist priest Tianxuan first.

Meng Xiaoxiao had a good sleep. When she woke up, it was night. Night fell and it was dark.

A clever little Taoist brought her delicious dishes and rice and asked her to eat first. She said that the prince would come in a minute.

After a long time, Xiao Motian finally came in.

Seeing Meng Xiaoxiao sitting in a daze under the lamp, a touch of pity floated on his face and asked softly, "Xiaoxiao, aren't you used to coming here?"

"Very good. In fact, I'm used to it everywhere." Meng Xiaoxiao opened a frank smile and asked, "prince, when can your master treat me?"

"Right away, I'll take you there," said Xiao Motian, holding her to her feet. "Xiaoxiao, master will heal you. Maybe it will be heavier than me. Are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid. As long as I can get my legs up and walk early, I'm not afraid of anything." Meng Xiaoxiao said without hesitation, with a firm and calm face.

"Ha ha, Xiaoxiao, you are so brave." Xiao Mo said approvingly, with heartfelt appreciation in his eyes.

Xiao Motian helped Meng Xiaoxiao into an inner room of the hall. The indoor furnishings were simple and elegant, smoking sandalwood, giving people a very comfortable and concise feeling.

An old man with white hair and a childlike face sat in the room with his eyes closed, dressed in a moon white Taoist robe, white beard and a kind face. He looked like an independent old immortal.

"Master, I brought Xiaoxiao." Xiao Motian said softly.

Taoist priest Tianxuan slowly opened his eyes, and his bright eyes fell on Meng Xiaoxiao's face, gradually showing surprise.

"Hello, old fairy." Meng Xiaoxiao shouted timidly.

"Girl, please sit down." Taoist priest Tianxuan pointed to a mahogany chair in the room and said to Xiao Motian, "God, you go down first. In addition to the leg injury, I think this girl has some other doubts. I'll show her carefully."

Xiao Motian helped Meng Xiaoxiao to the chair and sat down. He smiled comfortingly at her and was about to lift his feet and leave.

Meng Xiaoxiao's heart was tense. In this white smoke curling room, she felt that she was talking about everything. She had an ethereal feeling. She couldn't help subconsciously grasping Xiao Motian's hand: "big prince, can you accompany me?"

"It's all right, Xiaoxiao. Don't be afraid. Shifu is always alone when he sees a doctor. It'll be all right in a minute. I'll wait for you outside." Xiao Motian said gently.

"HMM." Meng Xiaoxiao bit her lips and gently released her hand holding Xiao Motian tightly.

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